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Blog Entries posted by PIJIN

  1. PIJIN
    Well, to start off, its been one heck of a while since I've done one of these little blog entries, my last being about Canterlot, which (by the looks of things) was very well received, and I thank Manestream for answering all of my questions once again. Now onto something more important...can I REALLY keep calling this blog LM's Random Rambles? I mean I've changed my name at least 3 times since then. For continuities sake, I'll keep it the same.
    Anyway, I'm starting off the rebirth of this blog with something simple. My arting playlist, the music I listen to when I draw for countless hours on end. I have a huge playlist so I'm only going to cover 5 of my favorite songs.
    1. Discotheque (Disco Lady) - Nana Mizuki
    Yep, first on the list is this pop single. Its also the opening for a very popular anime called Rosario + Vampire. It has a very catchy tune and while its slowly than most of the music I listen to, its still an awesome tune.
    2. I Feel Fine!! - Tsunku
    Next is a gem of a song from the VERY underrated Rhythm Heaven games. Its a very catchy tune, as usual and, yes, while in Japanese, its just get over all to listen to. A real head bopper. The guitar is amazing, vocals are awesome (especially while playing the game) Its a real reminiscent song.
    3. Parov Stelar - Booty Swing
    No, its not a song about plots. It's made by the same guy who made Catgroove. I'm not sure why name the title something like that, but hey. It is however a swing song, sort remixed with record scratches here and there It even has that old school white noise sound over it to give it a real old school American gangster days sound. It also has a lot of piano and brass instruments, which I'm a huge sucker when played correctly.
    4. Laser - Banvox
    Alright, giving credit where credit is most definitely due. Thanks to BrainedBySaucePans for introducing me to this VERY addicting song in one of his usual streams. It would be higher on the list, but after around 90 straight hours of listening it got old. Its an electronica song, a genre I'm not partiullarly interested in, but after listening to this I'm way more open to it then before.
    5. Core Pride - UVERworld
    Another anime opening, this time from a really awesome one called Blue Exorcist. Nothing really out of the ordinary here, except its just a great listen.
    Now there are a LOT more songs that I could put on this list, but these are just the ones that get me in the mood to draw the most. I'm not saying that one is better than the other. Well, it's good to get back to this, hope you guys enjoy and check out some of these songs, at the very least "Laser" even if you're not into electronica. Yeah, I know this entry was a bit more personal than the others, but I'll cover a more broader subject next time.
  2. PIJIN
    So I've been perusing some of the older threads on Canterlot and I got myself thinking, I have a lot of questions about Canterlot that I really can't find the answer to myself. So I thought I'd list them here, not with hopes that they would be answered, but just to get out my curiosity.

    Who are the Old Mods?
    Why was Canterlot.com not G rated for a while and who made the change?
    Is the anypony higher than Artax?
    Why can I not grasp the true power of a moderator?
    Where do all the Help Staff, Mods, Admins, etc. fit into the Canterlot.com story?
    If Manestream is "Celestia's Adviser" then who is "Celestia?"
    Whats with the weird Princess Celestia Admin Bot?
    What's the story with some of the banned users, like Angie Cakes?
    Canterlot. Y U SO ADDICTIVE?
    Who the heck is Tam?!
    What was Old Canterlot like?
    Who as the first member of Canterlot? Who was the first RP Helper, etc?
    When did Canterlot begin?

    Actually, thinking about it, I think Canterlot started sometime in March of 2011 (don't ask me about my reasoning behind picking the date). That being said, I joined on 6 Nov 2011, which means I was 8 months behind its creation and stuff that happened. Adding on to that, the time from sometime in November until I believe June sometime. In actuality, I've only been on Canterlot (regularly) for about 4 months (give or take) Which means I've missed out on A LOT....
  3. PIJIN
    Yep thats right, I've got a DO-TO list, because all those stupid To-Do list are over rated and make me feel like I've actually gotta do stuff! (I know right, a to do list, telling you you've gotta do something, what the-?) Anyway, I could scour the depths the other many threads all have stuff to do as well as a a few thins I do off Canterlot, but I'e decided to just condense it all into one blog entry that everyone can take a gander at, and hopefully laugh. Most of if has to do with drawing (go figure right?) so a lot of my activities will be related i some way to me siting at my desk and drawing something for somepony. Anyway, on to the list, and my [colour=#ff0000]red text'd commentary of some of it![/colour]
    The Request Thread:

    [colour=#FF0000]Oh man, sometimes I want to punch myself with a spiked glove. I close for like a week maybe two top (because you know, estimates are all the rag[/colour][colour=#FF0000]e now a days) come back and I get like a score (however much that is, [/colour][colour=#FF0000]because[/colour][colour=#FF0000] you know, [/colour][colour=#FF0000]looking[/colour][colour=#FF0000] up definitions are over rated) more request out of bucking no where! Now with the time I put into request these days about 5+ estimate which means for each tier of three I'm dishing out 15+ hours over the course of 1..2...3..4 DAYS! Not to mention all the boring school drawing I've got to do.[/colour]

    The Blog:

    [colour=#ff0000]Another top thing on my do-to list, is the Ask Autumn and Harvest Moon Tumblr blog, also co-mod'd by QuickLime. I spend about 1+ hours on post at varying days (updates stall A LOT) and when I do, they don't really seem to get us any followers. Being the artistic part of the blog is really hard and I feel like I still don't give the blog enough love.[/colour]


    [colour=#ff0000]Needless to say, oh MAN school sucks! Having to wake up 4 HOURS before class starts just to COMMUTE to the school is a (insert word of choice here.) I mean come on, its bad enough I gotta lug one of these around
    Mondays and Wednesdays, but the bus fare is 50 bucks a week! Transportation. Either I'm doing it wrong, or America just REALLY love their bus money because they won't drop the price on that sports car I want so-so much...[/colour]



    [colour=#ff0000]Oh yes, the lazy man's favorite past time and certainly my favorite activity above all else. You know why, because you can procrastinate doing ANYTHING. On Canterlot, cooking a meal, sitting, sleeping, shaving, playing video games, WHATEVER. But sadly, I don't have enough hours in the day for it because I've got other stuff to do (like procrastinate). I mean, I actually gotta DO stuff. Now I know that makes me seem like a lazy colt, but I mean come on who hasn't wanted a day to just eat Krispy-Kream Donuts in bed while watching endless anime on Netflix?[/colour]

    Beating Jet Set Radio HD

    [colour=#ff0000]Bottom line, I love Jet Set Radio. The quirky cast of characters, the music, [/colour][colour=#ff0000]Tokyo-to, Professor K spitting lines while I skate and spray. But you know, there's always that one (insert word of choice here) that prevents you from being the game. In this case, when you have to use Combo or which one he is, to race Beat in chapter 2. Now, there's a clear problem with the mix up. He's to FREGGIN' BIG.[/colour]
    [colour=#ff0000]I mean, compared to this guy, (Beat, the glasses kid) he moves as fast as a stick of butter down a hill! It's IMPOSSIBLE. i'm calling it now, IN-POSS-I-BRU. This game, this level is the BANE of my existence. I can't...sniff...can't do it, man...It's just, that snore-gobbler Beat is being a flank and...[/colour]
    [colour=#000000]So anyway, I hope you enjoyed this...really weird, yet short of list of the random junk I have to do. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to o try beating Jet Set Radio! Again...for about the 24th time...[/colour]
  4. PIJIN
    Okay, so it ISN'T in HD, and the quality of the darkness sucks majorly, but thats not the point! Decided to treading new territory and record my experiences as said noob, (because screenshots are overrated) There's absolutely no audio, but enjoy nonetheless. I might do commentary someday, only if you guys want me to. -w-) I decided to start recording a ways in, so sorry about that,

  5. PIJIN
    Well if you couldn't already tell by my numerous status updates about the efficiency of UPS, I've been long overdue for a Friendship is Magic "Favorite Collection." After receiving notice that I had to pick it up, I furiously stomped all the way to my local mail center, but once I got that bad boy in my hand I was sweeter than Pinkie Pie covered in caramel! For about the first few hours I didn't open the box, simply looking at it, but my Brony instincts kicked in and I had to get a taste at what I was waiting for for about 2 weeks.
    Immediately I see Nightmare Moon, getting a space of her own in this Collectors Series of ponies, her rightful place. Maybe she'll get her own cereal...yeah. Nightmare O's!

    Turning it over however I almost died. "Okay, who's in here...Rainbow Dash, Trixie Lulamoon, DJ-Pon 3, Pinkie Pie, Nightmare Moon. Oh! And of course, Lemony Gem and Flower Wishes!" Wait..WHO?!
    Taking a look at these rather strangely colored ponies I noticed that there just random recolors rip-offs of Rarity and Pinkie Pie, but more importantly TRIXIE'S OTHER NAME IS "LULAMOON!?" WHAT THE HECK HASBRO! I will admit that its a pretty cool secondary...last name thing, but come on. You gotta make it canon! Just about everything in this pack is canon perfect (save for Vinyl Scratch's glasses design, but I can live with that, maybe she changes the on a daily basis.), I see this and I'm just like...

    Anyway, all in all, great buy, and I will be getting Celestia and Twilight Sparkle and a few other ponies in the future. Roll Nightmare Moon pictures! (Let me know who you want to see pics of next and I'll get on that! )

    Oh yeah, apparently Flower Wishes is Daisy in the show, but called the later in some merchandise...no idea why she looks like Pinkie Pie, but...OKAY! As for Lemony Gem and the Rarity look...

    I don't see the resemblance... ._____.
  6. PIJIN
    Ah, Minecraft. At a glance you simply look like a suckish game nopony would want to play. But after only a few minutes of playtime I realized you're more than that. I realize you're really nightmare fuel for little kids that so happen to cross your path or blocky terror.
    I recently obtained a copy of Minecraft for the PC thanks to the enticing nature of Bellosh101 and immediately I started it up. After some technical difficulties, I finally was plopped into the game.
    (I apologize for not having screenshots of my earliest moments in Hel...I mean Minecraft.)
    Soon after I began to gather materials from trees and of course I began to get dark. Now even if you don't play or even like Minecraft you have to know what happens after it gets dark, the freaks come out...and not the good kind. I planned to barricade myself in a hole until morning, but that didn't happen as I heard a growl and guess who's behind me? No, not Slenderman, but the creeper! Joy! After going nom nom on y face and knocking out a few of my hearts I began to leg it to some random location. I came across a cave, and good thing I got all that wood, because I barricaded myself inside that cave.

    Of course, Bellosh being the bearer of bad news tells me that won't keep the creeps out. So I begin to dig that hole where I would cower in fear until morning. Of course, in Minecraft nothing is as it seems! Thinking the cave was closed from the other side completely was a mistake as zombie comes rushing at me from behind.

    Barely noticing him, I actually manage to escape him without losing any life and I leg it farther into the cave for all its worth >.>

    Somehow, off screen apparently, I picked up an axe and a few other goodies to help me on my death quest.

    I eventually come across this deep chasm with water (WTF?) flowing through it, Not wanting to go back and say hello to my personal flesh eater, I decide to take the plunge.

    At the bottom of the tunnel...thing...I see this... Yep! Good ol' magma! Because Minecraft hates noobs, and especially me by the looks of it!

    Thinking I could make a fast escape, I go deeper into the tunnel only to realize how bucked I was. Magma in front and the face muncher at the top. Great!
    I finally resigned to my fate and went back to the zombie and climbed back up the tunnel I dropped down into. (again sorry for no screen caps) Eventually I died, and that's where we'll end this Minecraft story time.
    Next time, I'll be taking on the Nether!
  7. PIJIN
    I know its been a while since I've rambled on anything. So, I have something to show you all today...feast your eyes, on THIS!
    Okay, so you probably already knew about this, but heh. Pretty cool right?
    It was moving so fast in the episode that I didn't notice it until maybe the fourth time of watching it.Another reason this may not have been seen is because bright colors attract the eye.
    ( True Story)
    The MLP teams amazing foreshadowing techniques are subtle...so subtle in fact, I had to watch it four times before I noticed it.
  8. PIJIN
    Just an opposing force to my other negative post.
    A lot of people come to love MLP:FiM because of memes, but people outgrow memes, and no brony has outgrown MLP. These guys really do appreciate the show for its writing, stories, etc. Also a major factor is the fact that bronies are tearing down a sociological barrier between the sexes that could not occur until MLP was cool enough to do it. Because FiM does not wallow in girly cliches, but actually develops characters and creates real emotion, bronies are able to declare that this show is worth watching, despite its predecessors' reputations. Just as girls have gradually been increasingly inclined toward more realistically masculine things than the original MLPs, so guys are realizing that sometimes, its okay to be a friend, and not JUST a bro. That so many dudes support it so vivaciously is because they are a cultural movement that want's to make its voice heard, not just people saying they like it, ironically, when they really don't.
    No, it's not a bandwagon thing, or even that we think it makes us "cool(Even though we are the most awesome ;])" We watch it because the show has good writing; realistic, three-dimensional, funny and relatable characters; good plots and morals that a lot of adults need to learn, good music, and a good animation style.
    Now, if you'll notice, these are all subjective things. In the world of art, there's no ultimate authority on whether something is good or bad. As good entertainment is subjective, sometimes someone's going to like a show, a book, a song, or whatever, sometimes someone's going to like something and you'll just never understand why they like it so much.
  9. PIJIN
    So this question is constantly asked by some of my friends. I really don't have a response for them because I don't see how somepony can hate a show that promotes love and tolerance. I mean you don't have to like the show, but don't hate it.
    I used to think that it was because a lot of guys aren't really comfortable with their sexuality. They live under the constant belief that they can't be seen doing anything even the remotest bit girly, and must forever be the manliest man who ever manned.
    If you look anywhere you can always find a hater or 30 (million) who will toss out an insult and a half at you for even putting the initials of this glorious show.
    I've been reading many questions and responses on the internet pertaining why people hate My Little Pony. Everyone of the responses I've seen is because they're cold, heartless people who are closet bronies or they didn't give the show a chance. They also go on about how many men think It's not "masculine" to watch a show that has ponies in it, which is partly true.
    Well, here's a REAL reason that probably a few people don't like MLP: (Courtesy of my Non-Brony friend)
    "Here's the reason as to why I dislike the show and before you jump and try to claw my face off for dissing Twilight Sparkle I gave it a chance, I watched the first 4 episodes.
    The reason I don't like MLP along with many other people is because most people don't actually care about it. I have nothing against the show personally, but when fans of the show begin to come into forums and threads and preaching or referencing MLP, people get pissed, especially if their thread had nothing to do with it. The point is, people would rather not hear about it but the fandom forces it down peoples throats. The brony community also thinks they're a special fandom that's unique from all others (which is kind of true with EVERY fandom) but they're not. At the heart of it, It's still just a fandom.
    For example: people would rather not hear nor care if someone's homosexual, because they think It's stupid or they think they should be treated with more respect because they're homosexual. The bronies have this same mentality. They believe because they watch MLP and preach it, they have to be treated special but in reality, most people really don't care about it."
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