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Posts posted by PIJIN

  1. RPBanner3.png?t=1352625083

    Autumn Moon quickly grabbed White Feather's face, squeezing her cheeks together. [colour=#daa520]"But that's just it!"[/colour] He said point to the cherry blossoms. They were being blown in from all directions, although the wind wasn't blowing nearly hard enough to blow them this far off. The tree was south of their location, yet the blossoms were being blown in from everywhere, but they had only seen one cherry tree. The one they saw was so easy to spot, that if there were any others they would have found them easily. [colour=#daa520]"There's something wrong with that tree, Feather."[/colour] He watched as White Feather trotted farther out of the tent. [colour=#daa520]"Wait! What if you start reacting strangely again, don't go out there!"[/colour]

  2. RPBanner3.png?t=1352625083

    [colour=#daa520]"It smells like the blossoms from before..."[/colour] Autumn poked his head out of the tent and looked towards the sky. Small cherry blossom petals floated from up above the tree tops to the forest floor below. A few petals landing in Autumn's mane. [colour=#daa520]"What-what are THESE doing here?"[/colour] Autumn adopted a shocked look as more petals began to spread over the area. [colour=#daa520]"White Feather..I think we may have a problem..."[/colour]

  3. Okay, Twi is done. It's just pencil sketches tonight. Usually I go digital. I don't have scanner access till morning so enjoy a bad photo for now!

    Also, I despise drawing books, so due to laziness, I went a little "creative" (aka lazy) with your idea.

    That was my warm up, time to get serious! :razz:

    Meh, still looks awesome! Thank you!

  4. RPBanner3.png?t=1352625083

    Autumn gave a small[colour=#daa520] 'humph'[/colour] and looked away as White Feather lightly kissed him. Well, he guessed he was getting his just desserts after making her blush all the time. [colour=#daa520]"Your not funny."[/colour] Autumn said in an annoyed tone,yet he eagerly nuzzled White Feather back. She seemed more active than before back at the tree, which was a good thing...hold on. [colour=#daa520]"White Feather, do...do you smell that...?"[/colour]

  5. RPBanner3.png?t=1352625083

    [colour=#daa520]"A-I um..."[/colour] Autumn stuttered as he blushed. He quickly turned away from White Feather to hide his ever growing blush. He had always been the one to make White Feather blush, never the other way around! He could hear her giggling lightly in that usual dainty voice. [colour=#daa520]"Stupid, White Feather..."[/colour] Autumn rubbed his hot hooves together then touched them to his cheeks. He could still feel White Feather's kiss on them, almost like it was embedded into his caramel coat.

  6. Hmm, I would generally like to see examples first, but as I won't have anything to trade (no art skills here... :razz:), I might as well make a request now while I can. :)

    I'd like you to draw one of my OCs, if you can. I'll give you a choice of three; feel free to pick any one of them you want: Serendipitiy, Starless Shroud or Arcana. Images of all three exist on their profiles. Take as much inspiration from those as you like, or go off of my words if you prefer. Up to you. :)

    Thanks! ;)s much inspiration from those as you like, or go off of my words if you prefer. Up to you. :)

    Thanks! ;)

    Heh, I beat a Time Wizard by 5 minutes :razz:

    • Like 1
  7. I call firsties!

    (Also inb4 Kryptchild Sccootabelle post. :20: )

    How about Twilight surrounded by a lot of books with a content smile on her face? :3 Pretty please, and thank you if you accept my request.

    As for the art trades, well, I'll have to see I kind of have a ton of my own request to do :sleep: So I wouldn't be able to get to it... If you could wait until maybe next week that would be great.

  8. RPBanner3.png?t=1352625083

    Autumn reared back as White Feather licked his cheek. [colour=#daa520]"W-what was that for?"[/colour] He suddenly went quiet as he listened to her rather awkward question. He blushed a bit as he opened his mouth to answer, but all that came out was a girlish squee to which Autumn quickly covered his mouth with his hooves. [colour=#daa520]"W-w-w-w-what do I do taste like?" [/colour]He questioned , fully knowing the answer would only worsen the already awkward situation...

  9. Really? :roll:

    You two are quite dominating the topic. Therefore, since not much changed since last time I was here, I'll go for LM if you don't mind Link.

    Catchy quote, although in unknown circumstances. Guess it's similar to BBS' quote. Though I find Folarin cut both from bottom and top a bit out of place. Unless it would be a dramatic zoom onto eyes, it a bit breaks the effect imo. Gains a strong 4.23 :mad:

    Yep, it just depends how I feel. I can always go back and change it to a different score if thats the problem. :shifty:

    I don't see why I can't post as much as I like here, almost nopony else does and that most likely is because their signatures don't change very often. Me on the other hoof change it (and my avatar) constantly, and would like feedback, so I post here. (You can it expect my sig to change by the time you look at this :geek: )

    I like her much more after the season 3 premiere I think it would look a bit better if the sig was longer and has a quote located in itself. All three lines used, but I don't really like how the second is split by the banner.

    All in all, 4/5 Because Rarity.

    Yes, It will be a running theme ;)

  10. RPBanner3.png?t=1352625083

    He sighed heavily as White Feather recovered from her strange sleep. Autumn looked at her as she nuzzled him. [colour=#daa520]"I think I should go check out that tree tomorrow."[/colour] Autumn said as he flopped down next to White Feather, quickly removing his bows and letting his mane down. [colour=#daa520]"I'm curious to see why the smell affected you, but not me..."[/colour]

  11. RPBanner3.png?t=1352625083

    Autumn rubbed White Feather stomach as she murred. [colour=#daa520]"I don't know why something like that would happen...maybe there's some type of allergy you have thats inside the tree..."[/colour] Autumn looked back in the direction of the tree and sighed. [colour=#daa520]"I don't think we should go back there, well...YOU shouldn't go back there...I don't want you exposed to whatever is causing you to get sleepy."[/colour] He stroked her mane as she smiled endearingly at him, she was so innocent, yet she had lived a hard life, he would try and fix that.

  12. RPBanner3.png?t=1352625083

    Autumn grabbed White Feather as she fell into him, hugging him tightly. He watched as she closed her eyes, and began to snore lightly. He gently nudged her, she was awake for the most part, albeit barely. Autumn Moon heaved the pegasus onto his back and quickly trotted back through the entrance to the tree. He wasn't sure why, but whatever the tree was doing caused White Feather to have some weird reaction. The two quickly arrived back at their camp only a few minutes away from the tree. Autumn entered their tent and laid White Feather on her sleeping bag. [colour=#DAA520]"White Feather, are you all right? How are you feeling?" [/colour]

  13. Bump


    Also, I won't be starting the new request until I'm done with the old one's, they shouldn't take to much time since I've been working on these for a while. If there are any more details or changes anypony wants to make to their request then please post them now, because once I start on a request I won't stop to do a check up on this thread to see if some random detail has been added/edited.

    If there are any questions or concerns please let me know here or in a PM (its probably in the OP as well), i'll get to you as soon as possible. Another thing, I won't be starting request until after Wednesday (That's North American - Eastern Standard Time if you live anywhere else)

    Thanks for everypony's cooperation on this as well as your patience!

    Also If you haven't read the OP then I suggest you do so. ;)

  14. RPBanner3.png?t=1352625083

    [colour=#daa520]"Its so peaceful here, I can see why you might get sleepy..."[/colour] Autumn Moon sniffed the air as it began to fill with the scent of cherry blossoms. The wind picked up, scattering hundreds of the petals down onto the forest floor. He yawned as he looked around the dark interior of the tree, the only light source coming from the gaping door shaped hole at the front of the tree. [colour=#daa520]"White Feather, how are you feeling...?"[/colour]

  15. Oh! Well, I do charge for some of my work, but as of right now I do not. I only charge on the bigger pieces and right now I have my basic pieces. Your request thread is beautiful by the way, so as of right now requests? I suppose?

    Ah, alright thank you for clearing that up. When you said shoppe I assumed it was commissions only, even a bit of the wording in your OP seemed to suggest it to me. I was interested in seeing some of your commission work if you have any for display, especially the watercolor.

    Thank you, :) I've been doing this for only a little while, but it is quite fun, even if at times a bit hectic. I wish you great times with your own thread. Sorry about not requesting anything, I think I'll give others a chance to get in on the action here.

  16. RPBanner3.png?t=1352625083

    Autumn chuckled, [colour=#daa520]"Oh? So since when were we getting married?"[/colour] He trotted over to her, lifting up her bangs to look into her brown eyes. [colour=#daa520]"Or maybe you have a future planned out that I don't know about?"[/colour] White Feather looked at him shyly, and he simply gave her a peck on the lips, casually walking away to explore the rest of the tree.

    "Well, it certainly wouldn't be a bad idea." Autumn Moon said rubbing a hoof over the wood of the interior of the tree. [colour=#daa520]"Its certainly stable enough, I wonder how this tree formed like this in the first place. It seems so out of place here..."[/colour]

  17. Hey LM

    Could you make a sig for me?

    Nothing special just a banner, standard size, with the words Midnight Blackhorn in a cool font.

    Other than that, run with it creativity wise. I'm intrested to see how it'll turn out.

    Thanks man!


    No problem! ;)

    I'm assuming you want to go with th box signature with the entire space used? Or a little something different like I have below?

  18. Lord LovinMoonlight,

    I doubt I have to introduce myself. I must admit, it's a great honor to you that I'm posting here. Enough of small talks though, let's get down to business.

    I have a task for you, good lord. Since I have recently discovered of how great importance culture and art is in diplomacy, assuming we're not at war what happens rarely, I've decided to teach some of my vassals in this art. Nevertheless, I require something to start with.

    There is one matter of maybe not significant importance, but I'd express my gratitude for helping me out. Remember, the Lannisters always pay their debts. You'll get filled in soon.


    Sir Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport and Warden of The West.

    Yes, of course. What my lord's trying to say... There is a certain request I'd like to ask you. Let's see...

    Seeing how this is the very first request I've ever made, I doubt you'll get any additional references except the application itself. I'd be most pleased to see Rising Star attending a Running of the Leaves event. I have a general depiction of this already, but it may come under discussion, I prefer cooperation rather than demands. Anyway, I was hoping you could show her in perspective, running somewhere towards the right-lower corner of the pic along the path with leaves falling around her. I always saw her physique similar to that of Fleur. Meaning, taller than others and slim at once, with those big pointy eyes. Would be nice to see her mane and tale flowing on the wind behind her, and she should be having fun while running. As for her colour scheme, there are some exact written in application, although it'd be better to follow the ones in the PCreator picture :)

    Feel free not to consider this request too important. My patience when it comes to favors I ask others to do is legendary, especially if it's only about my vanity ;D

    Nevertheless, if you don't want to pick on this request, I'll turn it to somebody else. No pressure at all.

    I dunno about "Lord" but, okay!

    Of course I accept, its sounds hard and it also seems like you have an idea of how you want this to be in your head which I believe will lead to a lot of corrections or changes. But nonetheless, sure!

    Off the record, the longest I procrastinated with a drawing someone wanted was 4 years and going strong, I never started it. :razz: I saw this peron everyday as well so you can imagine the awkwardness.

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