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Posts posted by PIJIN

  1. Adorable baby dashie is adorable. Although baby Twilight would make me jump off a cliff with balloons tied to my waist and thirty cute stuffed animals taped to my body.

    Also, is it me, or is there a fist coming out of that compelling man's beard. O.o

    So it's decided, were Brothers in the city of Canterlot. Huzaa

    I love all types of music, especially dubstep if done right it can be awesome how bout u?

    Any and all, rock, metal, foreign. I really like Anarchy in The UK by Smex Pistols, um, Aoi Hana which is the opening for this anime named Casshern Sins. I like Panic! At the Gala....I mean Disco. I like Arctic Monkeys, and any band you can think of. Even Video Game OST, Jet Set Radio, No More Heroes, and Bayonetta.

    I know you weren't talking to me but this convo was way to good not to respond.

  2. Ill play anything that has a compelling story or just blow sh*t up :D and high replay value is a good one for me, how bout you rainb00m?

    So maybe Bioshock is more your speed or even Skyrim? Prototype?

    How about COD titles? I know they don't have replay value in their story modes nor are they compelling. But, hey, you can blow stuff up!

  3. Oh you saw Ballad of the Brony too! Loved that video! Welcome to this lovely city of Canterlot! How tough are yah, I mean...enjoy your stay! Heh, you sound like you could be my little brother! I'm Lovin'(Laveen) Moonlight, an artist on the site. I hope you enjoy your stay here in Canterlot.

  4. Sorry for sparking drama in your thread LM, It's just that some of my best friends are artists, and I get protective when I see what I interpret as Demanding behavior!

    We've all seen the episode where Rarity keeps getting demands for her dresses/ Changes made after she offered and WELL

    -hugs LM-

    I don't want you to turn into a crazy cat lady!

    Nah, don't worry about it, I understand. I did say I'd accept just about any request so I sort of brought it on myself.

    (Hugs back) Thank you as well, I wouldn't want to be a crazy cat LADY. O.o Especially if I have to go through a gender swap.

    • Like 1
  5. Whoa! A lot more request I see, how can this be?! Thank you all who have enjoyed my work thus far and everyone who requested something, I'll give you a proper answer and add you to the list and ask for any more details later when I get to my laptop. That won't be for a while though. :(

    I'd do it at this moment, but quoting on tapatalk sucks.

    Sorry for the wait, everypony!

  6. I am currently looking for other bronies to play with since it sucks playing most games I own alone.

    my name is SuddenMadness6

    Well I'm late to this thread party. Any virtual cake left? :D

    I have both PS3 and Xbox (Wii to, but It sucks to be honest) My GT is ToTaleFATELx. Oh yeah, warning now: If we play with my clan there's this one guy who spaz's ALOT. you've BEEN WARNED.

    I play Halo Reach, Black Ops, MW3, Bioshock and more.

  7. Hey, i know you are quite swamped and i don't mind waiting a while but could you draw Luna eating crayons and glue?

    It's an inside joke xD Don't judge :3

    Of course! Its alright, I'll take any and all request. Actually I ought to explain how my waiting list process works now that I have so many request. The list is only for formality now, so that I know what people want without having to browse through sections of the thread. I get to people's request depending on the request I'm working on at the time. If I'm working on hand drawn images that don't require a computer, I'll go ahead and try to get to all the hand drawns at the same time.

    Of course I try to stick to the list because people have been waiting very patiently for their work, but sometimes its just convenient for me. :D

  8. Could you do a piece for me as a coverart for my fanfic "Surviving the Drought"?

    If so, I would likethe mane6+spike to be standing at the edge of a river which is completely dried up (saddened expressions). I'd like the words "Surviving the Drought" To be writen at the bottom right corner, i want dried up and dead trees filling the background, except for the top part, which would be the sky. The sun should be blistering red, and on the left side of the image. On the right side of the sky i want the moon (NOT interrupting daylight) with a silhouette of Discord in it.

    If it isn't too much?

    Of course! I've already added you to the list. I'll try and bump you a bit and work on it along side other request so you can get it up on your fic as soon as possible.

    Edit: Oh yeah! Whats the picture size for FanFiction's covers? I forget. :P Oh do they not have one?

  9. Due to a side effect of his curse, his eye changes color due to mood. the most common are red for angry, blue for calm, white for fear, and black for malice. Yin Yang is the symbol of balance, and when he has no radical feelings, the white and black melt together and begin to slowly circle into a yin yang.

    Ah okay! I get it, now thank you for explaining. I'll work on it as soon as I'm done with the others!

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