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Everything posted by Imagination

  1. No amount of songery can ever... umm... Screw it. I love you. And I don't need no fancy pantsy song to say it! *sage*
  2. So... hungry... Your face when there's no TP in the bathroom... but you realize it when it's TOO LATE...
  3. Hmm... It seems my love campaign has yet to begin. Otherwise you would've been stricken down by your own conflict of interests by now. You'd start to love, but you don't have time for love. There's insanity to be had. But loving everythign is just about the craziest thing one could do. This indecisison would... nay... WILL break you. And when it does, I'll be there. To love you.
  4. You love Dashie as much as I do! That makes you especially awesome.
  5. Drink Powerthirst with Rainbow Dash and powerspawn babies, so many babies! 400 BABIES! Give shocklate to your babies and they'll be good at SPORTS! It'll make them run ABNORMALLY FAST! They'll run as fast as KENYANS, people will see them running and think they're KENYANS and they'll run agianst actual KENYANS and then there'll be a tie and they'll be deported back to KENYAAAAAAA.
  6. A sparrow? The one that was with Colton when he arrived? He imagined it must be domesticated, but he wasn't entirely sure how Pony Joe would feel about it being in the shop. Then again he didn't know much about Pony Joe himself to begin with, having only visited this place once before. About to inquire, his attntion was turned to Holly where she pointed out a bird by her cart. Ever the curious one, he took a look himself, but could neither confirm nor deny that it was indeed the sparrow the pegasis was looking for. With that out of the way, and a place to sit being decided, he went with the others to the table and took an empty seat. This was turning out to be an interesting day, indeed! He came to Canterlot to draw a portrait, ran into Gladwin, met another pony who had apparently grown up in his lands, met a pegasis with possibly a pet bird, and now they were about to have dougnuts together! But of course Holly had raised so many questions in the unicorn's mind! What was the Griffon's culture like? Their holidays? Their mannerisms? What was the education system like? What about transportation, seeing as the majority of the population had wings? He probably wouldn't get around to asking such questions... or most of them anyway, but between Gladwin and Holly he was likely going to get an education on the Griffon way of life. For now he listened contently, looking to whoever was speaking with his apt attention.
  7. At this current moment in time I am plotting a mighty campaign of love against Fawkes! A great crusade of compassion and understanding, and all are not loving enough to stop it! It will consume all, and everyone will love everything! Or be loved relentlessly...
  8. YOU... YOU DARE QUESTION MY LOVE?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!!??!?!?
  9. He looked to Colton and Holly, following them on in the shop after introductions, invitations and pleasentries were out of the way. Well almost, other than a "Thank you" to the Griffin as he passed the gentleman holding the door open for them. Never hurt anyone to be polite, right? Other than that he seemed to stick close to the Griffin, being a bit more familiar with him than the other two... though in the grand scheme the three of them were still pretty much strangers to him. Though he did have some questions in mind for icebreakers to actually get to know them when conversation kicks back up. At last, inside the shop they were! It was moderately busy, being the middle of the day. Pony Joe himself was wiping off the counter, a few hard-hatted ponies were in the corner eating and shooting the breeze, a burst of laughter leaving them now and then. Other than that, the activity was just a few other ponies probably just taking advantage of break time. The stallion behind the counter gave the group a wave and a hospitable smile. "Hey there! Go on and sit anywhere ya like, I'll be with ya in a sec." Of course there were planty of places to go to, but of course it seemed he was going to defer to the others in terms of where tey wanted to plant themselves for the afternoon.
  10. He was about to elaborate on his comic project, though there was yet another crash! Maybe the sign wasn't such a bad suggestion afterall. Sketch reeled back as there was yet another collision. This time pegasis! He could only guess how far Gladwin's patience could go. At least beforehand the Griffin said he was ok. When the Pegasis introduced himself, he could see some hesitation... or perhaps fear on his part. Maybe Sketch wasn't the only one with a bad Griffin experience... Conor? He hadn't heard of him, but again, not surprising. He was quite certain he'd have a good idea of who they were once the left the doughnut shop. Things tended to work out that way with new ponies... Oh, right! The doughtnut shop! With another nervous smile he started making his way for Pony Joe's door. "Maybe we should go inside now...?" There was a severely less likelyhood of being crashed into in there. That and he wasn't sure how many new ponyfolk he could stand ot meet at once before retreating from conversation entirely.
  11. Hin zul los aan nok! Translated from Dovah: Your voice is a lie!
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