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Posts posted by Imagination

  1. Reveille went off of what the Sergeant had said, continuing the relentless verbal bombardment. "What if some nutball just mimiced what you did and got in? What if anypony had made it to the Princesses?!"

    He ceased his shouting to list off some things, tapping his hoof as he went through the items. "Absent Without Leave, Tresspassing, Theft, Endangerment of Royalty..." each charge seemed to distress the recruit more and more as the Senior Drill Instructor listed them off. Of course the Instructor knew the recruit likely wouldn't be charged with any of them... Though the rest of his time at boot was going to be hell on wheels.

    "You know what? I should just leave you in here to rot. I'm sure Sergeant Bonfire wouldn't object, seeing as you made a laughing stock of his guards!" Again, not likely. Nopony was laughing at anypony... Well except the couple of dungeon guards snickering at the door. This incident hadn't, and hopefully wouldn't, become public knowledge yet.

  2. "Cool!" Pinchy struck a valiant pose, picturing herself in a mighty arena and protected by some battle-worn exotic armor. Nothing was going to take this Princess down! She pretended to hold back this fearsome Manticorewith an imaginary spear. "Fear not, Sir Snugglesworth, I'll hold the beast at bay!" the bear, who of course could not respond, she pictured being a young knight who was way out of his league, taking cover and shivering with fear on the carriage.

    With the imagination, anything was possible! Even a Princess Gladiator fighting off a Manticore while a pirate ship battling a gryffon is attempting to steal her bear friend! But the magical kelpie will hear none of it and comes to the rescue!


    Where your dreams come true


    It's something anypony can admire

    Anything that you desire

    You can walk a dragon breathing fire

    Or strut about in rich attire

    Bring your creative level ever higher


  3. Another day in the eye of the statue, the one-winged pegasus having been roused from bed for advice once again.

    Gridpoint enjoyed his time in Friendship City. It was safe, prosperous, and the ponies were hospitable and kind. Sure, they were weary around him at first... His attitude on them being 'savages' didn't help him much either. But eventually he learned that most wastelanders were just regular ponies trying to get by with what little they could get. He was so used to a sort of pampered lifestyle in the Enclave that he never had an appreciation for the little things until he got stuck below the cloud cover.

    He had befriended one of the security ponies who seemed to look up to him and his expertise. This kid was a bit more reserved and jumpy, and didn't like the idea of ever really having to fight. He was more the diplomatic type, rather than the fighting type. Despite this, he was always willing to learn a thing or two.

    Long-range warfare almost seemed like an ancient art to these ponies, as most preferred short or mid-ranged weapons.

    "H-Hey, Mister Gridpoint, Sir? I saw a suspicious looking character hangin' around outside the city b-but I don't wanna bother the chief with it..." was his 'good morning', which he responded to with a groan as he rolled out of his bed. Gridpoint wasn't security, but time to time tey went to him for his scouting and spotting experience, having saved them from damage in the past with his assessments. Once he got to the top, he only had his battle saddle. No need to get dressed if he was going to go straight to bed after this. The heavy rifle folded out, moving the scope up to the old Captain's eye as he gazed at this 'suspicious character'. A Gryphon in some scrappy armor was taking cover behind nearby debris. Most likely afraid that if he moved any further he'd get his head blown off.

    "... Just a raider. Probably from the camp up North. Looks like he's... surveying. Maybe trying to find a way into the city to report back to his buddies." Raiders. He thought every wastelander was a savage until he ran into those punks. They didn't often come up this way, though. "So... what do I do? I-"


    The startled security pony just looked out over the ledge and saw a bundle of feathers float down behind the debris. "What the hell?! What did you-?!" The sniper interrupted him, taking a seat with a smile on his face. "One less raider to worry about..." Gridpoint said at last, folding up the rifle as his muzzle stretched in a yawn. "What do you feel?"


    The young security pony asked again, though this wasn't the first time he had watched Gridpoint do 'dirty work' for him even if these moments were few and far between. Usually the pony's time with Gridpoint was listening to his stories or getting a lesson. "I mean, when you kill something? Don't you feel anything?" he asked, always seeming troubled by how casual the Enclave Captain was about ending life, especially in the wasteland. Gridpoint seemed to think on that for a moment, tapping his chin with his hoof.

    "... Recoil."

    The young pony shook his head, but let the Captain go back to his room, which he gladly did. Taking a good long look at that tan and black uniform he kept hung up, like some kind of proud display, he sighed before climbing back in bed. He could remember a time he was happier. When he was with his squad, roaming the wastes and performing a duty, getting into trouble and overcoming great odds. He missed it... It beat taking pot-shots at raiders from the top of a statue.

    Now that he thought about it, he was probably going to get flak for taking another shot off the statue. "Ugh." he rolled his eyes, knowing that at some point in the day the security chief was going to come in and try to explain to him why 'he shouldn't do that'. Why not? It was a raider. As far as he was concerned, they were only slightly more tolerable than Alicorns of Ghouls, but still a danger.

  4. One thing I'm planning on doing later on is maybe having a 'companion quest' kind of thing, where our respective characters could go to whoever is the main one and... well, start a quest! Either with a request, a story, what have you. Should the companion quest be completed, that character can get additional perks!

    Just an idea I was toying with.

  5. In the midst of this threat, the REA Recruit Training Depot: Canterlot had been mustered to provide additional security, the recruits being conscripted into Royal Guard squads for the time being. Of course, the Drill Instructors still had to keep these recruits in check, and the dozen or so instructors could be seen wandering the streets, keeping an eye on patrols that had their greenhorn soldiers in them.

    One such Instructor was of course none other than Master Sergeant Reveille, making sure that everypony, recruit and guard alike, were on their toes and performing properly. But what's this? A few guards standing around and harassing some random knight? That was a few guards that could be doing something productive instead!

    "We ask that you comply and move along. This situation is under REA control. Your presence is unneeded here!"

    "I think I'll be the judge of that, Private" he addressed Radiant as he approached the group. Of course, this was not long after the guard had thrown the letter to the ground. Picking it up, he had just started reading it as one of the guards tried to explain: "Master Sergeant, we were just g-" "Shutchermouth, I'm readin'" he interrupted sternly.

    When he was finished, he just looked up t the knight. "What's your excuse, Sir Gripes-A-Lot? What are you doing here?" He assumed, from the letter, that he was sent to help assist in the crisis, though felt he should hear it from the Destrier himself.

  6. At least the recruit didn't break the armor, then. That's something.

    The barrier didn't give him much of a chilling feeling as Sergeant Bonfire got, though he did feel a little bit of a numbing sensation. Oh well, it was a dungeon. Not supposed to be comfortable. But at last they reached the cell of the unfortunate recruit, a dark yellow unicorn with a similarly colored mane and a pocketwatch cutie mark, was sitting in the corner and trying to doze off. Of course, Reveille wasn't going to have any of that. Removing his hat, the SDI rapped the REA badge attached to it against the bars rather hard, making several distinct 'ping' sounds. "Rise and shine, sweetheart!" he shouted, his voice carrying through the whole dungeon. The recruit jerked to consciousness, and was immediately trembling at the sight of the Master Sergeant. "You have a lot of nerve leaving MY depot without MY say-so! You think you're miserable now, just wait till I get my forsaken hooves on your hide! What's your name, scumbag?!"

    "M-My nam-" "WROOOONG! You are wrong! You think just because you're behind some bars that you don't have to address your Senior Drill properly?!"

    "Sir, this Recruit's name is Private Tick, Sir!"

    "Well you sure as Tartarus are sucking valuable time away from us like a tick, aren't you?! You think Sergeant Bonfire has nothing better to do than deal with some moron trying to steal his equipment?!"

  7. As far as I know, both characters (Cadance and Shining Armor) are going to be appable.

    As for playing favorites, not in he slightest! The vote is always fair for cast apps, and if a staff member is apping for cast then that person doesn't vote at all, and the ballot is private. So everyone has a fair chance :3

    Only reason it may seem Staff gets the upper hand in those kinds of apps is.. well... We assess apps all the time! We know what makes a good or bad application, and we know the dos and don'ts of cast characters in terms of making an application. Of course, anyone can write an app like that, so long as they follow proper guidelines and are creative! :)

  8. The only thing I'd like to see is perhaps an expansion on how she got her cutie mark. She almost drowned and got her cutie mark for getting out of that situation, but how did she get in that situation in the first place? Did she always like to swim, or did she usually avoid water? In terms of the cutie mark in general, what does it represent about her?

    If you could clarify on these things, I think that'd just about do it for a stamp :)

  9. Ace just listened to the brothers, seeming to get the simple explanation. Though he did ask about the idea, not the design. Even so, even if he did know the designs/ plans for it, he could never build one himself. He wasn't much of an engineer. Not at all... He dedicated a good portion of his life to cards, after all. Not much mechanical aptitude comes from that. "I see." Was all he could think to say. The two must've been doing fairly well for themselves if they could manage to keep the thing running, and cousin Fortune seemed fairly well off as well to be able to keep her shop. Ace seemed to be the only one with an uncertain income, with good days and bad days. All depended on how many ponies were willing to play, and if he didn't get caught cheating like he did at the poker bar.

    He idly shuffled his cards, just playing around with a few different techniques that were usually fun. "Anypony wanna play a game...?" he asked casually, not really looking to make a quick bit or weasel anything out of his own family.

    Hey, he was bored and he loved cards. What would they expect him to want to do?

  10. [colour=#282828]Roleplay Type:[/colour]

    Crossover - Fallout: Equestria









    [colour=#282828]Eye colour:[/colour]


    [colour=#282828]Coat colour:[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Dark Gray[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style:[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Light gray mane is kept short and combed back, his tail is also light gray and short cut.[/colour]



    [colour=#282828]Cutie Mark:[/colour]

    An open map with several points plotted


    [colour=#282828]Gridpoint was born within the Grand Pegasus Enclave, though he now resides in Friendship City[/colour]


    [colour=#282828]Enclave Captain - (Former/Active)[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Resident of Friendship City[/colour]


    [colour=#282828]For now, Gridpoint is just happy to be alive. He's content with staying in Friendship City, however he often finds himself longing for the life of a scout once more, exploring the wastes, but even he knows doing so by yourself is as dumb as it is suicidal. [/colour]


    Strength- 6

    Perception- 8


    Charisma- 4

    Intelligence- 8

    Agility- 6

    Luck- 4


    [colour=#282828]Firearms - 93%[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Stealth - 28%[/colour]

    Explosives - 57%

    Lockpicking - 100%

    Repair - 37%

    Speech - 79%

    Barter - 58%

    Science - 73%

    Medicine - 50%

    Unarmed - 46%

    Melee - 31%

    [colour=#282828]Perks (Individual):[/colour]

    Enclave Officer - Glory to the Enclave! Unlocks unique dialogue options as well as grants a speech bonus of 15% when interacting with Enclave personnel

    [colour=#282828]Intense Training - Because base stats aren't good enough. Strength & Intelligence +1[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]BattleSaddle Marksman - Smile, you're in my sights! Grants an accuracy bonus when using a long-range battlesaddle[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Mark Target - They can run, but they can't hide. A single target can be marked by Gridpoint, which will result a 20% damage bonus to that mark and allows Gridpoint to spot that mark behind cover.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Eagle Eye- Nothing escapes your watchful gaze! Concealed or Cloaked targets can be spotted as any other visible target.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Genetic Cleansing - Stick it to those ghastly abominations! Grants a 20% damage bonus against Alicorns and Ghouls[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Perks (Party):[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Scout Officer - Gridpoint's experience as an Enclave Scout grants a perception bonus to everypony in the party! Targets and traps can now be spotted at far greater range than normal![/colour]


    Enclave Sniper Boonie Cap:

    A boonie cap, black in colour and with the Enclave's 'E' badge pinned to the front, these boonies were worn by scouts and Sniper Elites of the Grand Pegasus Enclave.

    Enclave Sniper Elite Officer Uniform:

    Though Gridpoint's time with the Sniper Elite was very short, he wore the uniform even while serving as a scout. He saw it as a mark of distinction, and most would say he was right. It consists of the Enclave black dress uniform, covered by a tan weather-proof coverall commonly worn by officers. Slung over his chest comfortably is a bandoleer, likely holding sniper magazines. A walkie talkie is attached firmly at his right-hoof shoulder, though it's unknown if it is still operational.

    Custom Sniper Saddle:

    A heavy duty 3-shot sniper rifle attached to a battle saddle made for Gridpoint to accommodate his missing wing. He has made a few modifications to the weapon itself, its rounds able to punch through light and medium armor, though heavier armor requires more effort. Also fitted with a night-vision scope for night-time operations. The biggest downside to the weapon is it needs almost constant maintenance, and very prone to jamming if not taken care of. That, and the small magazine.

    [colour=#282828]Character Summary:[/colour]

    History[colour=#282828]Gridpoint was born above the cloud cover of the Grand Pegasus Enclave to two Enclave citizens, his father Backblast and his mother Silver Nugget. He lived a comfortable life above the clouds, getting a decent education and making many friends, however he always wondered about the wasteland below. Many pegasi told their young that to go to the wasteland below meant certain death. Radiation, raiders, famine, monsters, everything that could spell doom waited below. While many took their elder's words for it, such stories only made Gridpoint more curious. Having seen that the only ones allowed to go below the clouds were Enclave military personnel, he decided the best way to satisfy his curiosity was to join the military.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]When he came of age, rather than enlist like most other pegasi his age, he applied and was accepted into the Officer program. After learning squad tactics, leadership, and proper conduct of an Officer, he was commissioned an Enclave Lieutenant. However, during his time with the Enclave his curiosity about the wasteland soon turned into an actual desire to serve the Enclave. Every morning he looked at himself in that black uniform and grinned, knowing that the day was bringing another opportunity for service.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]His first posting, however, came with a tan uniform to wear over the black one. He was assigned as a squad leader on the Grand Pegasus Enclave's Reconnaissance effort in the wasteland. Outposts were scattered around on the ground effort, and he was sent to one such outpost for a good portion of his career along with his squad: Sergeant Current, Private Glamour, Private Scooter and Private "Homebody" Fable.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]He was apprehensive at first, even fearful of leaving the clouds and going to the wasteland. However, he warmed up to his squad, knowing he could rely on them and, being an officer, they looked to him for guidance. They grew very close, a bond that could only be forged by having to cover each other and surviving with the power of teamwork in the face of certain death. The amount of trouble an Enclave scout squad could get into was shocking, though it gave them plenty to laugh over when they went back to their barracks and gave Gridpoint plenty of good memories to look back on.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]One day, however, Captain Gridpoint and his squad were sent on a retrieval mission. Another squad had been cut off from communications after reporting an ambush, and they were charged with either investigating the area, or bringing what was left of the squad back. Then they reached the point of the ambush, Gridpoint's squad soon suffered the same circumstances: They found themselves under attack by Alicorns! Finding themselves under heavy attack, and aerial retreat was impossible due to some of the abominations taking to the skies, Gridpoint ordered his entire squad to take cover in a nearby abandoned shack. After doing just this, they made a 'final stand' against the ambush. However, not long into the attack, the building had suffered enough structural damage that it collapsed right on top of the unsuspecting Enclave scouts. The four scouts were crushed by the debris and killed instantly, their officer pinned to the floor by his wing and knocked unconscious.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]When the Alicorn attack had ceased, they never went to check on the bodies, leaving Gridpoint alone to rot. When the squad failed to report back, Enclave command reported Gridpoint and his fellow pegasi Missing In Action.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]When he awoke, he found himself in what the doctors told him was Friendship City, a settlement in the wasteland. A couple of scavengers had been picking through the rubble after the ambush had died down and saw the Captain was still alive. The debris being too heavy to move, the scavengers had to amputate his right-side wing and hurry him to the doctor. Learning of the loss of his squad devastated him, and spent most of his time in the clinic as a fairly difficult patient to work with. After his mourning period, having fully recovered from his ordeal and the area where his wing had been amputated clear of infection, he did his best to adjust to not being able to fly anymore, though it proved difficult at first.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Gridpoint, presumed missing or dead by Enclave command and being [/colour][colour=#282828]unable to fly back and correct this[/colour][colour=#282828], remained in Friendship City. Doing odd-jobs, he was able to afford a small room for himself. Eventually the citizens looked past his service to the Enclave and accepted him as their own, something that dearly touched his heart. Now he mostly keeps to himself, though at times he assists City Security if they request his insight. He doesn't hide who he is, even going so far as to still wear his uniform, however he doesn't plan on returning to his outpost. The loss of his squad still hangs heavy on him, and he isn't sure he could face his superiors as 'the lone survivor'. [/colour]

    Cutie Mark Story[colour=#282828] – As a foal, he couldn't explore the wasteland, so he often explored the area surrounding his residence instead. After awhile, he had pretty much self-taught himself how to backtrack, remember landmarks, and try to follow maps. It wasn't until one day while out exploring a pretty decent distance from his home that he got lost that he had to put his knowledge to work. It took him most of the day, but eventually putting his skills to work found him back home! Having enjoyed the effort of having to find his own way home and being able to remember key points of his journey, he was even more overjoyed to find his cutie mark had appeared. [/colour]

    Flaws[colour=#282828] – Being an Enclave pegasus, he believes he is 'superior' to his wasteland counterparts. At least he doesn't call them savages anymore. However, this belief that he is better than everypony can make him difficult to get along with at times. He has also developed a deep-seeded hatred for Alicorns and Ghouls. Alicorns, because they were responsible for the loss of his squad, and Ghouls because "They're no different. Abominable freaks, the lot of them". Despite all this, deep down he's a coward. He won't shy away from a fight, though he's afraid to return to his superiors with the rest of his squad being dead. He is afraid of having to live with the fact that they will hold him responsible, and perhaps even having to get used to 'a new squad'.[/colour]

    Personality[colour=#282828] - He may be a bit too stir-crazy and prideful for most pony's tastes, but he's usually kind-of approachable... He still tries to carry himself with the respect of an Enclave Officer, and is an Enclave patriot through and through. However, this does not stop him from caring about those ponies who took him in during a grim moment in his life, seeing Friendship City as his new home and sanctuary in the Wasteland.[/colour]

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