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Everything posted by BrassSong

  1. Maybe now ponies will stop drawing him with FRIGGIN WINGS! Fffff teen Spike was scary. I really wish his final adult design was that of fatty-fat Spike from Cutie Mark Chronicles; his adult design in Secret of my Excess is just kinda...sloppy.
  2. Oh yeah that class....it was a huge joke hahaha, I only took it once cause I could have 4 electives senior year. (I don't understand why there is a senior year, you only have to take math and english, then all the other classes are electives to waste time in)
  3. The electives at my high school; band, chorus, drama, argiculture, and weightlifting. .____. So very very bland
  4. Ja ja; it started out as a web series so that's why they're so short. I'm disappointed that they didn't bump the time up, I mean the franchise has a crap ton of merch and hordes of fans, so surely there was enough money. In the commentary of the movie, China's dub voice actress said that the manga has been discontinued (it was rare to begin with though). But I wanna know what this spells for the anime. The series is still relatively new and popular, surely they won't stop after just 4 seasons of 5 minute episodes. The creator hasn't said anything about the manga or anime, but he's still drawing webcomics frequently and has recently posted (still posting) new designs of the main characters in modern-day military uniforms. But there's no mention if it's just for his own personal amusement or if a new series/seasons are coming out. He has other web comics going on, but surely if he was a smart man he'd milk Hetalia for all its worth.
  5. I always use Best Night Ever, because it shows off all of the pony's personalities in one episode. The awesome musical number also pulls in some brony points.
  6. New Year's isn't something that's celebrated in my family, as we consider early August to be the 'new year' because that's when school starts (I'm in college and my mom works as an elementary school cafeteria worker) I've actually become more accustomed to celebrating Vietnamese New Year with my boyfriend and his family.
  7. What's sad is that my required freshmen course "Freshmen Year Experience" required more work than all my academic classes combined, and I bet only 20% of all that work got graded. It's suppose to be a class that 'teaches' you how to go to college; study skills, test taking skills, etc. The 'side-theme' was cultural awareness, (we had to read a novel about a little girl in the Iranian revolution) but sadly all I learned was how racist and ignorant all my classmates were after having private discussions; "How can I relate to some little terrorist in Iran, this book needs to be about an American." The whole class was a huge face-hoof. And if all that wasn't enough, we also had ANOTHER theme; 21st Century Aviation. Our teacher was actually just a high school teacher who was also in the air force, in fact, none of the FYE teachers are actual professors, which irks me. But yeah, had to write essays, do projoects, and continuesly take quizzes on three completely different subjects in one dumb class. Georgia's education system is in extreme turmoil and it's only getting worse for the newer generations. It makes me wonder "Gee, maybe schools in other states are like what schools are like on tv..." Best pony-nalogy ever. Welp, I take my math exam today. If I can make like a 60 on it I might pass the class. Lucky for me it's all multiple choice, so it's plug-into-equation city! I'm actually nervous about my english final. It's writing an essay about some abstract english subject of our choosing; but I haaaate writing papers to answer/explain things that I can accomplish in a few sentences. I'm not a fan of stretching out subjects and bsing papers, but I guess I'll have to. I love how in high school we were only taught how to write persuasive essays; get to college "Here, do a narrative/research paper." Um...what are these things you speak of?
  8. It doesn't take much effort to get into it; all the characters are likable and the episodes are only 5 minutes long, adding up to about 6 hours of dubbed content (plus the movie). I recommend dub over sub because the dub is re-written for Americans/westerners to understand better, as apposed to what the Japanese see as stereotypes. Plus the dub voices are more pleasant.
  9. Could not find a recent topic for this, so here I goes! Been into it since early 2011, but been obsessing recently because of con season/movie release/season 3 release. It's currently overpowering my love for ponies, I fear I might slip into the dark depths of annoying fangirlness! I'm actually gonna breakdown and cosplay England (I promised myself I wouldn't cosplay anything so mainstream ) I'm even gonna cut my hair like his since I'm blonde and I had a bad wig experience while being Fluttershy. :'D But because I'm super cool, I'm doing casual/alternate outfits instead of just buying the military uniform.
  10. Higher education in the US is completely overrated; there are ignorant hicks with millions and guys with PhD's working at McDonald's. It is just a business and it makes me want to study abroad. I know complete idiots that spawned out of 'top-notch' universities, while extremely intelligent people either flunk out or give up due to circumstance. School should be for harnessing one's talents and strengths, not trying to conform students to one bland standard of what the government views as 'intelligent'. I'm tired of being lumped as stupid or 'special' because I can't do this, even though I'm a genius at that. Not everyone can do EVERYTHING, and those that can have horrible common sense and really are bafoons. The top 5% of my graduating class was full of ditzy blondes and thick-skulled puppets, while everyone with creativity, talent, and true smarts were at the back of the pack. The college I attend is a HUGE trap for high school graduates. It's a 4 year school with all the common majors, but it's ridiculously cheap ($1500 per sym) and easy to get accepted into. They accept all applicants within the major city area, take their money and then most flunk out because they assumed cheap/low requirements = easy. The graduation rate of the college is one of the worst in the country because most students flunk out because they can't handle college or just transfer somewhere better. Sad to say, I hear the most expensive schools are usually the easiest once you get accepted. There's more freedom in big universities, whereas my college seems super formal, almost like some uptight office.
  11. WOT? My high school was so lame, all standard stereotypical electives. But jeez, that's cool. In GA we're crammed with year after year of US history and government. I don't give a crapolla about this boring country, I want to learn some cultures and world history dang it!
  12. I've been pondering making a pony/Hetalia crossover tumblr with a comic (with plot), ocassional detailed pictures, and an ask option. But I dunno if there are enough Hetalia-loving bronies out there to look at it. I don't wanna be wasting ma time on comics and not have any precious viewers
  13. I didn't know my ten minute sketches could have a distinct style. Why thank ya :'D
  14. I feel the same way. I go into the library where everyone's studying and doing papers and projects while I'm chatting with bronies or looking at youtube; and I think to myself "Should I be studying or something?" The only class that's difficult for me is math, but that can't be helped. My essays and tests in other classes are sometimes easier than high school...but I just feel like I'm not putting enough effort into school because I'm not losing sleep over finals or being active in signing up for classes (I just tell my adviser to sign me up for what I need, I don't research the professors or anything). There needs to be "Being a college student for dummies" I'm not partying..but I'm not studying....am I doing something wrong?
  15. Just set up the lights around my apartment stairs/door. My stoner neighbors are outside enthraled with the blinking lights. Baha.
  16. I guess that's a good advantage of american college over high school, getting to choose the times. But it's not so much choosing the courses, it's choosing the teachers; still gotta take all the required core and major classes. GOD I HATE CORE. I would have been an A+ student in high school if I didn't have to take math classes. >.> Adviser: Do you want to take American History or Civics? me: HIIIISSSSSTORYYYYY Adviser: It doesn't really matter, you have to take both to graduate... me:
  17. Animal Crossing isn't a game...it's a horrible, horrible disease. EVERYTIME they come out with a new one I play it non-stop for MONTHS. Needless to say.....I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE 3DS VERSION. (am I the only one upset about how you can't change your skin color?) A perfect Animal Crossing would be one where you could be an ANIMAL.
  18. How many drops of liquid mercury would it take to make this wreckless driver die?
  19. They say college gets better once you get into your major specific classes, but I'm majoring in business; NOTHING about business is interesting or fun to me, I just chose it because it was the only major that doesn't require high-level math like trigonometry and calc; classes I can't pass because of my dyscalculia. Don't ya just love a country where a zookeeper or animator has to know how to graph polynomials in order to pick up poop and draw?
  20. I need a new avatar. :I Which pony should I take?
  21. OMG ONE MORE WEEK OF EXAMS THEN FIRST SYMESTER OF COLLEGE IS OVERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! College sucks for me, the classes are hard and not interesting, the teachers don't give a crap about you, there's no one to make friends with. High school...I miss it so much; the awesome teachers, marching band, hanging with friends, marching band, eating lunch together, marching band...it's not something teens should take for granted.
  22. BrassSong

    Chatroom sketch challenges

    requests via the chat room
  23. From the album: Chatroom sketch challenges

    colors are off the top of my head, apologies if your fav pony is a little off. lol
  24. Have any friends or family members that are bronies? Almost all my best friends are bronies (turned by me or my friend Sammy). My boyfriend is pretty 'meh' to the show, but he knows all the characters and will watch it with me (it's not action/adventurey enough for him) Sadly, I have no brony family members (mostly because I only have a few teenage cousins, most of which have no interest in cartoons). My mom knows of my bronyness, she's pretty indifferent. She wants me to 'grow up' and stop obsessing over cartoons, comics, and collecting toys; but on the other hand she knows it's those things that make me different and interesting. She tells her friends that "My Little Pony is the new hip thing." She's talked about buying me pony toys, but I guess she just doesn't want to keep track of which ones I have, lol. What makes me sad is that I wear my pony shirts to college (which has about 2,000 students) but no one has stopped to comment on it or even give them a second glance. No college bronies for Brass Song. ;3;
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