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Everything posted by notdeathsongx3

  1. Well i'm going to hit the hayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Good night everypony
  2. My Winter Wrap Up remix is bad. I've become lazy.
  3. It will. It will Oops! Google Chrome could not find www.canterlot...-world-re-done
  4. Yes, you scootalooed out You should've gotten it, It's a rare opportunity D:
  5. 4 Days till i get my Big exam results, If i flunk a subject, I retake this grade. .___. It pretty much tells me what i want to pursue in, business, etc. I'M SCAREDDDDD
  6. I'm extremely tall. Does that mean I play basketball? Yes. I play basketball occasionally and I cycle A LOT.
  7. So i did a little research and apparently they teach you how to lucid dream Dont be scared, It's not a virus. It's a wiki http://www.wikihow.com/Lucid-Dream
  8. Dessa is right, It's scientifically true as horses brains are quite small and a dogs brain is relatively bigger
  9. Last round up definitely sounds like an applejack episode
  10. Hey guys, So my friend went to a cosplay convention today and he told me he had a suprise for me. When he came online he told me he got me this! I WAS SO HAPPY + My 2 shirts will arrive soon :kissy: What pony merchandise do you have? Take a picture!
  11. Hi! I'm deathsongx3 but you can call me death I hope you have fun here because i know i'm having fun
  12. A Cupcake that smells of toenails and taste like old gym socks.
  13. If it's a challenge, it should be in spam stables. If you are talking about pony type of music, there's already a topic here http://www.canterlot.com/topic/3518-the-brony-playlist/page__hl__%2Bpony+%2Bplaylist__fromsearch__1
  14. Hi. Welcome to canterlot, I hope you have fun because i'm having fun. I'm deathsongx3 but you can call me death
  15. Watch it somewhere more private. With earbuds or headphones perhaps.
  16. Up to you :B I was thinking of a few ponies, snow and a christmas tree
  17. Sure, I'll post it here first on tindeck, then on youtube :B
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