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Posts posted by Ashton

  1. @Ashton, I too was expecting the sandbag. Also a random fear that would hinder the hero. But I suppose they didn't want to milk the Indiana Jones reference.

    Oh man, First I was thinking "Spider! Oh no she must hate spiders!" then it was the cobras "Oh no she must be terrified of Snakes!" then the quicksand "Oh no, I guess she must be terrified of drowning!" and ultimately I was dissapointed, she wasnt scared of anything... kinda dissapoints me and shoves her a little closer to Mary Sue territroy...

  2. Yes but that is only one (mind you poor example) of a show dealing with drugs

    I have seen drugs dealt with better in other cartoons such as Power Puff Girls

    I think one of the best ones I saw when I was younger was on a more-or-less Sitcom called "Dinosaurs" (which is what triggered the Steriods/Dash worry) though at this point in time I cant remember how well it was really handled since this was decades ago...

    PPG was a Lauren Faust work, that only reinforces my worries about it appearing in MLP... -_-




    WE're talkin' about twilight here, I'm amazed she coudl even FIND the book... woudl ahve made a cute gag

    wilight: "Oh no I dont see book one"


    Twilight: "Oh wait, here it is, it got put on the wrong shelf"

    Dash: "whew"

    Anyway... my thoughts...

    Hilarious, though I'm very dissapointed in Dash. VERY dissapointed... Twilight would have been so much easier to burgle! (lol) seriously though, I think it was a bit of a bad choice, considering how honest she usually is (brutally so at times...) Otherwise... MORE Achronisms! Ugh! X-ray machines, Heart monitors, and fireflies... (Of course this can be explained away as "Magic is cheep, technology is expensive") Laughed at the re-color of Dash for Daring Do, but then again I was actually expecting to see Dash completely self-insert herself into the story (literally seeing Dash wearing the outfit running around the jungle) so I think it was a nice compromise. Also WE SAW INSIDE DASH'S HOUSE!!! (and ironically it's not that different from the fan portrayal) Though it does seem odd to me that so far we've seen _2_ beds for dash (the other one being in "swarm of the century") Though I suppose with a mansion that big it's not too surprising she has multiple beds... (how the heck she affords that place on her presumably low weather-pony salary I'll never figure out, even rarity who we *know* is rolling in bits (considering how much fashion designer make) doesn't have a mansion!)

    Completely sidetracked, but Can any pony artist venture a guess as the design on Dash's bedspread? I first thought it was her cutiemark but it is too wispy at the side near the books (styalized version of her cutiemark maybe?)

    Also, I have to laugh at this, but as amazing as Daring was SHE FORGOT THE SANDBAG!!! That's a required part of all tomb-raiders kits! lol

  4. This was posted on the FB Brony group a little bit ago. Not sure what to think:

    I'm not terribly familiar with US copyright law, so I can't really give any input on the above.

    The question isn't necessarily "derp" because it's a longer name "Derpy Hooves" they should still be able to copyright the name if the only issue is the word "Derp" I mean the word "Apple" is heavily © and by Apple Computers, but there are many © and (T) phrases that use the word "apple" (and even more close to the series "Applejack" is © and so is the cereal "Applejacks" which is different by a single letter.) IF there is a © issue it's with the name being made by a fan of the show who they technically need to find before they can get permission to file for a © (Keep in mind, I'm NOT an attorney so this is just speculation based on a lot of reading and a few internet-related IP Law course bits I had in college)

  5. You really see this as an issue of disrespect?

    What part of her letter was lacking in respect or politeness?

    Sure it was prideful, but I see this as AJ writing candidly and honestly to someone she cares about. It sounds direct, and lacks polish, but that what she always sounds like.

    Personally, I feel that a certain level of decorum is required when addressing a princess, but then again, Celestia doesn't seem exactly stuck-up. When I think about it your right, I doubt Celestia was upset at all about the letter, as you put it "lacking polish" when you see past the title she really seems like almost any other pony in that regard, a more-or-less "normal" character.

  6. An HD box set of all of Season 1, complete with extras, behind the scenes stuff or a "making of", clips or scenes that were cut, maybe a video from the producers to everyone who enjoys FiM. Sneak peeks at season 3 would also be a great selling point. Throw in some coupons for Hasbro's new line of canon-specific high-quality FiM toys.

    *throws money at the screen* It's not working! It's not working! (lol)

    • Like 1
  7. Eh...I would definitely not see drug use as something that this show can touch on. Alcohol, while not very likely, I could see happening. Drugs no...especially because Rainbow Dash IS already extremely skilled. If it was going to happen, set-up wise, I could see Rainbow Dash getting into a race of some kind, then a callback to Sonic Rainboom where its clear she cracks under pressure, learns about a mysterious, unnamed drink that calms the nerves, which she then ends up needing for almost every event she participates in (maybe some kind of triathlon or something).

    I dont think they'd do it like that, if not handled perfectly, they could portray Alcohol in a positive light (and honestly, as something used in very low doses to calm nerves and relax muscles there is nothing wrong with it, there have even been studies that prove that a beer or two a week is GOOD for you!) I think if they did alcohol it would be somone like Gilda slipping into the punch at one of pinkie's parties and there being some very bad censequences... (though off the top of my head I cant think of a single character who woudl likely be an angry drunk except rarity and I think it would just make her drama even more over-the-top...)

    On that same note, did anyone else feel like Cider was visually portrayed oddly similar to beer last week? It didnt have the same effect (well minus that 1 pony who looked a little tipsy after drinking it, but I think it was poorly portrayed joy)

    However, I just think the whole concept of drug/alcohol abuse is a tad too grimdark for the world of ponies. And while subjects like death can be touched effectively (like the Sesame Street episode that did it), something like this is definitely something that adults would have to address on their own time with their child, IMO.

    Sesame Street addressed death!? Wow Henson pushed the envelope on what was appropriate, though I have to admit it is an important subject and he did seem to really care about kids.


    Ack, couble-post, I hit reply instead of edit *derp*

  8. O_O Sonic doing a harassment commercial? After all the times he's sexually harassed Sally? It breaks my mind (didn't watch it, if it's like CASTTR I don't want to...)

    I could honestly see the ponies doing TV spots though like the old 80s shows had at the end about things like "always lock your doors when alone" or "only use the stove when a grown-up is there to help you" or "in an emergancy, call X agency" etc...

  9. I just worry because I was thinking about it lately and it's such a PERFECT setup for Dash - wanting to be "the Best" and some contest coming up, feeling the competition is pretty stiff, she could think she needs something to give her an 'edge' --- It feels so likely, and also so very very very wrong... (on the other paw, they could go with this and Dash refuse, saying she's proud because she's who she is because it's all her own body and her own work that made her strong, not drugs)

  10. I've noticed recently there were a couple background nods to the possibility of their being alcohol in equestria. This got me to thinking and dreading the possibility of a "Very Special Episode" about the dangers of Drug/Alcohol Abuse... I know that it's mainly children who watch this and it's important to send them the message, but these are almost never done lightly and are groaningly avelicious. Is anyone else expecting and/or dreading a possible upcoming drug/alcohol episode? (I just pray it's not Dash and Steroids, I really don't want to believe she'd ever even consider something like that... T_T)

  11. If hasbro was convinced this could start a crapstorm, they wouldn't have reinstated it no matter how many signatures it got. A company wont choose to offend an organized minority.

    If it really is just a very few people objecting, then they'd go ahead. But organised groups can really stir things up.

    The same thing can be said about us then. We organized 14K people to sign a petition, many of them giving valid reasons. Basically the same thing.

  12. You wouldn't have lost Derpy as canon because she wouldn't have been canon. Her inclusion in any role whatsoever is a gift to the fans. Making noise over a decision to change a character on their show, when said character initially didn't even exist and who's inclusion is intended as a nod to the fanbase, can come off as the fanbase seeming spoiled.

    You want Derpy to remain Derpy? I can understand that. Write a polite e-mail and say your piece. My message is that whether they keep her the same or change her, I'm excited that she is involved at all and am overjoyed that they recognize us enough to do so. I'm not going to demand they adhere to my vision of their character- it is their vision, their work, not mine. I'm happy to have Derpy at all.

    Your missing the symbolism here. Derpy symbolizes the brony fandom because WE essentially created her. If they turn their back on her then they are turning their back on the fandom, if they change her, they are telling us they dont care what we think anymore that the beautiful symbiotic relationship is over.

    Now, I personally think that symbolism is a little overboard, but from what I've read, that seems to be the overall view, and I do agree with it on a lesser level.

    And wow... 14K signatures... just... wow... O_O

  13. Easy, Pokemon if you know what i mean he is evolving as twilight trains him . Only way I could explain it. :P

    I laughed at this, but when I think about it, it does kinda make sence, and adds an interesting level to the world (including making me wonder if dragons coudl evolve differently based on serving Good or Evil masters...)

  14. If you pit Soarin against Dash... what you'll get would probably be counted as a draw... lets just say in my opinion, they wouldnt get far with fighting... and Dash might have to take 9 months off from weather service... ;) (sorry, but I still say it makes the most sense, AND that it was hinted at ever-so-slightly in the series!)

    From my point-of-view, If you want an all-out bitter fight, pit Dash against Gilda, Dash woudl quickly get to raging about gilda being a false friend, treating the ponies bad, and quite possibly (depending on which past fanon you read) being a poisonus friend the whole time... and gilda would just grin and tell dash how much she love manipulating the filly... (Hey, to me villians are villians, I dont pansy around with them)

    The one I dont see is Pinky and Octavia... that pairing just doesnt make any sence to me. If I'm missing something can somone please explain it?

  15. The people who get the most attention are the ones that scream the loudest. I hate to say this but it's true, that's the bad part of being a "good" group because we all sit there and be nice and polite, while the trolls are screaming their heads off and getting all the attention. simple case of "Silent majority" vs "vocal Minority"

    I do understand Hasbro's position, really, but I agree they're taking this way to far (though I think in the end all we'll get is a re-cut "Last roundup" minus derpy (idly wonder what they'll put in there, or if they'll just let the epp be the only one that's not 22:00 minutes long) and derpy being relegated back to "where's waldo" status (and I suspect sadly that they might retool her to be straight-eyed and normal-y coordinated) )

    As for the message TV is sending kids... I dont think this can top "Killing is ok, making love is not!" (i.e. showing violence and gore is fine, but showing affection and yiff is not) I am just having my feeligns of not procreating reinforced. I have no desire to bring children into the hellhole of a world we're creating...

  16. Oh gawd, now I'm reminded why I dont miss reading comments on ED...

    A few things I want to point out that were addressed there:

    1. The bit about "this is the end of derpy!" likely wont happen. They've already drawn ALL of season 2 and part of Season 3, they cant change that. *technically* they can edit her out, but given that she's usually just in the background I doubt they'll bother.

    2. Renaming her. This I expect. Personally while I was overjoyed I was also shocked that they named her "derpy" in canon because they cannot and © that word. Likely even in the mildest, she will become Ditzy Doo again, or more likely something 110% unoffensive (I want to make a joke here about naming her "Ditzy doo" is offensive to "Scooby Doo" but I cant muster the snark) I fully expect that they will get Alshleigh Ball to re-record Dash's line where she names Derpy (or splice in another one, but same difference) and if the DVD ships with the original line, it will become a "blooper" edition worth a small fortune and clips of the original line will be forever circulated on youtube and similar sites.

    3. "There will be no more fan shout-outs!" again, S2 is complete, S3 partly so, we still have plenty of shout-outs ahead, though they may be toned down through editing, they are still there. I dont think anything severe will happen, it's not like they're calling for the end of the series...

    4. "This is the end of the series!" Pure Horseapples! Nobody, and I mean NOBODY has called for the end of the series! The only thing that might end is Derpy (which is unllilkely) at the absolute worst is loss of an episode they probably didnt/wont make plus some editing to completed ones. This just goes to PROVE how popular the series is and renforce Hasbro to keep making it! If enough people saw it outside of the relativly tiny number of parents of kids who happen to subscribe to The Hub and happen to watch it with them, that there was this kind of reaction, hasbro will know it has a CASH COW and will milk it dry! (Now wheather it will age gracefully or quickly jump the shark is yet to be seen, though I have faith in the writers to be able to make at least 5 seasons without jumping the shark)

    That said, I admit I didnt *love* derpy's um... derpyness... I mean it was classic loony tunes (specifically Porky Pig imo), which I'm not a huge fan of. But I didnt see it as offensive at all! Just my $0.02

  17. I was definitely Prance as well. As for the character, I was listening to a whole lot of French electroswing, and I kinda wanna make a French double-bass swing musician straight out of the 1920s, lol.

    Lol Antoine was from the old StH fandom, he was a "wanna-be hero" who was afraid of his own shadow (though he did usually pulled through when the chips were all down) I doubt he'd be allowed here since he was essentially a caractature of the french, speaking in a mishmash of french and english, with a barely-understandable accent, eating "stinky" food, romancing, and acting like an overbearing plot-hole the rest of the time... But he was FUN to play as a plot-monkey!) No ide what's become of him since then though, seems like I read he evolved into a true hero now... so much more boring ;)

  18. lol gotta love "Mah Sister's Speakin' in Fancy!"

    hummm... that's a tricky one, I'm usually good with puns, but I'm not coming up with much for 'France' and 'Pony' (maybe 'Prance" since ponies prance around sometimes?) I'd like to see a France expy too, of course then I'd feel required to make a thinly-veiled expy of Antoine De Coolette... ;) lol

  19. You know you're a MLP fan when...

    1. you dye your hair in the color of your favorite pony.

    Oh gawd would I love to do this, but mine is a bit short for that and I'm sure it's hell to try and maintain Rainbow hair...

    It scares me how many on this list I have done or do...

    Here's a few new ones:

    -You have a Pony bag and use it everywhere (guilty! I have the official "20% Cooler" Dashie bag and it's now my take-everywhere tablet bag!)

    -You look at a pony clothing site and can mentally tally up >$1000 worth of pony shirts you want ("oh screw it, just give me one of everything!")

    -Your Homepage is Pony

    -Your Ringtone is pony (guilty! Instrumental theme!)

    -You have pony stickers on your laptop that you carry everywhere

    -You proudly listen to Pony music (both official from the show and original brony music) in your car with the windows open! (Bonus points if you dont bother to keep it quiet either!)

  20. I still can't understand why somepony would break into my house, harvest all the wheat and not replant.

    Same thing was happening in the nether to the netherwart farm...

    In other news, Grass is spreading and Trees are growing in the mine. :D

    O_o that's... strange... you should tell Mulder about it, I'm sure he'll want to look for aliens ;)

  21. This is a good question. It is funny to think of her getting angry, but completely inaccurate. She probably loves getting the letters no matter what the content is. I overstated the reaction in the first post for the sake of humor, but I do think there would be some disappointment due to the missed opportunity.

    I think she would be unhappy with the disrespectful tone, but I see it more of her giving an annoyed smirk as she reads the letter. I agree I think she's happy to get all of them, but I think AJ could have been a little more polite to the land's Goddess...

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