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Posts posted by Ashton

  1. @ rosewind:

    Personally I dont think making a pony-tail in a genneral furry style would work. Most of teh ones I see are made from long strands of hair notted at the end and attacked to a belt/hook/etc. I know that's how I'm making my Dash Tail (24" lengths of synthetic hair tied together at the end at tied to a hook)

  2. Honestly I would like a Scootaloo/Dash episode that would explore their relationship (such as it is) and have them both grow as characters and learn something, such as Scoot shouldn't place any pony on a pedestal and Dash learning what it means to be a real role-model.

    I seriously expect this to happen if the series goes long enough. Faust said Dash wouldnt be a good 'big sister' so it makes a perfect setup that she for some reason has to watch the CMC for the weekend (ala fluttershy in The Stare Master) or She goes somewhere and scoot tags along in secret, and the above lessons happen.

  3. I first saw it in the fandub/parody "Witchcraft is Magic". I forgot what it was called, but it was the Dragonshy parody, I think.

    you mean "Friendship is Witchcraft?" Or is there another series I missed?

    I still dont get where it comes from, I mean I can *kinda* see that AJ is more loyal than honest (Though imo Dash is absolutely NOT 'honesty')

  4. Ok, so I'm planning to do some cosplaying at Bronycon coming up. I'm looking for somewhere where I can buy a mane/tail.

    Does anypony know of a place I can buy one?

    Depends on who your cosplaying. I had to make my own Rainbow Dash Tail...

  5. One of the characters I was toying with is what I'd call an un-redeemed Rainbow Dash, based on my head-canon of her i.e. orphan raised in a large group home, always having to fight to prove she was 'as good as the boys' and being seen as a serious 'trouble maker' --- except that unlike Dash, this character didn't get her 'rainboom redemption' and continues to be bitter and mean --- actually what might be similar to a back-story for Gilda except she wouldn't even have the 1 friend that Gilda had in Dash --- and while not outright 'evil' sees everyone as an enemy trying to pull one over on them or screw them out of a good hand in life (in essence an inferiority complex, paranoia, and some aggression issues) A few good friends and she could be redeemed

    On the other end of the scale I was looking at a unicorn who was the son/apprentice of a percieved-evil unicorn-mage and saw their master/teacher/father either killed, drug off in chains or their horn (and thus magic) permanently removed, and decides to wage unending war on the 'good' forces of equestria because he percieves them as being evil to destroy his 'innocent and loving' father/teacher. Possibly even to the point of becoming megalomanical enough to seek a spell to summon an eldrich abomination to destroy everyone and everything (though obviously such a spell is never attained) depending on when this character is encountered (pre-megalomania or post) would determine if he could be redeemed or not. He has a very real risk of crossing the Moral Event Horizon and becoming a Complete Monster that can only look forward to, at best, Redemption Equals Death

    I was hoping to find a balance that would be allowed in the mane RP (since crossover gets so few active threads --- I know in crossover practically anything goes that's not endowed with god-like powers) I mean as the series has shown, there are plenty of plots that dont involve true evil rising, but to me I look for something a little more fantastic than worrying about wining a competition or about steampunk cider machines driving you out of business. (honestly I'm a little dissapointed that FiM didnt go the 'magical girl' rout that Faust had mentioned being a possibility, though I'm impressed at how well it's handled the 'everyday' plots)

    What about a character that thinks they're doing really good but is actually doing.... not so good? (I was thinking about maybe having a character that's kind of like Captain Hammer from Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long blogs). And also, they're kind of a jerk simply by not realizing that they're being a jerk? *lol*

    Oh I'd love to see a Cap. Hammer expie... or a Act1/act2 Dr Horrible even (before he crosses the Moral Event Horizon and is a very incapable, and not-very-evil villian) If you do go this rout I'd love to throw my 'hero' Dunes at him to show your char what a true hero is like (not that dunes considers himself a hero, he's too modest for that, but he IS, after all a loose expie of Indiana Jones)

  6. I've been toying around with some characters I was thinking of exporting from some fanfics I'm working on that are, quite literally, villains. Their goal being domination/destruction of Equestria (or of X pony/group who wronged them in the past) However I've seen antagonistic ponies turned down in the past in apps...

    If I were to make an antagonist who has a legitimate background, proper motivation, and is believable, would it be allowed, or would this be considered inappropriate? (Just to be clear, these are not "Mare E Sue" villains, these would have a strong past reason to be who they are, and proper character development prior to and including RP, but they would be... at best "mean" at worst "evil" (though I'm not planning any Absolute Monsters who have cross the Moral Event Horizon, *technically* all of them are redeemable if proper conditions are met, and honestly given the theme of the series, I'd bet money at least 1 would be) and while 'death' and 'torture' might be on their minds, events will, of course, prevent this from actually happening (though being captured and torture/death *seeming* imminent would of course happen if the villain was capable enough and the hero dumb enough (or having bad enough luck))

    If there is a scale, I'm more than glad to work with it. I'm looking at everything ranging from characters like 'Gilda' (basically just a schoolyard bully) to 'Nightmare moon' (evil) to 'Discord' (blue and orange morality, completely bat-turds insane) in terms of evil.

    (and to further clarify to anyone skimming, I'm NOT asking to specifically make 'gilda' 'nightmare moon' or 'discord' those have all been addressed in the past (actually I think Gilda was allowed, app'd and accepted) I'm just using them as examples)

  7. I think that the Chronicles Spike (giant first hatched) wasnt "Adult" so much as "enlarged." Personally I dont consider that to be anything like what he will be. We've seen 2 other dragons and 1 creature that I would call a water dragon (Steven Magnet) not to mention the 'evil' adult spike. All of them were lean and well-formed, while the "enlarged" spike was almost grotesguely deformed.

    I'm personally hoping he grows wings as he gets older, just because flying means so much to me, but to be realistic, I think he's a land dragon and wont ever fly (outside of mechanically like in the balloon or perhaps a steampunk flight harness) Though I'm still hoping wings just take time to grow in, I suspect he would have been born with them, even if they were vestigal and "useless" at that size.

    On the other paw, both adult dragons AND the above Faust drawing show wings, so it seems unlikely there are many, or any, true "land dragons" in equestria, though we might simply not have seen them.

  8. So wait, where are the comics at now? I went on the tumblr and could only see three pages (two of which were already posted here). You've posted a few times saying there's a new page, so I'm confused. D:

    That doesnt make sence, did you refresh the page? the latest should be on top...

    well for simplicity sake...

    -links removed-

    Are you looking in the "comics archive"? because these were just posted on the main page. I didnt think people were looking at the archive so I wasn't updating it. (Though I'm thinking of posting them exclusivly in the archive after all the recent activity with me and Blitz on there...

  9. lol, a couple pages... I was working on CHAPTERS for one of my characters before I was stopped.

    The sad part is eventually, like in S3+ it will REQUIRE multiple pages for cast apps just to list their various exploits. By the time Dash becomes available again I expect to HAVE to write around 10 pages just to cover everything she's done upto that point...

  10. I'm pretty sure Dash and Fluttershy both have parents. Scootaloo, I'm not so postivie, but we'll have to wait and see. As for Dash being Celestia's kid? Never going to happen in canon.

    Meh, I dont know... I mean, yeah it's a stretch for the MLP-verse, but if you think about growing up in a home, the most timid end up the butt-monkey (Fluttershy) and those who refuse to take it end up aggressive and egotistical (Rainbow Dash) It would make perfect sense with their personalities (and untill Hasbro/Faust says otherwise, I'm sticking to it for my head-canon).

    However I get the feeling that in MLP there are no group homes and if Dash/Fluttershy's parents did pass on, then they would have been raised by a relative (like was the original case for the apple family) or a close friend, etc.

    And yeah, I dont expect anything that radical (though the appearance of Blueblood made me reconsider if the princesses were capable of having foals) it was just one of the, imo 'worst case scenarios' for Dash's family.

  11. (so sorry! I keep missing this one! x_x Feel free to PM me and remind me, I have a bad case of "AttentionDefi-SHINEY!" ;) )

    Hale felt her face burning again, she smiled "Thank you, bit it wasnt anything special, I just threw it together" she said "I was feeling a bit down when I got to the end of the market and I figured other ponies might feel that way to and maybe seeing an ice-sculpture would cheer them up" she explained "I'm glad to see it proved useful" she smiled "oh, do you have 'Disgusting Necromancy for Pegasia'?" she teased "maybe '1001 ways to eviscerate a casserole'?" she laughed "really I'm just browsing, I'm sorry but even if I found one I really liked I couldn't afford it, I have some... trouble with weather work so I have an unreliable income" she said "...I dont suppose you need anything done, do you? I'm not exactly well-read but I'm strong" she said, standing up straight and flashing a winning smile

    ((it scares me, I spelled 'Eviscerate' right but not 'Casserole' >.<))

  12. I'm sorry to say that I don't remember where I got that Dash room image, sorry!

    I did a google image search and I found one reference to an artist "Durger" but the other art listed by him is of Luna-as-X-character (i.e. Luna as AJ) so Not sure if it's a mistake. Also posts date back to July, so I am fairly sure it's Fanart, *possibly* by this Durger, possibly not.

    This isnt going to stop me from using it as a BG though in my comic (if dash ever finds a way to get back to her house...)

  13. This is a little idea that popped into my head. There are very few monsters we know of being canon (such as the cockatrice and the Manticore) Would it be allowed to create new ones to use as obstacles for RP characters? (or possibly even as a whole plot depending on the setting?)

    I'm asking mainly for crossover, since I know the Mane RP everything has to be Canon, but at the same time, is there any wiggle-room there?

    Keep in mind this is intended PURELY as an 'obstacle' or NPC, not a regular character, something one might run into if they venture into the badlands or deep into the Everfree Forest or such.

  14. Wow! Where did this come from? Is this from the upcoming EP where Dash is laid up with an injury?

    *Gasp* somone hurts Dash? I'LL BUCKING KILL THEM!!!! (lol)

    Honestly, I'm betting it's not canon because of 1 thing - the Guitar. If not for that I'd also think it could be from an Ep, but that guitar (1) is electric and (2) looks familiar like a fan-made image I saw somewhere... Though of course it could be just another Anachronism (celestia knows we have plenty of them from electric lights to a hydroelectric dam...) and (2) coincidence or poor memory on my part. (Though I can certainly see Dash with a guitar like that, it's quite fitting - canon or not!)

  15. Scootaloo's parents or home. I mean WTF, does she just live in a bush or something?

    Dont you know? She has a tent set up on a cloud outside of Dash's house! ;)

    Here you go!


    Woah... whoever did that is awesome! I'm going assume it's not canon, so... Source?

    More of the Mane Six's parents -- there's a lot of them we haven't seen yet; Fluttershy's parents would be very interesting to see!

    Oh I dont know, I kinda like my head-canon where Dash and Fluttershy are orphans and know each other by growing up in the same group home... Of course I certainly wouldnt mind if they shattered this head-canon to pieces, provided it makes sense (really not a fan of the fan idea that Dash is Celestia's secret daughter, for instance, and would hate if that turned out to be the canon truth)

  16. What kind of little "extras" would you like to see in the future? I dont mean things like "X character should return..." or "oh they should go on Y adventure" I mean little things like props or backgrounds or casual events (NOTE: A Sonic Rainboom is not a casual event). Characters, if they're purely BG like Whooves, are allowed (dont bother saying "more Derpy" that's a given ;) ).

    For me:

    -Trixie Poster (to show she's still around and didnt get eaten in everfree or commit suicide after twilight destroyed her career)

    -Wonderbolts Posters (we saw these pop up in 101 but really since then I think we've only seen 2 more)

    -Wonderbolts without their costumes

    -Lyra doing more human things

    -More Prince Blueblood (he's an absolute plothole but he makes good eye-candy when he's in the background)

    -The Fire Ruby sitting on display in the Carousel Boutique

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