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Posts posted by Ashton

  1. Well, I've just about got it (its now just a couple paragraphs *uneasy laugh*), but going to have to wait to "Finalize" it since my current final is for Spike. So I'm taking the extra time to edit it and try to improve it (if you want me to just go ahead, paste it in, and make this one final too since spike will be open for 2 weeks, I can, I just feel bad about asking to bend the rules twice with this one app (first having two WIP then having two FINAL)

  2. A blue Pegasus made her way down the streets of the marketplace, oogeling at the various arts and crafts that the other ponies had made. She found herself idly wishing she had possessed some form of artistic ability that could be given to others, but her tallents resided in Ice. While an Ice Sculpture was a wonderful thing to see in the winter, it also was fleeting and as the seasons changed it would melt, not to mention that it could not be taken inside where others could admire it without feeling the biting winds that would blow about.

    Despite enjoying the proverbial show, Hale found herself at the end of the market with her saddlebags just as empty as when she began, much like her coin purse. She sighed, leaning against a street light and feeling the coolness of the metal seeping into her shoulder. To be here among so many talented artisans and not have enough bits for so much as a tree ornament or a mug of hot apple cider, fate was indeed a cruel mistress at times.

    Hale decided to take her mind off the empty feeling, she had been thinking about ice statues earlier, as one of her more artful talents, perhaps she would leave one here for others since it would cost her nothing and might bring a smile to the face of another pony who found herself in the same position as herself.

    She walked over to a patch of melting snow and stomped her hoof, making the mists rise around it that were the essence of pegasai magic. The snow began to harden as the tiny clouds she formed gently pushed the fluffy whiteness into a more desirable shape. At first it looked like a large poorly made cone, then slowly the point of the cone narrowed and sharpened as the upper part shifted back, the lower part curved more and then began to separate, the snow was slowly forming into the shape of a unicorn. Misshapen blobs constricted and shaped to form limbs while the upper part elongated into a rectangular shape, extending backwards, then flattening out to make a rough mane, as it began to harden, the small clouds iced-over and sculpted the shape of a flowing mane into the snow. The front hooves became more defined, as the mane was finished and the tail carved, finally, Hale spotted a few berries that somepony had dropped and gently picked them up and placed them on the nearly completed head.

    The pegasus was completely unaware that more than a few ponies had stopped to watch her sculpting the snow, and by the time she was finished there were a dozen or more ponies who began to applaud.

    Hale found her cheeks burning as she blushed, glancing a moment at the completed ice statue of a majestic unicorn male, prominently posed with his forehooves in the air, his horn ready to release some magic or another, and the two berries which had been encrusted with carved ice that made their color reflect and show through the entire eyes. It was indeed an impressive sight, though Hale herself had not thought much of it, she never considered herself an artist and was much more used to using ice to pelt the ground or an opponent, she murmured a quiet "thank you, it's not that good, please..." so timid and quiet it would have made a mare like Fluttershy proud.

    Feeling out of her element, Hale quickly, though tactfully backed out of the crowd that was admiring her ice-unicorn, relieved that her moment in the spotlight seemed to be ending now, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Though it did make her smile to see the joy on the faces of the other ponies as they looked at her sculpture. She was right, it did heighten her spirits, now back to enjoying the festival - and keeping an eye open for a few quick jobs to earn some bits......

  3. Personally I think it generally has to do with each foal's unique characteristics, to put it into a gaming sense, it has to do with the stats they rolled or are given when they're born. We've seen foals of all 3 breeds struggle with feats of strength in past episodes, while Pound cake seems to be much stronger than any of them. Likely he simply had a high STR(ength) score compared to others. It also could be related to pegasai and their wing-growth vs body growth, as stated above, their wings may be relatively large compared to their bodies at birth, allowing them to fly early, but as their bodies grow they have to either engage in some form of strength training or wait for their wings to catch up (Dash, always athletic, had no problems flying quite fast as a filly, even breaking MACH-1, while Scootaloo, who seems to me to be notably less athletic, can do no more than create gusts of air from her wings)

    In a meta-sense, I think it follows (1) Rule of Funny (due to circumstances in the episode), (2) Rule of Cool, and (3) that Pound Cake is, at least in my opinion, a pony Expy of another famous super-strong baby belonging to a certain stone-age family...

    Similar circumstances, I think, surround a unicorn foal's magic, though it could also have to do with willpower (which is always a factor in magic) since Pumpkin Cake didn't show any major magic until she had a strong desire to (1) get her toys back (which also could have taught her that she was ABLE to do magic) and then (2) imitate her brother's flying. However, the latter seems to break down when we look at Sweetybelle who is much older than pumpkin and seems to lack even basic telekinesis that all unicorns possess as an inane ability. One might also conclude that surges of adrenaline will boost magic, which would explain pumpkins'a sudden flying magic whens he got excited to see her brother fly (as well as why Twilight, when startled by Dash's Rainboom, released a surge of wild, uncontrolled magic at her entrance exam)

  4. Wow, made this thread, and overnight, a hundred people applied for Fluttershy. I'm afraid I probably shan't be playing her now. :/

    Well, Fluttershy IS one of the most popular of the Mane 6, it's to be expected. Dont give up yet, it's just the beginning! (I'm actually expecting to be feeling the same way when/if Dash becomes available again - I'll probably be one of dozens of apps for her)

  5. This is something I was thinking about recently after re-watching the S2 premier. All the mane 6, even Twilight, ended up corrupted... but Spike never did. Does this mean he actually had more faith in the group's friendship than the ponies did? Or was he simply so disconnected from it all that he didn't really care? (Personally I think the former, I could see the latter - except for how much he cares about Rarity; I don't think he could fail to care about what happened to her --- unless he was THAT jealous of Tom ;) (j/k))

  6. Dang... Now I'm all curious as to what their original username was!

    If you are British, it was a slang term for a cigarette. (No I will not repeat it exactly) If your not British, well... cant really help you then...

  7. Woah. He got banned already, he'd only been on for a few seconds. Now THAT is what NOT to do, everypony!

    He changed his username somehow, it had been an offensive one (at least to americans) he was obviously a spam bot, or at best a troll...

    kinda sad, he had a cute Dashie Avatar....

  8. Why is it that whenever you do something, only one other guy is interested in what you're doing Ashton?

    Bad luck maybe? (or in this case a good friend) I think it's more that no body wants to spend the time voting or commenting, much less reading (even if this intro is only a couple pages long)

    As for me, voted! You said yourself, Discord wants to create as much disharmony as possible without giving himself away and before returning to Draconequus(sp?) form. I could totally see him conning or stealing some money then getting another pony blamed for it.

    Thank you for your vote! There are about 30 different possibilities to how events may unfold (which is why I decided to do the audience-voting bit) The only part that is set in stone is the beginning (obviously) and, amusingly, the ending. Where did those sword-wielding echos come from? How will they be defeated? That part is set. Why is Discord helping and protecting Twilight? Where are the other mane 6? That everyone gets to decide! :D

    I'm going to hold out till monday before I close the voting, hopefully there will be more votes. (And if anyone wants to know, at the time I close the poll I'll tell you which plot I was planning to use if I hadnt done the voting schema)

  9. Hasn't happened yet. Sigh.


    I found out only after I stopped going to the weekly game that my DM was a brony, and I *might* have found another one as a girl I know who's into Anime and works as a local shop had an eyes-jump-wide-open reaction when she saw me come in wearing my Wonderbolts shirt the other day (though she didn't say anything about it, possibly because there were other people in there too)

    Otherwise... nuttin'... though I dont exactly advertise that I'm a Brony and likewise I doubt a lot of others do either...

  10. *Sings* Gone are the days of the gift of Chocolate Rain, An o-casion-al va-ri-ety now never to come again,

    "Chaotic" and "uncontroled" is a refuge for the sane! Some have to defy it, some think of it as pain!

    An Alicorn's Desire, attempts to welcome Harmony

    Triy te crete order and force responcibility

    Over throw the king over claims of so-called Anarchy,

    Now all are forced to labor 'neith celestia's Tyrany!


    Though we all know when Celestia steps down, Twilight will become Queen...

  11. Not exactly a "Full Conversion", but I got my father who was rather... averse.... to the whole 'brony' thing to watch almost all of S1 and a chunk of S2 (And admits he really likes Fluttershy, his favorite episodes being "The Stare Master" and secondly "Dragonshy") He's a little more than a casual fan, but he's said if he were channel surfing he would stop to watch it, though he wont go out of his way to hunt it down online or anything...

    So... Is that a win or not?

  12. Sorry, I've been focusing on other things lately (Dunes BG, My "Discord and Drirection" fic, and my Comic (The latter of which are both posted in the creativeity area, everypony! </shameless plug>) Will this one need a lot of work? if I can finish it up fairly quickly I'll just fix it and finalize it while I work on Dunes Story

  13. If a comment is not made saying you would like to keep this character, it will be removed in 5 days.

    Sorry, I'm still writing his back-story, it's taking a long longer than I thought, but I think in the end it will be a very satisfying read :)

  14. I dislike you. Cool story, but I dislike you, you tease.

    Lol. I was hoping to get enough positive reactions to prove to myself I should still do this comic/tumbler but it looks like your the only one that likes it... Still, there is 1 more page that's finished... maybe it will drum up some interest...

  15. False rumor. MLP isn't Barbie guys. A movie? Maybe. A movie coming to theaters? No.

    I second this. Unless FiM burns itself out before it gets canceled (or they make a 4.5/5th gen by then) I'm almost 100% sure there will be at least 1 movie, given the record of past generations of MLP. However, I highly doubt it would make it to the cinema. (On the other paw, no previous generation of MLP was this much of a phenomenon, so I wont completely rule out a theatrical movie, but I'm betting against it)

    Now if it *DID* happen, I would be shocked, and thrilled. Mainly because that would be an indicator of just how big it had gotten (bonus points if it's rated PG instead of G - though given how lax the G rating truely is, it would be had to make a 'standard' FiM that went past it (look it up, you can even get away with light cursing, drinking, and/or smoking and get a G rating!))

    Now whether I'd pay to go see it in a theater is another matter, since I'm not a big fan of theaters... though depending on several factors I might go anyway just to support the franchise and add 'well one more adult came' to the tally.

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