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Everything posted by AsthmaticPegasus

  1. "The best place seems to be somewhere near the valleys of Fillydelphia, but I can't be positive until I've looked over the books you just delivered. There's also a site near Ponyville, and even one as far away as Canterbury. These seem the most promising, but I still can't be too sure..." Saw Bones explained, trailing off and looking at the old books that Page had just delivered. It would certainly help to look at them now, and get started on the work to be had, but he had a guest to entertain and it's not like he couldn't research later. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, only to notice that the time had easily escaped him in his excitement. It seemed that it was already approaching dusk, and he would need to stay up late tonight to begin with the books. Saw redirected his attention back to Page before speaking up. "Wow, would you look at that, nighttime has really crept up on us. Sometimes, I think the princesses change it, just to switch things up." Bones said jokingly while pointing towards his clock. "Where exactly are you staying while in Canterlot? perhaps we could continue this conversation tomorrow."
  2. You were one of the first people to greet me on this site, and a very good friend. Your a good writer to boot, too! ^^
  3. An empty cardboard box is the personification of imagination!
  4. Saw smiled as Page did after the explanation with the children. "Ah, that makes much more sense. It must be nice being in good standing with young foals. I sometimes get to act as a tour guide for the museum, but as I said before, I'm not the best with children." He looked up at the book shelves fondly a moment before returning his attention to Page. "I have a few story books with me, they're a nice way of immersing yourself in the basic mythology of a culture. You may borrow some if you'd like. That is, if you don't already own a copy." He then listened to Page's question, enjoying this conversation more and more. "You're right, a lot of these places would require weeks, maybe months, to uncover something, if anything. That is why I tend to focus on one group of places at a time. For example, I might decide to look into the most easily accessible places first, and then move my way up from their, finding which sites are most likely to have something. Of course It helps a lot if I have some pegasi to help with exploring the mountain ranges." Saw Bones finished, looking at Page.
  5. Bones saw Page's amazement at his collection and was slightly flattered, and also pleased that there are other ponies that had such a passionate interest in the historic. He was happy that he had found someone else like him on such an unassuming day as this, and in this line of work they might just run into each other again. "You pull around your book store? That must get pretty tough on the open road, and you must've had a hard time getting through the city with so many people." Saw said, moving to the side of the table opposite Page. He had had some hard work himself with lugging about artifacts and rock during digs, but he couldn't think of what it would be like to do it all the time, and with an entire inventory on your shoulders! He sat their listening as Page told him briefly about his dealings, then raised an eyebrow in interest. "Foals you say? Are you a bit of a teacher as well?" That would be a line of work Saw couldn't really get into. Even with his passions and knowledge he would have a hard time teaching little ones from the very beginning. After Turner inquired about the map Saw happily obliged his question. "Yes, those are dig sites. Well, at least some of them. The ones in red ink are places that have already been discovered, and the black ones are possible locations. I can't really be sure, which is why I need to do as much research as possible. Yeah, they are pretty out of the way... I'd like to spare resources by finding the most promising lead."
  6. don't worry Imagination, I'm good at balancing things -balances Imagination on my head-
  7. "Sure, just follow me, my office is pretty close." Saw said, turning around and walking off down the hallway with Page following him. As they were walking down the hallway Turner pointed out his cutie mark, "I take it your an archaeologist or something similar. Do you specialize in clumps of old huts, or is that just what you're doing right now?" He said with a smirk on his face. Saw Bones wasn't sure whether or not he meant it as a joke, meant to poke fun, or simply an observation. He turned his head to look at Page while still walking, and took a split moment to reply. "Yes, I'm an archaeologist, though my interests usually waver when it comes to which subjects I'm studying. While I usually focus on Old Equestria, I have learned things about other places." Saw said, happy to have a little company on this slow day. It did seem to brighten it a bit. After another minute or two the duo came upon a door off to one side of the hallway with "Saw Bones" printed on it in simple lettering. "Here we are," he said, turning the knob and letting Page Turner in first before following behind. The office itself was rather cramped, with two of the walls covered in old and dusty writings. It certainly was an impressive collection, and the subjects varied greatly from books on ancient ponies to gryphons. Some were even dedicated to mathematics, and the study of it over time. In the middle of the office was a circular table with a few stacks of books and inkwells, as well as a large map of Equestria in the middle. It had various sections circled off, and a lot of other papers scattered over it. "I'm sorry about the mess, I'm not quite used to getting visitors." Bones said, suddenly becoming a little more self conscious with a guest.
  8. As soon as Page mentioned the delivery of the books Saw became overjoyed, and it certainly showed in his expression. His eyes grew wide in excitement as he looked at the books, and his smile became even larger. He had ordered these books awhile ago, planning on keeping some for himself and sharing the others with his mother at her book shop, she had been asking for some rarities that she could sell for a good price. He glanced at the saddlebag with a new found interest, and returned to greeting Page. "Oh, thank you! These'll be a great help in some of my research!" Saw Bones said, nodding his head. Yes, he certainly was easily excitable when it came to history, and the fact that he had needed new, or rather very old, books to continue his investigation of early Equestrian settlements only increased his eagerness. "My name is Saw Bones, nice to meet you Page Turner." Saw said before taking the other stallions hoof in a hoofshake.
  9. Saw bones had been wandering the halls of the museum ever since his shift started that morning. It was mostly empty, a lot of the time there were a good number of Canterlot ponies examining exhibits which kept Saw busy, but today he was surprisingly bored. Instead of standing by the entrance and greeting guests he began to wander around the building, despite the fact that he had seen all of the exhibits many times over. They still interested him, and every time he looked them over new archaeological questions popped into his head. Needless to say, he was distracted easily by these mysteries of the past. As he was trotting down the "Recent Equestrian History" hallway, his hooves tapping on the shiny stone floors, he heard someone else wander into the exhibit. It took him a moment before he thought to introduce himself to the guest. Before Saw could greet him the pony looked at a clock, seemed to worry a moment after remembering his saddlebag, and look around nervously, This is when the newcomer spotted Bones, and trotted up to him in a worried rush. This pony had a ruffled brown mane and messy tail, as well as the aforementioned saddlebags and thick glasses. He was also pretty short, but Saw could tell that he was easily as old as himself. "Excuse me, sir. Could you help me out? I'm a little lost." The pony said, glancing about nervously. "Of course I could." Saw Bones said politely, putting on his giddy greeter face. While he wasn't actually giddy that this visitor had... well, visited, he was rather happy that someone was taking interest in the past. And the way that this pony had been gazing at the exhibits as he walked along earlier was a good indication that he was a history buff. "What exactly is it that you need help with?"
  10. and this conversation no longer includes me... I think I'll head off and do something else, like make another char
  11. Aw, I'm not in there just kidding, I know it was awhile ago
  12. Angie will only let me throw tea on her face that's 3/4 cold milk
  13. Wrong, Applejack ^^ TPBM enjoys sour cream on their bagels
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