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Everything posted by BrownclownMC

  1. Clowns are awesome! Even if I am British I'd have to say that I'm more loved around the world than she is
  2. I love it! I got it and another one from a terraria forum I just googled 'Rainbow Dash Signature' I'm just wondering if that is allowed now, is it classed as plagiarism?
  3. Thats an amazing story. Also, even though I am British I appreciate the work you did in the Air Force.
  4. Okay I guess, could do better. We need a broadband provider just for bronies
  5. Indeed we do, If the clowns happy. Everypony is happy!
  6. These are some of my most used words
  7. I did exactly the same thing, I watched every episode before searched for forms, fan art etc. I too will watch the show to the end and until I found out that the s2 production team was different I hadn't noticed a difference on the other hand, now that I have found this forum in particular and fan arts I have really come to love the fan following especially the friendlyness of this forum. This is very good for me because when the show ends, I hope not some time in the future. The fan following will still be here This took me ages to write on my phone Thank you for reading my opinion on the subject
  8. It seems my secret had been revealed to my irl mates, #shaftlands guys you know what I'm talking about #keepingsecretfail

  9. I'm glad I've found an amazingly helpful community. Agreed that this is one of the reasons bronyies are a sensation
  10. I can tell this is a forum I'm gonna be sticking around on
  11. Just also wanted to thank everypony for their kind and supportive words
  12. :'D Except it will be a large crowd of school peers loudly judging my choice in tv shows
  13. Good idea but wouldnt work in my current situation. A privacy screen cant block out hater comments when I last checked
  14. You have a point It has its pros and cons. Although being able to go on Mlp forums etc without being judged would be a godsend
  15. Ah, I guess its the complete opposite for me
  16. Why would you be sad about you being able to do what you want? I would love to be able to pull up some Mlp forums without no one noticing
  17. Many thanks! This will surely come in handy
  18. I use thus more than anyone else
  19. Don't worry I'll find 'good' uses for it
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