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Posts posted by Bronynumber299

  1. *Pats back*I know that feel bro the only one that actually bothers me about it is my own bucking father.Just brush it off and act like they never happened.Find other things you enjoy and talk about that unless someone asks.Other than that I don't know.Sorry that probably wasn't good advice sorry.

  2. It's a nice day the sun in the sky and not one cloud you are relaxing against a tree when you suddenly see two figures walking towards town.One is on four legs and is half walking half hopping and something long and slimy is sticking out at the front.The other is on two legs and has glowing red eyes and what looks like to be vinyl records on it.Plus the two legged thing keeps resonating a low beat.Wub wub wub wub......

    Okay so being bored takes over my mind and drives me to make a random and stupid RP thread.So do you have any non-pony OCs that you want to RP or just dump somewhere this is the place to be.You get to pick one pony OC and two non-pony ones.I picked Wubs and Zombie Frog Thingy (ZFT) along with Neon Bright.Now the app part just tell me a little about your character.

    Wubs-A robot that came self aware a long time ago.He is made out of sub woofers dvd/cd players he also has turntables as legs.His eyes are glowing red but are usually normal he can jump higher than usual form sub woofers on his feet.Wubs uses sharpened vinyl records as weapons he also has a bass cannon and finally but not least two short swords that can pump out a blast of super sonic waves.Wubs is serious but enjoys to DJ (his dj name is DJ Wubsalicious.).

    Zombie Frog Thingy-He used to be a normal old frog then got dissected.After being dissected a evil science teacher/mad scientist called Mr.Eval had to dispose of him.So when was Mr.Eval was out bying toxic waste he accidentally dropped the frog in the vat but casually threw him into a ditch after three years Zombie Frog Thingy pops out of the ditch he is now as big as a great dane and has claws.ZFT also has a tongue so long it has to loll out of his mouth.

    Neon Bright-Neon Bright is a short tempered unicorn.She specializes in light magic which allows her to make the best glow sticks in all of Equestria.Neon also is nice and sweet to friends and lovers but not to family since she was an orphan.Neon Bright admires Pinkie Pie and looks up to her.Neon is also a tough girl.

    That is all for now!~Colt

  3. Hello Chrys!This seems fun! I think I'll use my to first characters!Neon Bright and Rainy Splash!http://www.canterlot.com/topic/5957-rainy-splash-final/page__hl__%2Brainy+%2Bsplash.That is Rainy and this is Neon:http://www.canterlot.com/topic/6715-neon-bright-final/

    Rainy Splash is kind and always tries to find the sensible solution.He is bestest of friends with Neon Bright who is like the sister he never had.Rainy is a pegasus and specializes with rain stuffs.Oh and has an immense crush on Rainbow Dash.(In other RPs and things she is his wife and they have a kid.)

    Neon Bright is a party pony who is short tempered and acts like the bad girl but turns very sweet on her friends and lovers.She is a unicorn specializes in light magic and runs a store called The Party Pantry which sells the best glowsticks ever made by her.Neon looks up to Pinkie Pie like a role model.

    Thats about it.Can't wait to hear from you Chrys.

  4. Hello good friends!I like Rarity and I like figures so I was derping around today in my a toy box and I found Rarity!Which is good but one problem while finger brushing her hair and inspecting her lovingly I found something on her face.A red dot.It was really small and was undoubtedly a mark made by a marker.I will probably wash her face later but that is not what I'm talking about.Guys I've seen all those stylized ponies with the stylized mane.I want to do this!So I just want to know how to do it I'll probably be doing this to quite a few ponies because I plan on doing a picture series starring them on DA.So that is about it.I really hate talking about stuff like that it makes me feel too girly.By the way the polls are just for fun.~Colt

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