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Everything posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. "Hmmm?" Inkblot said, almost not paying attention. "Why yes...it's quite the flower..." A couple of thoughts rushed through his mind, and suddenly he stopped moving. Could that flower be...what he thought it was? "Wait...that flower might be...." He regained himself. Poison Joke didn't have yellow on it. "Nevermind then...almost mistaked that plant as being dangerous..." He smiled and took his place, standing next to Storm. "Such a...beautiful forest...well...once you get past the dangerous parts..." the pegasus said with a slight chuckle.
  2. (OOC: Sorry. . Next time I'll slow down...) Bound simply brushed off Arcana's comments and continued of his "merry" way. "Can't hear ye over the sound of ye ignorance," was all he said as he progressively made his way down the street. He turned back one more time, and the shook his head and frowned. He mumbled some jumbled words, and then rounded the corner at the edge of the street.
  3. Interesting OC indeed! I'll be sure to add him.
  4. Bound's ears perked up, and his eyes widened. "Existed? Without our 'beloved princess', we could barely fight ze Windigos!" He turned around, tensed up and looked Arcana straight in the eyes, focused, angry, and unamused. His back leg twitched a bit as his muscles tightened. "Ye really think quite highly, don't you? Hopeless care, ye are. If I was so far below you, high scholar, why do ye continue to talk to me? To everyone else below your royal hooves? Gah! We should just kick out ze princess and put ye in power, mare. I'm sure everypony would love a cold hearted, selfproclaimed everything like you!" Bound snarled in frustration, almost ready to lose his temper completely. "It's ponies like you who caused such troubles in ze first place! Thinking of yeself so highly! Well listen 'ere, Missy," he yelled rantingly. "I don't care about anythin' ye say anymore! Ye are more uneducated than ye think! In fact, just looking at ye poor face burns my eyes!" Finishing his angry rant, he turned his head swiftly away from Arcana. With his heart beating, he quickly took off in the opposite direction of her. "Hopeless case! Not even ze princess could correct such behavior!"
  5. "No," replied Bound to Fire Walker, regaining his gypsy accent. "I have not. But I can imagine, ye see. It's always been on my life's list was a foal, standing in ze princess's presence." He looked back to Arcana, grunted once again, and then turned back to his guard. "Pity does not even begin to describe my emotion for zat mare." He continued on, walking the calm streets of Manehattan. "But never ze less..." Bound was at a loss of words at this point, and found himself almost completely unable to say anything sensical. "Nevermind, then."
  6. Anywhere within a mile radius. Sometimes more, if I feel active. I also don't feel like saying which street I live on.
  7. "And I shall not be feasting with you," Bound called back in somewhat irritated voice, which bordered his odd accent as a deeper, more rugged accent broke through. "Ye fools have wasted enough of my time." He pointed a hoof at Arcana. "Especially ye, cold scholar. Nothing in the world can compare to ye assuming behavior. While ye appear 'intelligent' and 'scholary', as previously stated by yeself, I can say zat it is nothin' but a shell. Ye hide...hmmm...oh yes indeed...lonliness? A lack of friends due to ye cold heart...? A lack of family? A lack of actual emotion? I wouldn't be surprised if ye lacked common sanity itself. Nothimg but a lost wonderin' soul, ye are. Now leave me be, self proclaimed scholar, and let me wander freely, away from the grasp of ye accursed heart." As he said this he continued to walk away, ignoring the whole grouping of ponies behind him.
  8. I prefer chicken actually (not of the Scootaloo sort). Pegasus wings are too bitter.
  9. No, I'm using a custom engine that borrows RMVX elements, including the sprite format. Sprites are modified from Sai'Kar's pony sprites, and tiles are slightly modified from Celianna. Ruby can be integrated into so many other languages, so basically I'm emulating RMVX data inside of a modifiable seconday engine layered ontop in C# and minor C++.
  10. Here in New York City, there are great wings every five feet! Or less!
  11. Summer: Wings, Shakes/Iced Coffee Fall: Wings, Assorted Chocolates, Ice Cream Winter: Wings, Hot Coffee, Donuts Spring: Wings, Black & White Cookies
  12. Bound found himself quite irritated by this mare, more than he had ever previously been by any other pony for a couple of years. Now, he had two choices. He could respond, and listen to the cold unicorn whine some more of how far above everypony else she was, and how weak she claimed him to be, or he could simply find a way to brush the annoying one off, hopefully giving her a reason to shut up. He liked the second idea, but there was no doubt in his mind that this unicorn would continue to pester him. At least, the very thought or her would. Trying to stay as close to choice two as possible, he muttered something under his breath and continued to ignore her ignorant words. Still mumbling, he turned around and walked away from the scene. "Hopeless case indeed."
  13. I have the original Diablo, and my friend that and two. When he gets the collectors edition, I plan on taking that Flash drive that comes with the previous version on it, and, and installing two on my computer.
  14. I claim this thread to be officially derailed.
  15. "Now ye fooling me, aren't ye? Gah ha ha ha!" laughed Bound, obviously absorbed in his own selfish opinions. "And who are ye to say this? The queen herself? Do ye rule these lands, Miss?" Bound had ignored everything she had previously said, and instead continued on on his angry rants about her. "Ye are a poor, cold soul. Ha ha! Ze skies shout it quite openly indeed. Putting yeself in a place of false power...Making all of my words false before I even say them! Ze are nothing! Nothing at all! Listen then, Miss Scholar, for I'll tell ye now. If ye are expecting me to...listen to your cold, falsely assumed words...ye'd be wrong in my eyes."
  16. Bound was angered by the pony which stood mear him. In fact, he was close to being enraged. This 'Lucky' one had done him no good tonight, and was starting to irritate him more than Miss Scholar or whatever her name was over there. Was he...hitting on Fire? The one 'protecting' him? And did he...just call him a...GYPSY? "Listen, ye foolish one...ye aren't ze smartest are ye? Flirting with every one mare in ze sight! And then insulting me! Ze foolish one. Ze very foolish one." He shook his head and grunted in disgust.
  17. "Hmmm? Oh quite! I trade ze spells and seek magical knowledge, but along ze way...ze currency...bits! Bits are needed to live, ye see. I perform...so called ''magic' shows for ze bits. I've been traveling ze lands of ze Equestria for quite some time now, ye see," Bound replied with a nod. "I haven't tried writing my own spells! But I could...ze magic would be made by hoof!" He looked around the grouping of ponies, and turned to the scholar once again. He observed her for a second, and then turned back to Fire Walker.
  18. Bound was about ready to lose it as he bit his lip. Tensing up his muscles, he still refused to display any magic. However, his anger was soon to get the best of him. "I am SpellBound, a Mage of sorts and trades! I travel around ze lands, in search of ze magic! Ze knowledge! Ze entertainment! I am none of ye proclaimed corner magicians!" the unicorn began to rant. "I am a skilled mage of ze dark arts!" With this, he exhaled deeply and grunted. Unable to control his anger once again, he loudly muttered some insults. Once his rant had finished, Bound's horn lit up in a dim grey color. From a nearby fountain, his magic "bended" the water into a circle which flowed repetitively around him. He did the same with more water, making sure they crossed perdicularly around him. Looking up, he smiled a bit as the water enclosed him a sphere. A couple of bright, different colored lights could be seen within the sphere, spinning in different directions. He cut his act short however, and sent the water back to the fountain. Breathing deeply, he looked at the unicorn across him her. Almost mockingly, he told her, "There, 'scholar'. Some magic for ye entertainment. Not ze best for me, but it should be enough to..." He cut himself short and finished the sentence in his mind, shut you up for a little bit.
  19. Bound burst out laughing in a sort of wicked way. "Lucky...." he was able to say under his muffled laughs, "Ye are an idiot!" He started laughing quite loudly once again, this time almost in Lucky's face. Suddenly, his chuckles cut to silence however. His face regained the stern look from earlier, and he stepped back a bit. He look at the timid one and snarled a bit, and then to the cold unicorn. "Bah! Ye still have proven NOTHING to me, Miss Scholar!" he mocked. Bound continued on to turn back to Fire Walker, his supposed guard. He shot her a weak smile. So maybe she would be helpful
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