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Everything posted by PonyHooves

  1. "I'm just glad to see you... I was worried about you. I worry about everypony I care about." Pixie spoke softly. She then looked down and said. "After the cloud incident... We all went our separate ways and didn't speak to each other for a while. I've only just started to talk to other pony folk again." The mare looked at both of her friends as she let out a gentle sight. "My father chipped his tooth when he was pulling on a vine. We were all finding things we needed to make you a stretcher and don't worry... He's okay now. He's a little embarrassed by his little accident, but fine in his self."
  2. I best get ready to go look after the cats. I can't wait to see Tiger. She's the softest ginger cat ever and their other cat, Chewy, she talks to me when I come into the house. I love pet sitting for other people.
  3. Hmm... I've got to take care of the neighbours cats... I'll go over there in ten minutes.
  4. I would be in the first group you mentioned if I was in your course.
  5. Considering I'm a pegasister, my friends just choose to accept me for who I am. They understand that nothing they say can change the way I feel about the show and kindly ignore me when I speak of ponies, instead of letting themselves get angry so that they don't hurt my feelings. However, my brother and father don't understand why I watch the show. My dad thinks I'm crazy and my brother thinks that I'll never grow up. But that's just them.
  6. Good luck! I haven't met any Bronies or Pegasisters in real life though. I wish I could find some in my town or my college with is far from my town. That would be fun.
  7. As far as I know, I'm the only Pegasister in my town. My friends show no interest in the show, but they accept me for who I am and choose not to make fun of me for it. But I am one on my own. If there are any meetups I most likely won't be able to go to them. My family can't drive and meetups usually happen in cities, not small town's like mine. Your not alone...
  8. But that's not your fault. You can't help missing a meet up... It's just the way things are. We all miss out on something at some point in our lives. I've missed out on a chance to go away to America because I don't like planes and I want to go away with my dog by my side. So I'll be having a holiday in the UK this year.
  9. No your not... You don't act like a donkey!
  10. It's cold, wet and windy where I am.. And I'm talking about the weather. Sorry, if it seems obvious wheat I'm talking about. But if I said "It's cold, wet and windy" when I'm at college the dirty minded people will burst out laughing. I'm so used to altering what I say for them.
  11. Welcome to Canterlot... Sorry for the late welcoming on my part.
  12. I know my welcome is slightly late... But, welcome to Canterlot.
  13. Welcome to Canterlot.
  14. Welcome to Canterlot.
  15. "Careful Silver Note... I wouldn't want you hurting your self." Golden spoke calmly. "Yeah... That's my job!" Gerty added jokingly. Pixie began to chuckle. "Oh mother... What are you like!" Golden and Gerty both chuckled slightly as they passed the plates to their guests.
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