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Posts posted by PonyHooves

  1. Screw Loose

    The blue mare stood looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her grey mane was a terrible mess. She smiled as she let out a deep sigh. Screw Loose picked up her brush and tried to neaten up her messy mane. It stayed flat only for a few seconds. After that strands of her mane became displaced at odd angles and her mane looked poofy. Screw Loose chuckled softly to her self. It seemed as though her mane would never do what she wanted it to. The mare knew that she must look somewhat frightful to other pony folk. But she was actually a very nice and caring mare.

    After a failed attempt, the comedian left her humble home. Screw Loose looked at the world around her an inhaled each new scent it brought to her nostrils. Ponyville was such a peaceful place to live. Her screw cutie mark shone brightly in the morning sun. The mare began to hum a gentle tune to her self as she made her way to Town Hall. Screw Loose spent half of her time helping others and today was no exception. She already knew what her first job of the day was. Screw Loose had kindly offered to paint Town Hall.

    When the mare had arrived at her destination. She slipped on a white coat that she used for painting and some white hoof protectors. She may not have looked like it, but Screw Loose cared about her own personal grooming. She cared so much that she always wore protective clothing with any job she did. The mare grabbed a bucket of paint and climbed up the ladder. She rested the bucked on the stand, before dipping a paint prush into the paint..Screw Loose happily started painting Town Hall while continuing to whistle her little tune.

  2. Spike sighed as he went to get the broom. He picked up the broom and brought it over to Twilight Sparkle. "Here's your broom, Twilight."

    Fluttershy quickly landed. A few of the birds flew away. Fluttershy looked at the ground and began to pick at it with her front left hoof.

  3. Spike watched the frantic actions of Twilight, his primary care giver and one of his best friends. She alsways seemed as though she was in such a rush. He had to admit it. Twilight was quite obsessive when it came to having everything perfect. He thought the books already looked neat as it was. "Twilight? Do you really have to re-order the books again. We did that last week!" He spoke in a disaproving tone while he rolled his eyes at her.

    Fluttershy was getting her bird chior ready for the visit. They were all lined up in order on a tree. The mare was hovering only inches from the ground. She waved her hooves around signaling for when she wanted the notes they whistled to change pitch. However, one bird seemed to be slightly out of tune. It bothered her quite a bit. But she didn't want to hurt his feelings. The mare had to break it to the bird in a gentle way. "Umm... Excuse me... Please... Maybe you could just try to lower your pitch, if that's okay with you. I'm afraid your singing the wrong note." Fluttershy spoke softly to the bird, trying her best not to insult him.

  4. "That's a pretty good trick your doing with your magic. You just need to keep trying." Gerty told the foal. "I didn't make perfect cookies on my first try. I burnt them to a crisp. But I never gave up and though it's not my special talent, I don't burn them and I know the right amount of ingrediants to use." She began to make a birthday card. The mare glued on a purple bow in the corner of the card. She began to sketch away a drawing of a filly blowing out the candles on a large birthday cake on the front of the card.

  5. "I'm Gerty Greetings... But you can just call me Gerty." She answered Dinky's question. The mare smiled kindly. "Would you like to help me make greetings cards? You can make one for your mummy if you like." Gerty started to take out her card making equipment and her little card making projects that lacked colour. The mare was a card maker. She made her cards in the comfort of her own home and sold them when her card stock was full. She was low on completed cards. Gerty was sure that the foal would like getting involved and being allowed to colour in different cards with the mare.

  6. Gerty smiled. She knew it was easy for anypony to forget somepony else's name. She used to do it all of the time. Suddenly it seemed as though Dinky had perked up. It was the smell of the cookies that did it. It seemed as though her welcoming snack wouldn't go un-noticed. "Yes... I made cookies just for you. I'm sure that walk here made you hungry, Dinky." Gerty replied softly. Gerty opened the kitchen door. On the kitchen work surface was a plate of cookies. Gerty Greetings lifted off the plate and brought it down to Dinky's height.

  7. ((I couldn't help myself...))

    Gerty Greetings opened her front door. She smiled as she saw a pretty little foal on her door step. "Hello there young one... You must be Ditzy's daughter. Please, come inside." The red mare spoke kindly. She had offered to look after Ditzy Doo's daughter for her while she worked. Gerty Greetings spent most of her day on her own as her husband, Golden Heart was always working at his clinic. Gerty really liked the idea of having a foal around again as their children had all grown up and moved away from home. She knew the foal would be good company. Gerty always did love children. She was especially eager to meet little Dinky. Gerty had made a fresh batch of cookies just a few hours ago. The mare lead Dinky into her home.

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