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Everything posted by Ayashino

  1. I thought that giant fluttershy was amazing! It seems after in the intitial 5k sale of the RD the average sale of the huge plushies was around 800$. A little sad considering 14" once can go for thousands still. >.<
  2. Thanks a lot. ^_^ My DA account is: http://ayashiino.deviantart.com/
  3. I adore making ponies. ^_^ This is my latest little pony.....Ilovehernomnomnom.
  4. Welcome! I love Doctor Who as well! ^___^
  5. About myself.: I like to make plushies, read, write and have a great interest for ancient history and languages How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: GOOGLE FU How did you became a fan of FiM?: I saw a 5ft Rainbow Dash and it ate my soul My one favourite main cast pony?: Fluttershy Hi, I remember trying to join a while ago but I believe that the website was down and I just re-discovered the place. ^_^ I grew up on MLP and I'm happy to be into it again. I do art but my main craft for ponies are Plushies! ^_^ (OMG, I'm not a blank flank I'm a Rock Farmer! ;_; )
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