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Everything posted by Tam

  1. Sadly, given the logo those are actually G4 toys. The G3.5 logo was different... But admittedly the toys don't look like their cartoon counterparts very much. Princess Celestia is PINK in most of the toys, yet WHITE IN THE BOX ART AND CARTOON...
  2. Museum! Can be good and interested but also dull and boring for a pony her age. Omg I'm excited. I'll go edit her with Flutterby too!
  3. Welcome to the forums. We're glad to have you!
  4. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! Also omg what an awesome icon. And joy! Another kindle buddy! I'm in desperate need for new books to read on mine though. You have RA too? I just found out this/last month I have it too which has stunted all of my work efforts since the inflammation is so bad in my hands a lot of the time. So I know your frustrations big time. Yay tumblr! c: Hope to see more of you. <3
  5. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! No worries Somepony I'm an edit-happy-poster too!!!
  6. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! I'm still super jelly with your clothing making skills. I can't even hold a needle and thread securely. :c Glad to see you came to join us here!
  7. Welcome to the forums. As far as spelling, just make sure you're using a browser like Firefox/Chrome/Opera, and they all have spellcheckers built in.
  8. Thank you. ;u; Couldn't have done it without all the users and Tam's help!
  9. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! Yay, I'm glad to see you came here too!
  10. Hey I figured since the map made some changes that this pony would fit more so in Fillydelphia or Gallopocous Island for the surfing to really make any sense. c:
  11. Certainly could! Can be any sort of figure, father, brother, uncle, gramps, and it works as a kid too cause he's a Hippogriff which might cause other foals to tease her and she gets all huffy about it. Ahahahahhaaha so cute. And it's true, his colors would be perfect for the island! I'm game if you are.
  12. Just making it clear to anyone so there isn't any confusion! No worries sigg, good luck!
  13. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! And I certainly hope you do! After a few all nighters to get it ready I hope everyone takes a jump at the RP section. x3
  14. Haha, no worries just a simple slip up. >Residence: Techno lives in the loft above her shop Where is her shop exactly? Big map is big!
  15. Hey guys, I'm itching to use my character Trinket and before I opened up a thread with her on Gallopocous Island I wanted to see if anyone wanted to volunteer their adult - to older ponies to be her care giver? Her dad is a sailor pony and often selling merchant for the main land. He's gone for very long periods of time, no name is given and I'd like it to stay that way. Just like how in cartoons you never see the parents face or something? Sorta like that. Whoever would be taking care of her would be looking out for her because the dad is a good friend and the wife/mom left them when Trinket was just born. Any pony who ideally runs a souvenir shop would be super golden because trinket would love making things to help out with the store and making cute little goodies she finds on her adventures. The rest of it is open book, so long as they live in Coralwood Corral. Just figured the position was very open, I didn't feel like making a pony to fit it, maybe somepony else would like too? C:
  16. Just let it be known you can reference it, but it won't be officially put on our maps or anything like that. But you're still completely allowed to mess with your idea. C:
  17. Can you resize your image to 600x600 to fit forum rules? And please take the info from your previous forum application and apply it to the new form found here! C: I'll check back when you've updated. <3
  18. Oh phew, I was hoping that was the case, thanks for making it clear Kitty! C:
  19. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! Graphic novels are my favorite! I love owning a whole set and going through them just to look at the art sometimes. c:
  20. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! I'm still giddy with joy that they blogged about us here. <3
  21. Tam

    Hi! :)

    Glad to have you, Ruru! It looks like we've got bronies spread all over the age map, much like the show itself. That's cool. Just please do everypony a favor and leave your vulgarity filter turned ON. ^_^
  22. Tam


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