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Super Commando

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  • Interests
    Pony Pony Pony
  • Location
    FLA, USA

Super Commando's Achievements

Rock Farmer

Rock Farmer (1/9)



  1. Creeks or small rivers (there is a difference!) I like to watch the water flow. Its kind of peaceful, too bad there aren't any nearby
  2. Well, I have all the Macdonalds ponies on my shelf, that counts I'm sure, and the McD's doubles that I have are sitting on my Van's dashboard, I don't have any G1/2/3/ ponies anymore, we got rid of those when we moved awhile back
  3. Did anypony see the new movie battle of Los Angelas? Saw it today and it was epic. It reminded me of district 9 except IT DIDN'T SUCK. I enjoyed the story, the visuals, and there was enough of the movie that I could guess what would happen, (So I could feel smart) but enough surprises that it was exciting. It defiantly ranks high on my 'fav movies' list
  4. Im 21, and live in Florida I actually knew and half watched the old MLP when I was younger, but I didn't really like it a whole lot, mostly I just watched it because my sister was watching it. Though a few monthes ago some people I was watching in deviantart had posted some MLP:FiM fanart, I looked at them and thought, 'what a great style (the g4 style) for MLP, if only the show was like that!' The a little while later I saw the threads surfacing on /co/ and I realized, 'omg that mlp is real' I went to youtube and found masterlinx's episodes and was hooked after I first saw the new art, and then the characters, and the pure awesome that followed is, as they say, history.
  5. Whats up bronys? I got linked here from ED (Haven't heard that one yet, eh?) And it seems like a pretty cool place, so I thought I'd join here in addition to ponychan. So whats up guys?
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