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Everything posted by Shadowrunner

  1. I smile "I'me gonna have raise this barn stuck in my head for a week"
  2. "Yea, maybe another human will come, or maybe a pony will find us"
  3. "were probably waaay out in the woods, especially if no pony noticed that fire"
  4. I laugh "Well, now that i got the fence re built wana start on the shed?"
  5. I fire it off in to the distance, the arrow makes a thud as it hits a tree "Bet we could nail a timber wolf to a tree with it though"
  6. "Thats what i'me talkin about, and the thing is...well it feels about forty pounds, thats heavier than the m60"
  7. I set load one of the arrows and rest it on my knee sounding like i'me struggling a bit to move it "Hell of a lot heaver that a gun, but ill get used to it"
  8. Welcome to canterlot, hope you have fun
  9. Welcome to canterlot, hope you like it here
  10. I grab the bow "I've fired a gun, but i got a feeling this will be different"
  11. I went way past the first un loaded chunk and i still cant find rubber trees. Has anyone found one?
  12. Welcome to canterlot, hope you have fun
  13. Welcome to canterlot,hope you have fun
  14. Welcome to canterlot, hope you like it here
  15. Welcome to canterlot, hope you like it here
  16. How do we get the starter materials for build craft and all the other mods?
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