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Posts posted by Gears9333

  1. Rust found it hard not to stare at her as she walked out. The look in her was hard to bare. His nervousness shifted to a bit of worry for her seeing her present state. "I don't know how much help a simple earth pony like me would be that someone like yourself couldn't do." he rubbed the back of his neck "Well maybe not that simple seeing as I just jumped through time. Still I would like to know as much as I can about this place. If I'm going to be stuck here."

  2. Rust jumped hearing the voice and quickly turned. He was in shock of what he saw. A draconequus standing right in front of him. Thanks to his watch he had been transported to some rather dangerous places but he had never had to come face to face with one of them. He knew he was no match for such a power creature. Rust thought it was best to keep his cool seeing as she didn't attack him right off the bat she probably didn't mean any harm just yet at lest. " A Draconequus..." he said almost nervous to speak to her " How did you know I was a time traveler?" he said before what she said after caught up with him "Wait what do you mean the cause of all this? What happened?"

  3. All was silent in the ruins inside the Everfree forest as the moon cast its like apon its chambers. Weeds seem to have over taken most of the halls as well as broken though most of the stand glass windows leading to the chamber of harmony. Moss grow freely across the break wall which were badly damaged from the elements of nature and caved in roof. It was a sad to think the sisters that ounce ruled the land could no longer protect it.

    As the night went on a soft glow started to shine in the center of the room. It quickly started to grow lighting the room in an instent before a power blast of energy lite up the room completely and died out almost just as fast sending a lone earth pony shooting from the light hitting the ground hard with a thud. He gasped for are as he struggled to his hooves. His rust colored mane fell over his face as he tried to regain himself. He looked up at the moon making his brown eyes shine for just a moment before he fell to his flank and sighed rubbed his brown coat feeling a bit soar from the landing. He looked down at the watch attached to his side with a metal chain "When am I now? I thought I fixed this thing?" He said to himself having no clue where he was.

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  4. Hmm whos your favorite pony again? I don't think I saw it...lol jk Pinkie is my favorite too :D (besides Gilda.) Anyway welcome to Canterlot and I hope you have as much fun as I am. If you ever want a friend to talk to or even RP I'm always up for making friends.

  5. Hmm... There is logic in your words. As Gilda's WoE RPer, I do recognize this... :smirk:

    I'd still probably have to go Rarity though. She's just too fabulous. <3

    Rarity and I don't really go hoof and hoof. I really don't care for how she flirted her way to get Spikes gift as well as blow off Twilight's birthday. I can go on but I rather not go into a rant :blush:

  6. So I have been looking for a pony sever on Minecraft and I guess I did find some but the thing is its all create mode. I mean its cool to because to make Ponyvile but I would like to play with some bronys and try playing normally. It gets boring doing it alone but if there is a sever out there like that feel free to tell me the server IP. If not I might just make my own server if any pony wants to join such a thing.

  7. WELCOME TO CANTERLOT! :evil: I hope you have as much fun as me here and If you ever want an RP am always game. If you just want a friend to mess around with and tell knock knock jokes i am still game :razz: ANYWAY I hope you make lots of friends and don't forget its all in fun :D

  8. WELCOME TO CANTERLOT! I hope you have as much fun here as i have been having. I think i can beat you on the pudding burning thing since I manage to burn cereal. I had no idea Lucky Charms were so flamable....ANYWAY welcome and if you are ever looking for an RP or just someone to pal around and talk to I am always happy to make new friends. Hope you make lots of friends! :D

  9. HI THERE! Welcome to Canterlot! I know you will have just as much fun as I'm having. I'm ALWAYS down for an RP as much as the next guy, pony, gryphon, zebra, dragon, changeling, draconequus, ect. So if you ever want to RP or just plan want someone to talk to for fun I'm always ready for action. Hope you make many friends. :D

  10. Loki smirked and closed his wing a bit pulling her closer " Just trying to make sure you don't fall." He said starting the walk her from the medical tent. "How about we go a little father then the ranking posting. Since we are both out of the game we can head out a bit feather. I'm sure I can hold you up for a bit. Unless you want to head home. I wouldn't want you to walk around all day in pain. Flying might not be a good idea for me but I can at lest walk you to your place or were ever you are staying." He said as they walked by a mint green earth pony. Loki couldn't help but watch her walk by smirking a bit as the pony blushed seeing his eyes wonder her. She walked a bit faster covering her face embarrassed.

  11. Loki laughed a bit " If I had my head on right I would challenge you on that but then again I would love to see them in action." he said with a smirk before pulling himself from the bed." I don't know you might look rather good as a royal guard." he said taking two steps before almost falling over. He gripped the bed feeling light headed "Wow I really thought I was fine." he said holding his head for a moment before smiling at her " How about we just lean on each other and we will be able to have a better chance of getting out of this place." he said opening his wing for her to get comfortable if she did choose to take his offer on walking together.

  12. But wait. We're all forgetting the most important thing that happened. Don't you remember...


    Seriously. How could you have all forgotten that so soon?

    oh yes the kiss. The doctor and Derpy's big moment. I freaked when I found out she had her own episode and with the doctor there it only made it batter

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