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Image Comments posted by Gears9333

  1. <3

    Thanks! I wish I could be as cool as Kryptfoal sometimes :< I'm such a dork.

    lol that's going to be hard to do. You have to be seven types of BA to to cast a shadow that looks like you like that. lol jk though it really does look like that's her shadow.

    And dorks make the world go round. That's why my OC is a dork lol.

  2. Here are the reasons I think she might be crying.

    1. She is making a potion from tears.

    2. Her tears cure censer and she is saving someones life.

    3. She got something in her eye.

    4 She was laughing so hard she started to cry.

    5. Is making squidward a sweater. (I hope you get that reference)

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