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Posts posted by DannyMirage

  1. Well, I do voice acting and I'm a musician. I'm a girl, and as far as impressions go the only pony I can do alright is Fluttershy. As for music, I play a ton of instruments. I also love writing this kind of stuff.

    I definitely would need more details though...

    Okay, well if you have any questions, just ask away and I'll make sure to answer them. (I don't know what you want details on exactly)

  2. Hey guys, there hasn't been that much action on this post, but on a different forum, I've been getting a lot of responses. Right now I have a writer, a video editor, an animator, an effects animator, an electric musician and a male VA. of course im counting myself in the group, but that 6 people so far, but like I said, I could use all the help I can get. I would like to have at least twice as many people helping in this group. I could use another of each, and some artists! Vector artists, concept artists, and story board artists, I need you!

  3. With just a few more details or a plan , I'd be happy to jump on board, learning more and doing animation is my next big goal for me as a artist. Moreover, I'd be happy to provide anything else needed, I sing,play guitar and , have done a little voice acting in the past, etc.

    Is there something specific I'm forgetting to post? If have any questions ask me and I'll try to clarify on the main post. (as best I can anyway)

  4. Hay, I was wondering if some ponies were interested in joining a group to work on producing some animations (starting with ponies).

    I have this posted on another site as well, but there are no animators there lol and I could use all the help I can get.

    I want to work with as many ponies as possible.

    The purpose of it is so we can produce faster working together, Improve our abilities working on our parts and with others, and to build some friendships with other ponies interested in the same thing.

    The group won't be focusing on a specific genre, but I plan to cover action/comedy, maybe Drama. I however refuse to do grimdark or anything a younger pony couldn't (and shouldn't) watch.

    I would like to keep our work PG rated.

    What the group needs:



    -Concept artists (and storyboard writers)

    -Voice Actors and Actresses

    -Sound designers (engineers?)



    About me and my future plans:

    __________________________________________________ _________________

    -My primary objective is to make a group that can connect and bring our ideas to life (somewhat) and increase our abilities while getting our names out there for other projects.

    -I do want to eventually make a movie involving the mane six but that's not the ultimate goal.

    -I don't plan to make a fan show, but I plan to do skits every once in a while (kinda like what Mr. Ponimator does every week except without the commitment of an every week thing, even though that sounds bad.)

    -I plan to use the mane characters when possible, we should start with BG ponies and/or Original characters. (Passable VA's are going to be something I'll have to worry about when we get better skilled together)

    -I have time throughout the week (13 hours at the least) to animate and will be providing models (Male and female I can change stuff from there). I work with Adobe Flash professional CS5.5, Adobe Illustrator CS5.5, Photoshop CS5.5, And Adobe After Effects CS5.5, I also have screen capturing software and some simple music programs. I plan to find more animators and a vector artist (if nothing else I can do that too).

    -Primary Communication method is going to be Skype, I also plan to use Email and Dropbox so nopony's left behind. This is what we're doing in another project and it seems to be working well.

    -I want to avoid saying that we're going to be making a mini series, the skits that we do, won't exactly be following a story until the movie (or at least I have no intentions of it) they'd just be more small arguments, conversations, and events around ponyville.

    -I wouldn't mind using Original characters as long as they're described for me to draw.

    -I have no big ideas except for the movie project, which I'll tell everypony about once the group is situated. I might read a skit over and ask you to add an idea I got while reading it (i'll try not to do that often though, as I'm sure i can be a pain rewriting to make something to fit in the story.)

    Now for the points of interest:

    -We'd definitely start with Original Characters (we'd be able to use any voices for the characters if background ponies aren't available) and move on to Pregenerated Characters.

    -We'd start with skits, and once we think we have everything down we'd move on to the movie Idea (this is aimed mainly at the animators, myself included, I want to make sure we're ready for a full length project before we start on it. The beginning skits are pretty much practice, after all Practice makes perfect.) After the movie project, we'd pretty much discuss our future plans.

    -an Instant messenger would be the best method of communication, of course I would use email as well to make sure everypony is up to date in case they miss an IM conversation (which I knoweverypony getting on at the same time would be really rare). We will be using Dropbox for filesharing (sending models, vectors, scripts, audio files, and things like that).

    -We'll put it on Youtube, but that's about as published as I plan for it to get except for movie (and /or future movies), I'll try to host long stuff on a website so ponies can download it. (for free of course, I wouldn't try to make profit off of somepony else's ideas, names, or trademarks, that's just wrong, not to mention illegal.)

    Goals and Requirements:

    __________________________________________________ ____________________

    My plans for the group are:

    -To start with small skits (say maybe a 1-2 minutes)

    -Move on to making about a video a month (basically pick up speed)

    -From there I'd like to lengthen the videos, 5-10 (like Epic Wub Time or something similar)

    -Sometime during Season 3 begin a larger scale project (once we get the short clips down)

    -Continue with the monthly videos once the larger scale project is done

    General Requirements:

    -Have experience in what you want to join as

    -Have a good attitude and be open minded

    -Willing to do work (with time, things will become simpler)

    Writer/Editor Requirements:

    -Have a small sample of your work. (a page or so, not a novel and not just a paragraph)

    -Clean language and no gore (sorry, I can't handle that kind of stuff)

    (If you want to impress me, focus on the dialogue)

    Fellow Animators:

    -A short sample (at least 10 seconds) featuring either movement (walking, stopping, running, and moving a single leg) or talking (hair, eyes, and mouth)

    -Description of the way you animate (So I know we're all animating the same way)

    -List of programs you use and the version of the program.

    Musician Requirements:

    -A sample of some of your music (either a mix of a bunch of your songs or send me links to a few of your songs)

    -Preferred genre of music (don't tell me you do anything, this is based on what you like)

    Voice Actors and Actresses:

    -A sample of voices you can do with a list of the voices used in chronological order (it's okay if you only have one mastered)

    -Info on your recording equipment (Mic and recording software)

    (I'm prioritizing the mane six, but any voice you can do will be awesome and I'll try to find opportunities to use you.)

    If you have any questions leave them here and I'll make sure to respond to them.

    my email is dannymirage13@gmail.com

  5. Judging by your low post-count I'm assuming you were from Brohoof or were just a friend of someone on the server --- there was a whitelist implemented to keep them out, you have to request to be added before you can join.

    He's new on the forum and already requested to be added, from what Bramble Rose says, he's whitelisted.

    I'm not sure what Brohoof is (not the one you're referring to anyway)

  6. Is this a bad place to post this? I'm sorry if it is. :-(

    But I was wondering where the line is drawn as far as art. I drew a vector, I don't think it's bad and it wasn't intended to be "dirty", but still I don't know if I should be putting it places when it could be consider NSFW.

    It's really nothing you haven't seen in the show (it just shows her plot), but the pose could be considered provocative (maybe). Perhaps someone could look at it for me?

    I do want to show it off and stuff but not if it's going to be a problem.

  7. I see what you were trying to do but it wasn't very well executed...

    it sounds like you shifted the key up on the original and then mixed it with the original, While that might work for some parts, it will make the whole song sound... off...

    If you plan on making a better balanced version, my advice is to go through the journey of searching for the "studio accapella" version and add that to the rainbow version (I've never heard that version of the song) or find an instrumental version and use "noise removal" in Audacity (select the whole instrumental version, click "get noise Profile" and then select the rainbow dash version, open the noise remover again, and finally click okay) even if it doesn't remove the music entirely, it should drop the volume of just the background music significantly.

    Hope that helps!

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