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Posts posted by DannyMirage

  1. I used to play tennis but now I just "teach." By teach I mean that I play tennis with girls who want to learn but nobody ends up learning anything. So now you know a few details about me I hope to become semi-regular around here and talk to everyone later.

    Haha! that's just like my theater class!

    Anyways, welcome to Canterlot dude!

  2. Hey welcome to Canterlot. I live in Texas too but I have never seen anyone ride a horse around town.

    I live right next to some small town ranchers and there's some more people like that throughout town so they're pretty much just taking their horses for a walk.

    It's kind of funny though, my yard is like a normal yard and over the fence... Ranch.

  3. Becoming a brony has actually helped me more than (and I hate to say it) going to youth on Wednesdays.

    In youth groups, if you don't fit in, then nobody talks to you. (except for the hyperactive fakers and maybe the pastor if he even notices you)

    Through the show I actually became happy with myself and learned that no matter how weird you are, a friend will stick with you through thick and thin.

    I'm a little curious to hear other's stories. :)

    btw not stereotyping against church goers, but from my experience a lot of "Christians" don't know how to treat other people, especially new people.

  4. Welcome here mate :)

    It's nice to see that there are more and more artists in this fandom :D


    I'm glad to associate with such awesome people! XD (still trying to figure out the faces haha)

    Welcome to Canterlot, Danny! I'm Tenkan and I think you've come to the perfect place! :D

    Thanks man! btw I checked out your youtube, pretty awesome! I had a feeling you'd mention the wonderbolts in that video:)

  5. Another Texas pony? I'm a Texas pony! But other Texas ponies don't think I'm a Texas pony because I have no accent or southy habits :sad: They think I'm some weird New England pony, but that's okay! That just means I can go to all the ponies in the country and they'll know I'm new, even in Texas! More friends to make, just like you! Weeeeeeeeeeeelcome to Canterlot! :Pinkie: Woohoo! I hope we can make up some supery duper secret Texas pony hoofshake! I hope it involves waggling, I love waggling. Or bouncing! Or maybe squiggling. If you ever need a joke or a smile, I'm the pony for you! Hopin' ta see ya soon, pardner, and wind be at yer back ya hear? :D *banjo music*

    haha yeah, I don't have much of an Texas accent either (unless I'm making for of it)

    It's nice to meet you too!

  6. Hi there, My name's Danny! I'm an animator and musician as well as a senior in highschool. I live in Texas, and yes, people ride horses around town all the time (since it's such a small town)

    I actually stumbled on this board a couple weeks ago when searching for something and decided that I wanted to be a part :)

    I became a fan of MLP:FIM when I was looking for something to draw, I asked my friend and he said "draw a pony", so I searched "pony" on google and once I saw Rainbow Dash and instantly fell in love with the artwork. I decided that I would give it a watch and really liked it.

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