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Everything posted by Frosty

  1. *yawns and stretches abit, poking his head through the bottom of the snow cloud*
  2. Morning Angie and Hello Aria *is sitting on a snow cloud throne*
  3. Moondusk would raise his hoof in thought before a smile came across his face."Since you showed me the town, treated me to lunch and actually manage to make me feel so welcome...free of charge!"he smiled as he would use his magic to wrap the painting up."If you want, I can take it to your office right now?"he asked as he wrapped the artwork in wrapping paper. The weather over the course of the day was starting to change, the nice sunny day was starting to overcome with dark rain clouds as the weather pegasi moved them into position. A raindrop hit Moondusk on the nose as he looked up at the dark clouds and sighed. "Great...Rain...excuse me, Miss Mayor..." he would sighed as he would pull out his tent and sleeping bag with his magic, setting it under the shade of a tree. He wasn't honestly thinking of sleeping out in the rain, in a tent was he?"Now would you like me to take it to your office now or later?"
  4. *throws snowballs in random directions, hoping to hit someone* ;3
  5. Frosty

    LPW Drawfriends

    o.o Wow, I honestly didn't expect to be apart of this, since I'm still so new to LPW but still it's so awesome!
  6. Hiya everypony* flies around in mini pegasus form*
  7. Watch out below! *falls from the sky and hits the ground* Hi everypony...ow...
  8. *is sleeping in the middle of the room, on a small patch of Rainbow* Oh how I wish I could run~ On that Rainbow road in the sky~ zzzz
  9. [Well I decided to try something different and write something, this is the first version of my Poem/Song and any constructive criticism would be nice. This was inspired by a certain level on an old nintendo 64 game. Care to take a guess? Now here the poem/song.] Dreams of a Rainbow Road. When I try to sleep at night in my bed Woe and worry haunt every waking moment Every day drama and hassles floats in my head. and I wish I could fly away to that shining Crescent. I dream of a Rainbow road. High in the sky and as long can be. How it shined and glowed In the night's dark sea. Oh how I wish I could run~ On that Rainbow road in the sky~ Oh how I wish I could run~ on that Rainbow road in the sky~ All my worries and doubts seem to fade As the moon guides me down this road. The stars play and dance in display For me as my, happiness overflowed. Oh How I wish I could run~ On that Rainbow Road in the sky~ Oh How I wish I could run~ On that Rainbow Road in the sky~ Life troubles will slow you down. and try to make your frown. But come with me and I show You a brighter tomorrow. Oh how I wish we could run~ On that rainbow road in the sky~ Oh how I wish we could run~ On that rainbow road in the sky~ The sun is starting to rise. Times for us to run. As the Rainbow dies. Our time together was fun. But I'm not sad. As I see you again. In another dream. On my Rainbow Road. [so that was the whole thing, and I hope you enjoyed it. tell me what you think about it too.]
  10. Well I have to head off now everyone Bye everypony *leaves his snow body and dissappears with the wind*
  11. *tries to repair himself, leaking cherry filling everywhere* yay I 'm cured
  12. Well let's see...*licks one* nope, just snow... and Aria is right, D: even if I'm techinally made out of snow... most of the time
  13. *starts to run away from Pegasus* stop eating me and my Cherry filled body, you know how long it took me to get it in there* jumps into his snow fortress and starts throwing snowballs in defensive*
  14. Hi Angie, pegasus and Noe Hmm want do I like better... slice cheese ...*crickets cherp*
  15. *pokes head out over his snow wall* Howdy everyone!*falls off his wall and hits the ground*
  16. Moondusk would wait just outside the cafe, staring into space before he snapped back into reality, nodding as he smiled softly at the mayor."Ok, if I remember correctly, my cart should be this way..."he raised his hoof and pointed in the direction, testing his memory of the town. When they finally reached the cart on the very edge of Ponyville."Ok I should have it here."he would trot up to the cart, opening the doors and sticking his head inside. If one was to look inside they would see lots of things, Paint jars, easels, blank canvas, A clock hanging on one of the doors, a sleeping bag and tent but by far the interesting things were held up in the back, A white beret, a small framed picture and two painting hiding in the back, behind everything else. "Oh here it is, should be dry by now." he hummed as he used his magic to lift it out for the mayor to see. The picture showed the countryside with rolling hills, sweet apple acres and Ponyville in the distance. The colours were so clear and the detail was spot on, right down to the grass and building. "So tell me what you think? Will this do or would you prefer something more original?"He canted his head to the side, curiously awaiting her answer.
  17. Is this the surface? I've been lost down here for hours... makes me wish I didn't flood the thread with snow.
  18. *finally breaks free of the snow, wearing a mining light, sitting infront of Aria* Hello?
  19. Avalanche!!!!!!!*floods the whole thread in snow* Hi everyone!
  20. *rebuilts his snow fortress from scratch and sits in it* Hey Silver
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