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Everything posted by SteelEagle

  1. Well, you're certainly making my super impeccable plan hard to implement, what with your posting and all. @ Penumbra- I would fear for my sanity if my sanity still had residence inside the confines of my skull. Alas, it bought property elsewhere.
  2. Game of Thrones IS an excellent show. The Walking Dead is probably the show I'm most intense on at this time. First high-quality zombie drama. I have watched every episode of South Park live since it first aired and have no plans on changing that, either.
  3. Wait a minute. Wait. Wait. I think I know how to win this game.
  4. I can't say that I am the most qualified person in the entire fandom, but I would most certainly love to help with the Story/Scriptwriting process.
  5. Hey, cool! Someone else who is new! Can't wait to talk and possibly RP with you!
  6. All the links have frightened and confused me. If you don't mind, I'll go ahead and cry now. Okay, that was fast! I made sure to read the rules and such before I signed up. I think that is something most people should do even before they join- make sure the community is something they could feel proud to be a member of. Very excited!
  7. Hello there! My name is Shane, a 23-year old who lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. My hobbies include television(South Park, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, and MLP of course), reading(mostly dry historical non-fiction), writing(mostly bad fanfiction), video games(not entirely too picky there) and watching my favorite sports teams fail again and again. I also have a bad White Weenie deck in Magic, and spent around $200 to get Axis and Allies Pacific and Europe 1940 so I could play the global version alone. Huzzah! I enjoy FiM for many of the same reasons y'all do. It reminds me sincerely of the shows of my youth, allowing me to relive days free of stress in a fun manner. The writing is solid and, for a kid's show, shockingly effective. The characters are appealing with good amounts of depth and excellent characterization. The animation is vivid and colorful, and the songs catchy. The fandom helps out with the immense amount of creativity and the extreme friendliness that turns it from something that can be somewhat embarassing to admit to a strength, a pillar if you will, that you feel comfortable calling your own. The amount of fun, creative content this community produces is amazing- I sincerely doubt any one fandom has produced this much, this quickly, and of this quality. From the Fan Fiction to the PMVs, to the simple RPs and of course the never-ending images, content overload! I found this forum through a simple Google search, looking for Pony RPin'. I have heard of this place before, but never bothered to check. Needless to say, I was hooked once I took a cursory glance through the forum, and was even more enthralled when I saw that the FiM cast is actually in the RP and (generally) active. That is tremendously exciting and helpful, as it helps ensure a sense of balance. (Though, enjoying the quality of RPing I'm seeing thus far, I wish I could kidnap said RPers and force them to RP all day long. Yay! Or nay?) Anywho, hello!
  8. SteelEagle


  9. SteelEagle


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