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Posts posted by Thrylos

  1. Ink Soul stepped of the train, memories of Canterlot rushing back. After a trip to on of his poetic uncles and a long, glorious vacation to Solstice Heights, all Inky wanted to do was fall in bed and sleep until an idea popped in his head(probably a few hours, a day if he was lucky). But at the sight of the sign on the wall, and stopped of at the building, only to pass a pony that he hadn't seen in forever.

    "Mark Time?" Ink Soul was surprised at even asking, but he had a feeling it was the right idea for today.

  2. A young mare with deep purple skin, a rainbow tail, and bright eyes cheered wildly after the show. Stella was so happy for the chance to see such an amazing show, since she was always so busy. But what really surprised her was when the announcer for the show picked HER out of the crowd to speak to the audience! maybe it was her Rainbow Dash tail...

    As she trotted up to the microphone, she looked at all the ponies, and her body started to feel warm and fuzzy. The words came naturally, with no nervous shakiness within.

    "Sirs and ma'ams..." Stella coughed into her hoof before starting. "I'm sure ya all know by now what amazing people the Bolts are. But let me tell you, right now...without them, there wouldn't be this best night of my life. It touches me how their play can move a crowd, drawing eyes in all directions. They can stir the excitement hidden within the most stubborn pony, and dazzle even the greatest of Equestria...and I know now...that without them, I can see a world without the antics of these amazing pegasi..." Soft sobs came from the entranced crowd, and this caused Stella's own light purple eyes to water with held tears. "...thats all I can say."

  3. Slightly future, though there are actual airships in the World of Equestria. Point is, these are futuristic airships, run not by magic but by pulling the energy of Princess Celestia out of her body! This technology spread like wildfire, and Celestia had to allow the masses to strap her to a machine. Ever since, everything began to run on her power of the sun, and being strapped to a machine Luna became the leader. I really want to know if anyone is interested!

  4. Flame Heart stared at the pony, eyes blank. The very thought was so improbable, and for all she knew of ponies she was certain only the magic of a unicorn could teleport anything, let alone to another dimension. Her knack with hunting and her half-wolf mind wasn't good and processing such ideas, but the kiss that came was even harder to understand, though it made her feel so warm inside. The storm ceased and moonlight twinkled on her scraggly gray fur, all black eyes shining.

    "I--understand." The wolf pegasus forced a smile, as the other wolves came out and began to move out. She barked to them, and replied swiftly before speeding of.

  5. Roleplay Type: "Mane" RP

    Name: Hops

    Sex: Male

    Age: Older Stallion

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye Color: A cheerful lime green

    Coat Color: Nice, beer brown with much lighter cream bubbly pattern on his rump

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Short, leafy green in a leafy look.

    Physique: Burly, tough, a little short but stout nonetheless

    Cutie Mark: A water droplet splashing into a cup of beer, the symbol of Rain Splash Alley Pub

    Origin/Residence: Old Canterlot, before it was so big, in an alleyway pub only those that know can reach easily

    Occupation: Bartender and Rain Splash Alley Pub boss.

    Motivation: Family and friendships that have lasted are the reason why Hops just keeps truckin' with his small company.

    Likes: Friendship, a good ale, clouds, Princess Luna, and music.

    Dislikes: Corporate giants, a small bit of himself that doesn't like Celestia, though he trusts her wisdom, the feeling is just sort of a bur in his hide, and the idea of death.

    Character Summary:

    Hops had a quite normal life until he reached the age of a young colt. His father, Winder, the main brewer, showed him how to make beer, and his mother, Fizza, the bartender, showed how to work the front. He helped in both departments, and was an almost master at both. By the time his parents were to old to run it, Hops parents turned over the pub when they retired. As years passed, less ponies came and Hops believed it was his fault. But hope in an amazing thing, and as regulars became close friends, Hops cherished every moment of life. Ever since, Hops has kept the pub open for a happy long life.

    His cutie mark was interesting. In a surge of business, just as a colt he had to start working. His parents were tired, but Hops kept the store on its feet. At the end of the surge, in amazement his cutie mark appeared, the symbol of fresh, crisp life in an old, aged environment! It was the cutie mark that would become the pubs logo as well. Hops is a fun and cheerful guy, always happy with both old and new costumers. But he is serious about the company and go from the silliest stallion you'll ever meet to super serious in a second flat(try and clear clouds that fast, Rainbow Dash!), and is the drive for the company. Though without a doubt Hops believes in his business, there has always been an urge for him to return to the skies that the pegasi came from, and always hopes he can journey with an airship! But liking the clouds doesn't give you a reason to destroy friends, and Hops knows how devastated he would be if he got rid of the business.


  6. Spiri stood there as the wolf pony stood, no sign of fear in her eyes. She just smiled, and Spiri shook. She was so beautiful! But something about all the wolves were how much their gracefulness and beauty scared the little guy as much as it put courage in his heart.

    "I am Flame Heart, but you may call me Wild Hooves." the pegasus said, big black eyes shimmering in the stormy backdrop, glinting like a black pearl. Then Flame looked at Spiri, and his heart skipped a beat. Her voice came out, soft and lulling. 'Why are you frightened so? My pack means no harm to pony or dragon." The pack in the glen were sheltering in their dens, barking something at her. She howled a quick reply and nodded to Spiri and Bowie. "I must go now before the storm begins." But as she began to move, Spiri reacted.

    "WILD HOOVES!!!" Flame turned around in surprise, eyes losing their glint. The little green dragon rushed towards her, and he kissed her. Flame Heart's fluffy cheeks burned bright pink, and the pack stared in disbelieve. Even Spiri was surprised with himself as he dropped down and stumbled into Bowie.

  7. With a slight giggle, Stella smiled at Hoss.

    "Well, congratulations, Hoss! I know your going to love Jubilee! Darn it, shes got to be one of the best ponies around!" Trotting over to the others, Stella winked at Mojo, a sign to hurry up as the noise of the trains whistle started to fill the station. But as the train pulled towards them, the humor of before was gone, and the only thing that Stella could think of was how exciting this was!

  8. Spiri grinned widely, then came over to help with the firewood, the task soothing his still not calmed nerves. Hopefully, the others would come. They had to! But something kept him doubting, not exactly certain of his own thoughts. Instinct was important in survival, but sometimes it blocked what Spiri needed most, which was thinking straight without a fuzzy wall in his head. Or was it the transition was causing him to lose his memory, and Spiri trembled at the idea. Everything he had...gone...

  9. Kiwi shivered, but the look on Bowie's face was enough to keep him from collapsing out of fear. Preparing for a fight, smoke billowed from his snout, as he looked about. The wolves could be seen, creeping up out of their dens to join the howling. As the pack howled, the wild noises turned to a symphony of sound, resonating through the hills and softening the sharp silence of the now moonlit treetops. The sound was both captivating and scary, and the animal inside Spiri made him want to run at least 5 miles in 10 seconds! The soft, growing howls seeped through Spiri's soul, wonderful and horrendous. Not a single muscle could moved, locked in place by the murderous symphony.


    Flame shivered with excitement as she howled, then trotted slowly towards the camp, hooves alighting softly on the leaves. The pegasus saw Spiri, and was entranced by his strange body, unlike any dragon she had ever seen. But something shocked her, since the turtle dragon seemed to not trust the beauty of the pack's call to the hunt.

  10. Spiri (short, stout, small green dragon-like creature with a turtle shell and beautiful, gleaming copper helmet) looked around, a little sad to leave the cool, damp forest. But he followed anyway, and 'Kiwi' looked around the beautiful glen, eyes shining softly in the now fading sunlight. Suddenly, he noticed the paw prints covering the little mud patches from the recent storm.

    "Umm...Bowie?" Spiri stuttered, glancing back and forth slowly. Then, the howls began.


    Flame 'Wild Hooves' Heart, the small, gray, pony with scraggly fur, a wolf-like muzzle, and cloud white mane, with a flaming sun orb as her mark, heard the howls and instinct caught her as she howled the notes back that resounded across the fields, a neighish hint to her voice. The wolf pegasus sped through the tree with inpony agility, racing towards the glen, ready for the hunt ahead. But Flame slowed as she smelled the normal pony and dragon, strangely the smell of turtle reaching her nose.

  11. (OOC: Don't mind at all! :))

    Stella went teary-eyed as she embraced Mojo, then backed of a bit.

    "Jubilee!" The pony smiles. "Nice to see you again!" Then she smiled at Starflower. "Nice to meet ya, Starflower." The purple pony with the rainbow tail giggled a bit at Mojo's remark. Then she hugged Mojo again. "I missed you so much! Didn't know you finally got yourself a lady pony."

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