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Posts posted by WillowWisp

  1. I think you have a good start there. It looks a lot better than my first pony sketch did. I think a good way to look at the ponies over all is in circles. I would suggest trying to sketch out the whole body first then go back and do the eyes, hair, and other details. It's a good way to see the proportions and a lot of times you'll find that one part may be off. At least if you haven't filled anything in yet, it's not like you have to erase a lot of work.

    I did also find this: Wonderful Reference

    I think it shows a great break down on how to proportion out the bodies.

  2. Are you using a program like photoshop? If so, you could download some water related brushes from DA and make a bunch of different layers to test out marks. I did that with wisp because I had a handful of ghost designs. It helped me pick what looked best.

  3. I think one of the best things you can do is just doodle. Go out with a paper pad and a pencil and draw what you see. There is no right or wrong, because we all see the world in a different light. But drawing from observation is a great way to get started. Don't fuss on small details either. Look at objects and see them for the bigger over all shapes and forms that they are. That is one mistake a lot of people make. They want to start drawing but they get so hung up on the little details that the over all image ends up being less than they expected. There are also a lot of helpful tutorials on DA, and a good old standard anatomy book is a great reference for any artist. I know you can get animal speific ones as well. Asa for ponies, if you're trying to emulate FiM's style, simply watch an episode, paused it here and there to see the angles and character movement. Then work from observation and draw what you see. It won't be perfect the first time, and it may take a lot of practice, but you'll start to find your own knitch and style. Personally I have a sketch book that I just scribble ideas in. They all look blocky and rough, but it's just to get my ideas on the page. If you were to look at that then my polished finished images, you would think two different people did them. Just remember to take your time.

  4. I thought I would bring this over since on the other forum the thread got hijacked by mindless chatter...

    So I was thinking, while I failed to sleep... usually when a story has something like the "Elements of Harmony" there is an inverse as well. Like the balance of good and evil, because one can not exist without the other. So that got me wondering if there are "Elements of Discord" as well.

    Generosity - Shelfishness

    Kindness - Cruelty

    Honesty - Deciet

    Laughter - Despair

    Loyalty - Undependable

    And I suppose Magic would still work as the sixth since there has always been the "light" and "dark" sides of such.

    ...am I thinking too much about this? hah.

  5. I'm...24...almost 25. Hah hah.

    My friend told me she was watching it and I was like...they made a new MLP? So she gave me the link. And I instantly got hooked. I told my boyfriend and he was like...what? But then I made him watch it and he got hooked as well. He's even beaten me to watching the new episodes when they come out. Hahah. Seriously we both look foward to Fridays now. XD

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  6. Thought I would take a moment to say hi. I came from the other board our founder was part of. This looks to be set up very well and I wanted to join in. Not really sure what else to say but... Hey!

  7. ((last one I swear. lol))

    [ Pony Related Character ]

    Name: Grim Tales

    Gender: Male

    Age: Foal (Apple Bloom and co. age)

    Species: Earth Pony

    Pelt Color: Denim Blue

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Gray with purple-ish streaks. Mane is swept over one eye somewhat. Tail is fairly straight.

    Eye Color:Purple

    Cutie Mark:N/A €€œ But he hides that by always wearing his saddle bag over his flank with a mark he hopes to have on it, a ink well and quill

    Physique:A little on the scrawny side for a boy

    Residence: Lives with his older cousin Willow Wisp

    Occupation: Student

    Motivation:To become famous writer, hoping his Cutie Mark will be something in that vein.

    Likes:Writing, Reading, Quiet places, Spiders, Gray and Rainy days, Listening to stories and Studying

    Dislikes:Loud noises, Bright sunny days, Running out of ink, big crowds, Sappy stories and Spicy food

    Character Summary: If there was one word to describe him, it would be gloomy. He hardly ever smiles and is often heard sighing. It's not that he is unhappy, it's just he doesn't show it in the way most do. He was sent to live with his older cousin after she moved to Ponyville because his parents worried about his lack of friends. He looks up to his cousin Willow Wisp because she tells wonderful ghost stories, in his opinion, and she doesn't give him a hard time about being rather quiet and anti-social. Though she does make sure he goes to school now that he's staying with her. Embarrassed that he still doesn't have his Cutie Mark, but is sure he knows what his talent is, he always has his saddle bag over his flank so it covers. He only takes it off when he's in the safety of his room. Quiet and often appearing cold and grumpy, most ponies his age tend to just stay clear of Grim.

    Extra: He has a hard time writing, so he has the help of Scribe, a Silk Writer spider. These are a type of spider that are able to understand language and often weave words into their webs. But Scribe uses ink to write on paper for Grim. He is not full grown, about only a 1/3 of the way; currently 4 inches around.


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