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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Well... that is a lot... I am kind of worried about that fourth one, though If the name is accurate... that is one language I will not be learning I'm just now starting to learn programming, so... Would you mind if I ever asked you for some help? German is also on the list of things to learn.
  2. No, none of us can drive T_T Ah, California... The land of ... well... stuff. Anyways, welcome to Canterlot! So, this novel you are getting published... Could you tell me the title and what it is about? I am always looking for a good book to read Have fun here!
  3. Welcome to Canterlot! Programming... So, what languages do you speak, then? Which do you like most? Anyways... Have fun here
  4. Well, hiya! Welcome to Canterlot! It sure is fun to have a friend to enjoy the show with, eh? Both being on the same website must be awesome too! Well, have fun here
  5. Mmmmmm, sounds tasty. I'll be looking forward to it! In the mean time, I'll refrain from eating that which smells of burnt rubber.
  6. Always better late than never! Well... usually... Welcome to Canterlot! Once you write your masterpiece, I'd love to give it a read over Even if you just want to bounce ideas... I am here for you ^_^ Have fun here!
  7. Hmmm... I wonder what type of adventures he'd go on...
  8. Well hey, welcome to Canterlot! Interesting character you got there... I'd love to hear more! And yeah, the show sure is cute Have fun here!
  9. I am completely with you, actually! All chocolate is good chocolate... but dark is better I even like pure cocoa powder! That stuff.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
  10. I haven't seen him anywhere... which is a bit odd. Ah well, I'll see him sooner or later! Then, I will send him straight back here
  11. Sammich is full of cauliflower paste, I think I will inquire this of him next we meet.
  12. Winter


    Welcome to Canterlot! Well, aren't you a bundle of fun?! Swirly chocolate goodness... mmm.......... I'll have to be careful around you... No one wants to get eaten, right? Well, have fun here!
  13. Of course I'm okay with that ^_^ Thanks, Ginger Mint!
  14. Huh, well, glad to have you here! Hmm, triple post, now? That is a little bit out of the rules... so if you could please refrain from doing that in the future, that would be great! Well, if you are a writer, I look forward to reading some of your stuff! I'll be watching for you, that is for sure! Have fun here
  15. Welcome to Canterlot! Mmmmmmm... chocolate... What is your favorite type of chocolate, Chocolate? Anyways... Have fun here
  16. Ah, you are quite the artist! That is some nice stuff, there! I'll just go ahead and give you a Watch... if you don't mind
  17. Ah, interesting stuff! Looks like you are a fun person, though I'll look forward to seeing you in the RP section! Maybe some day our characters shall cross paths... That sure would be cool! Anyways... I'd like to get a few links to your art, some time. It interests me! Have fun here!
  18. Ha, lucky you! I'll have to go over there and see them, some time.
  19. Awesome! Another Rammstein fan! I wish I could go to one of their concerts... but, well... I live in America T_T Have you ever been to one?
  20. Welcome to Canterlot! Industrial music? Rammstein? Well, even if not... Sounds like you are a fun person, you are sure to have a great time! Have fun here!
  21. If you don't know what it is for... type! I like that reasoning You can definitely call yourself a brony if you wish, it certainly seems like you know what you are talking about, there! Well, have fun here!
  22. Winter

    Hello all

    Ah, I see! What do I see? An awesome person, you! Welcome to Canterlot, Triage/VoodooWolf! Wait... where have I heard that name before... Blegh, now I'll have to be searching all day. I'll ask a few friends! Anyways... your art... I'd love to see some of it, some time! Well, have fun here
  23. Winter

    Hola ^.^

    Heya, welcome to Canterlot! Haha, sure, fire sure can be beautiful! I especially like the more blue-shaded bases of flames. Watching them dance around can be... entrancing I'm sure you'll have fun here, but I'll wish it to you anyways. Have fun here!
  24. Welcome to Canterlot! No scanner? Well, you need to go get one! I MUST SEE! No pressure... Seriously, though, I'm sure there are tons of people that would love to see it, me included. Maybe some day you can get one, eh? If you do, you know who to call! Have fun here!
  25. Ah, having a good time with friends? That is definitely a good thing! I'm sure you can make plenty of friends here to have fun with Welcome, and have fun here!
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