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Everything posted by Winter

  1. (Doh! I have an excuse, though! I had just gotten home from a long flight! Sorry ) Storm Feather laughed aloud at the idea of crafting armor for the Royal Guards, "No, no, no, no... I wish I could get a chance to craft that, but they've never asked me to and probably never will. I just have a small crafts shop: they'd probably ask much more renowned smiths to make something so intricate and important." Storm Feather took a look around into the land around them. The breeze was starting to pick up, which made this walk a lot more enjoyable. She loved the feel of the wind on her feathers and the ground crackling beneath her with other step. Returning back to attention, she continued, "Usually when I make armor I take on the biggest parts first because those are usually the easiest... and the easiest to fix if I make a mistake. That way I warm up and any mistakes I do make should be easy to spot and fix. Then I work my way into finer details from there."
  2. (Hippocamp? ) Storm Feather was surprised at the unicorn's interest with armor in particular. Just what was this little one planning? "Well... A good set of armor can take anywhere from a few days to weeks, depending on size, amount of pieces, and what it is made of... And most of that depends on what the buyer is willing to pay. Usually I make cheaper, less elegant pieces... They don't usually take long." She sighed in thought before adding, "It would be nice to work on some of the more expensive metals... Oh well."
  3. "Yessir!" Winter responded to Dunder before bounding off after Muggo', who had, for some reason, said something about trains. He'd have to ask him about that later. Winter moved himself close to the stallion so he could be ready to help at a moments notice. Running on a bad leg wouldn't be good for anyone in this situation. He could wind up hurting himself more and start running even worse... or not at all. The rockiness of the tunnel didn't look like it would be too fun to run in either. A random rock could stick out anywhere and wind up hurting somepony. Winter decided to watch his step extra carefully. Though he was a pegasus, Winter did enjoy the tighter spaces provided by the cave. It gave him more obstacles and surfaces he could use to his advantage in case he needed a quick escape.
  4. Aha, I was thinking about ShadowDeath as well, Rosy XD Welcome to Canterlot, Walking Shadow. Have a great time here ^_^
  5. That's what you get for trying to melt me, Appy!
  6. I still love the look on ......... Well, he is never going to read this. I loved the look on Rok's face! It was hilarious!
  7. I should have asked you to record it. I was really mad at him then. He is a lot nicer now, though...
  8. Hehe, I wouldn't do that to you anyways, Cathalos. I like you. Justin... well... He was a jerk.
  9. *chucks chocolate at Appy* I am going to pay dearly for that, I bet. Cathalos, good game. *backs away and leaves to wash off chocolate*
  10. You aren't drenched in chocolate... Oh well. *licks Cathalos across the face* Don't make me pull moves on you like I did Justin O_O
  11. Offer to pay for tickets if girl will pay for snacks. Get lots of snacks, you are going to need them. *Drenches self in chocolate and tackles Cathalos* Roooooooooaoaoaaaaaararrrrrr
  12. Winter


    Hi there, welcome to Canterlot!
  13. ... Rosewind... There is something I have to tell you. I ate your sausage. I'm terribly sorry T_T If it helps... It was really, really good.
  14. Winter-y? I think this sausage and I should see other people. It agrees. *takes off handcuffs* I am free! Er... WE are free!
  15. ... ....... I still think we should see other people...
  16. I am shipped with Rosy's reindeer sausage :3 Which I suddenly realize she ate... T_T Wait, this means I am free! Yay! Cathalos should get shipped.
  17. If I'm going up then you're coming with me :'( I don't want to go alone.
  18. Well welcome to Canterlot! Don't worry about the moon, that is only for Gerks. Oh... oh dear... .... Er... um... hehe, "Jerks." Have a great time here
  19. Welcome to Canterlot! Have a wonderful time here ^_^
  20. Welcome to Canterlot! Have a wonderful time
  21. Hehehe, Machiavelli is my middle name. No, really. Brave New World was a good book, in my opinion. A few freaky parts, though O_O I'm not crazy I'm just a little unwell But I know that right now You don't care
  22. *reading LPW* Oh, that is cool! Oh! These people are having fun! Ah... how cute. Wow, they really like Peggly! Ohwowthisisamazing! Then.. out of nowhere...... Penumbra has an organ closet that glows?
  23. *squee* Nose boops! I like it! But... I'd prefer not to go to the corner with this one... I am scared of corners.
  24. I wonder what Fawkesequus tastes like...
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