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Everything posted by Winter

  1. "Daw, the cute little stalker. Fits him, doesn't it..." Storm smiled in good humor. "Thank you, Inkblot, for such a great night. This place really is amazing. You are really amazing."
  2. Storm giggled. "So he is our own personal stalker tonight? Creepy..." She reached out a claw to shake with the bird, "Pleased to meet you, Corvus. I've heard a lot about you... but I guess you already knew that..." She looked back up to Inkblot. "How could you have possibly known he was up there? Do you have a... sixth sense for ravens?" She laughed at the thought.
  3. Storm sat there, gazing back silently. After some time, she replied, "Who would have thought a blind date form would have led to this? This is amazing, Inkblot. The best night of my life..." She let out a giggle, "Funny how life always has the weirdest things happen at the weirdest times."
  4. "Forever, Inkblot." Storm raised a claw to wipe the tears from the pegasus' eye. "You are my very special somepony, forever. For better or for worse, in sickness and in health. I love you, Inkblot."
  5. Heya, nice application you got here. Could you please use nice, boring, black text for your application? It helps everyone read it better Other than that, looks nice ^_^
  6. Welcome to Canterlot, then Have fun here ^_^
  7. "Inkblot, I'm not going anywhere. As long as you're with me... I'll never give up... We'll never give up..." She said quietly to him, smiling and hoping to cheer him up. "We only get to live once... We should make the most of it...while we can."
  8. Forever? Like... ALL the time? That is a lot of time... I guess you will just have to stay here with me then Welcome to Canterlot Have fun here ^_^
  9. I see... We need to get you your medicine, quick! Go team go! Welcome to Canterlot Have fun here ^_^
  10. Well, last night I thought it was pretty funny and decided to go with it, thinking that even if the joke only got me for 5 minutes, I could get it to last a little longer on someone else. Sadly, I now realize the joke is on me, because of 53 notifications XD
  11. Oh come on guys, you knew you were supposed to play along! Sillies, ruining all the fun >.> Good job, all you pranksters trying to prove it was true, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie would be proud, Canterlot
  12. I'm just going to throw this link out there http://www.freshfiel...ons/uk/offices/ and point out the difference between 1HS and 1HT and let everyone draw their own conclusions based on the address in the letter... If this is a joke, well played. Not funny, but well played... and leaving some a bit teary eyed. Expect the worst and hope for the best. Joke, please?
  13. Alright, well it is in my head canon that it is, still... Celestia, please let it be >.> Hope for the best and expect the worst?
  14. The Royal Guard that SilverSwirl mentioned, and then a few more here. Holy Order of Destriers Royal Equestrian Army The Wonderbolts are shown to be used as a defensive force, such as in "Secret of My Excess," but not quite an order of knights... Or you could get some ponies together and make one, probably
  15. "You... we... have done nothing wrong, Inkblot... I know you... us... we... deserve better... It isn't fair... Life isn't fair. We just have to do the best we can." She held him tightly, knowing this moment would end, but praying to Celestia it wouldn't. She was crying herself, now. She let her feelings flow out in her tears. She loved this pegasus. She knew she loved him. She was content to sit there with him forever, embracing, and knowing each other, sharing feelings, rather than return to the dark and cruel world.
  16. Storm Feather embraced the pegasus, sharing in his sorrow. "I love you, Inkblot." She whispered to the crying form she kept close to her. She could feel his warm breath and his freezing sadness, and she gladly shared in his loneliness. She stayed with him, held him tightly. She understood his sadness, she knew his pain. They were to be lonely together. "This is life."
  17. Storm looked to Inkblot lovingly and smiled. She blinked slowly, clearing away the tears, and sat a moment, as if thinking about him. "Inkblot... this is such a great night. Thank you for bringing me here... is there... anything... that you need... to talk about?"
  18. Ouch Well, glad you could make it here, have fun! ^_^
  19. "Well..." Storm inched even closer to Inkblot, to the point that they were nearly touching. She debated with herself a moment before continuing. "A long time ago, when I was just a filly... We lived in Rockwington, as you know. My dad was respected, everyone loved him. His only problem was my mom. Griffons don't seem to really like ponies that much... Well I, being half pony... well, they didn't really like me either. We had a rough life there... I had a rough life there... When I thought it couldn't get worse, we moved to the swamps. It was mostly the same, but there was one major difference... It was dirty, smelly, and gross there... The hatchlings... they would take any chance they could to throw mud at me. It was horrible..." Storm dropped her head in sadness before continuing. "Our house would break a lot. No one would help us. Mostly everyone there looked down on us, really... We... we had to fix it ourselves... I had to fix it myself... I guess it was a good thing, it taught me how to look at life, how to be strong. It taught me what I am good at. It told me that I had to leave... It brought me here..." Storm looked back up, teary eyed, and slowly shook her head. "But let's not talk about that, we are here together now to be happy. Inkblot, you make me happy..."
  20. Interesting fun facts. Might I ask why you are missing toes? It sounds interesting! Welcome to Canterlot Have a great time here!
  21. Winter


    We are fast like Dashie! Welcome to Canterlot Have a great time here, Lionheart ^_^
  22. "I... uh... don't mind, either way..." Storm paused, thinking about what she wanted, and inched a little closer to Inkblot. "We could, uhm, stay here and just enjoy... each other's company... If that is okay with you..."
  23. "That was amazing. Do you make stuff like that all the time?" She whispered to him quietly. "It was sad and beautiful. It... I love it, Inkblot."
  24. Winter

    Hiya c:

    Cool roleplayers and good memories? Yeah, we can do that Welcome to Canterlot Have a great time here ^_^
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