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Image Comments posted by flutterscotch

  1. Well, it's not like its his intellectual property or anything to make a giraffe...it even had a precedented one within the overall history of the line. We're all working with what is essentially trademarked materials here, so as long as you're not making the same exact giraffe, or just a recolor of his style, nobody can say a word about being a "copycat" and have it hold any water.

  2. He's lazy, he really just manipulates the clouds, and usually that's what keeps it aloft/moving, with some added crewmember unicorn magic, more than anything physical on the vessel itself. The boat came with the keel, and eventually does need to operate like a boat because he fills it up in gas vents, and his crows-nest blower and balloon & pony power, whether it be weather or magic, will only get him so far.

    Technically it was supposed to have a pedal-driven propeller, but, alas, lack of layers. But since the whole thing's king of just slapped together and barely sea or air worthy we can just assume anything I ever take off or add to this either broke, or was hastily added.

    And windmills, yes, but it's more of a reference to Rush's Cygnus X-1 than a direct reference/correlation to Don Quixote, even as much of a fool as Green Flash is. It also may or may not have been inspired by everyone's favorite completely racially insensitive animated pile of junk, Rickety Rocket! *whistles innocently* :D

    There is so much nerd packed into this I can't stand myself sometimes. LOL.

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