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Everything posted by CherryRie

  1. Of course he did. He'g going to put it in its own little tank when he gets home, with a little corral, a dinky plastic castle and feed it fish sticks and call it George. ... So what exactly is an Appendix?
  2. Not everypony sees eye to eye, but having the opportunity to carry a life inside you, that is a part of you, and will grow up to be their own person someday? To many, there is nothing more exciting, rewarding, or important in life. Sure, it can be a hard scary business, but I personally think its awesome she will get to experience her own child. Not everypony gets too. I think there is a lot there to celebrate. Doesn't matter how its cut, life is precious; it blows my mind to even think about being able to have a hand in creating it. Awwww Mane, very well said sister *hugs* On a related note; How long do you reckon before the '20% cooler' tag gets mixed in with this news?
  3. Fantastic Mane! Thankyou very much ^_^
  4. Wouldn't it be nice if Hugs could change the world? You'll have to excue any spelling errors. My brain is too tired to think straight and honestly I couldn't care less if half of this post is ilegible. Apprantly the optimum time for a hug to last is aproximately 45 seconds. Maximum level of endophens vs minimum awkwardness or something. I dearly which I'd done some reaserch into it when I had the time, maybe I could have found a way to weaponise cuddles. Why use tear gass when you can make someone feel loved at forty paces? My problem is thus; As I write this its about half one in the morning. I'm brain-fuzzled from Piriton hayfeaver tabs, have a bucket load of work to do tomorow and I can't sleep due to the fact that I might be needed to stop a druken depressive from investigating the abort button on life. There are times when I really hate having an As-level in psycology along with fairly good empathy. A little knoladge is a dangerous thing espeicaly for one's own peice of mind. I've got a sembelence of an idea what's going on inside their noggin, and I can apreciate that technicaly they're ill, but for the love of celestia! If you've got an illness then you go get help, you don't just sit around hoping it will get better. Even if you feel that you can't be helped you should try. Our lives are not our own to toss away, it belongs to the people who love and care for us, its them that you hurt more then yourself. I think the worse part is not knowing whether I should act or trust my perant's judgment, clouded by love as it might be. Also as a casual observation; Isn't it amazing that no matter how drunk they are, guys can sudenly regain alot of controle when they realise that the person now getting involved isn't afraid to kick them in the balls? Espeicaly when said person just walked downstairs, looks like hell from lack of sleep and despite still being in nightwhare has taken the time to put on her Chav-Stomper Newrock boots. The lesson for today children is: Hugs can solve most problems. For everything else, there's NewRocks.
  5. *Points to above image* It dose now. I need somewhere to contain the Sqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Thats such great news, I'm so happy for her!
  6. Writing, Roleplaying, drawing, moddle making, painting, digital landscaping, feeding chickens, cycling and LIFE!
  7. Thanks everyone I'll have a look at swaping out a few shades as you say Scotch, they're all on difrent layres so it'll be easy enough ^^, Origional on left and new on the right, any better? Think the blue could do with toning down a ? little:)
  8. Okays, Flutterscotch. I've altered the colours, cooled the whole thing down and added definative points at which the mane and tail change colours. I'm a lot more confident about this one, though it is starting to look like sweetybell XD
  9. Thanks Skye I could do with some advice from anyone who knows about the character I've been working on; Cerra Cirrus. I've finally maged to create a pic of her to go with the profile, and have come to the realisation that her colour sceem is just awful >.> Any advice on what might work better, given her personality that is?
  10. Thought I might update this while I'm on a break from collage stuffs. Not had too much joy on the doodle side recently, but I did make one of Angel cake; By the power of glitter, she has become Sparkily AngelCake! Bace image from sketch book 1 And two! YAY GLITTER!
  11. Dose anyone know how to 'unlock' content control on a mobile Braudband stick? I've gone to whitby for the weekend only to find that I'm locked out of Chat
  12. Edited! Okay is that any better? I've added a bit too the back story and re worked how she got her cutie mark so hopefuly that should do the job Oh, also could someone take a look at my other aplication? I know it needs work but I need to have feed back to know how much I need to rewrite, I really REALLY want to start rping this weekend ^^
  13. Hmm, I believe I need to do some thinking on this. I can easily tone down the research side of things as the extent to which it is complete is kind of irrelevant from a role play perspective. The cutie mark is giving me trouble though. It has to be something that could be easily misinterpreted otherwise the inner confusion is irrelevant.
  14. Thanks for the feedback everyone I too am starting to wonder whether the Triskelion is going to be the best symbol, but I couldn't find anything that encompassed motherhood that weren't images of saints or goddesses. Do you know of any that would fit? As I said, the whole point of Cerra is this conflict where she has diverged completely away from what she is actually destined for. Because of her experiences following Matisma she has unknowingly shunned the elements that made her special; such as Compassion, selflessness and a desire to nurture. Ironic that she experienced all these when she first met Mat. Misinterpretation led to her following the colt like a shadow. They did everything together. When Matisam enrolled at the collage for gifted unicorns she took up an assistant position delivering memo's and studied alongside him despite her inability to practice the magic she was learning about. The traits that lead to her finding her talent still show through in her traits (likes/dislikes) but are twisted as though through a mirror darkly. --EDIT-- Please disregard this section, I will leave it in for archive sake but it is now irrelevant to the character in present rollplay. As for magic, Ahh I'm glad you brought this up. You are correct that only unicorns can use magic, but the real question is 'why'? Matisma has been fascinated by this question since his early childhood. As a gifted unicorn himself he longed for a deeper understanding of how magic works; what is it about the unicorn that makes them capable of channelling such a primary force? Why is the weaving of a spell concerned with the will of the user and not a mathematically devisable equation? Essentially through the course of his research, Matisma has found that the will of the caster can be substituted to some extent by carefully built mechanism and use of a conducting catalyst. With these 'artefacts' readily available to the public it would revolutionise the entire Equestrian way of life. Considering how close they have always been, it is not a gigantic leap to suggest that his original motivation was to allow Cerra to experience the wonder of magic as he does. I'm not going to go much deeper into this as it will be explained in an 'alt-history' fan fiction I'm writing, inspired by the Heart of Equestria Rp that is soon to start. Suffice to say there is a really good reason why (despite these leaps forward in understanding) they haven't started to produce artefacts for the mass market. The reason I'd really like to play this character in a role-play is to flesh out and get a feel for her personality, thus knowing where she started before I move on to the deeper emotionally conflicting parts of the fanfic. If there's anything you can suggest to make this more acceptable or things you would tweak I'd be hugely grateful ^^
  15. Edit; After talking about it with Pony_Sage, I've toned down the graident on her pelt and mane, as they were far too buisy. Couldn't really see this until I looked at it from an artests point of view. New gradient is icolated to the lowerlegs and hoofs, hair change is more spread out along lengh in discription ^^,
  16. [ Pony Related Character ] Name: Cerra Lavender Gender: Female Age: Mare Species: Earth Pony Pelt Colour: Light grey coat, legs gradient into amathist around her hoofs as though they were dipped in clouds. Mane/Tail Color & Style: light and dark Gradiants of Lavinder. Mane is kempt, un-styled and hangs at shoulder length, tied back in a bun whenever she's working. Her tail is short but still hangs and is well kempt, rarely tied or styled. Eye Colour: violet Cutie Mark: A light blue Triskelion Physique: thin but not sickly, looks as though she regularly forgets to eat. Defiantly the sort with a regular exercise routine... probably written down in a diary somewhere. Residence: Canterlot Occupation: Alchemist and magical Researcher Motivation: There is a distinct fork in her past where motivation and 'special talent' parted ways. Presently her motivation leys with following her husband and his research into the nature of magic. However, she gained her mark in a far different way, when she found a balance between empathy, valour and wisdom, all traits which have fallen by the way due to her choice of corear. This dichotomy is buried quite deeply, though its effects can still be seen in her personality. Likes: Dedication, discipline, intelligent arguments, people who know where they stand and do not hide from facts, those with the will to better themselves. Dislikes: Time wasters, squandering of talent, having her judgement questioned. Character Summary: Born into a family of self made entrepreneurs, Cerra was taught from an early age that if you wanted something you'd better be prepared to work for it. True, given her parents' mail company was one of the largest in Canterlot, she didn't lead the simple life of a farmer or street sweeper. But her father was a stallion who knew the roots of his success lay in honest hard work. When she was six she started following her father to work, running memos about the offices for pocket money. Even then she was beginning to show astounding intellect for her age, memorising not only half the staff, but also their habits so to know where they were mostly likely to be at any given time. By the age of eight she was already delivering messages thought the great city for tips, though by now it had become obvious that she simply considered this to be a 'job' rather than a career. Top of her class in literacy, she had read her way through father's library before finding a knish in psychology and the science of the mind. But her real talent lay in people. Conversationally her intellect shone. It became something of a party trick to deduce a pony's occupation and residence from a brief glance and a few choice but seemingly unrelated questions. At school she was rapidly becoming the agony aunt for many of the students and for some time it looked as though the roll of counsellor would await her come adulthood. Perhaps it was this dependence that made the change seem all the more extreme. In the summer of her twelfth year, she was finally entrusted to make deliveries outside city limits. It had been during one of these short trips that she had met the young colt whom was to become the soul and centre of her world for years to come, Matisma Lotus. Being even more intelligent than her, though wracked with emotional issues, the young unicorn had proven to be her perfect partner both intellectually and in terms of emotional dependence. Together they had started down the path of magical research, Mat' joining the collage of gifted unicorns and Cerra taking up an assistant position to be near him. In earlier years of study alongside Mat, she and her findings would be readily dismissed despite her knack for alchemy and related sciences. Over time she developed a prickly personality as a defensive response to unfounded criticism and assumptions of ignorance. This has mutated somewhat over the last few decades as she has worked to become an accepted figure in the field of magical research. Subtle scepticism has become her default position when dealing with anyone from rock-famers to royalty. Growing through an immature scientific community, she has developed a reliance on her own analytical outlook rather than the sudo-assumptive approach taken by most magical researchers. At least until suitable evidence is produced otherwise. This explains her slightly lower expectations when it comes to other ponies less intelligent then her. Though mostly civil in this inherent distrust, displays of short-sightedness on the plaintiff's behalf can often lead to reinforcement of her initial assumptions. Worse still is her reaction should those same ponies question her judgement. This malcontent often manifests as an unsympathetic sarcasm. Mostly her wit is just subtle enough to go unnoticed by the object of her wrath, adding to the intellectual victory should the slight go unnoticed. However, in the latter case she may be moved to all out cynical analysis; taking apart and exposing the inadequacies or insecurities of the unfortunate victim with uncompromising resentment. Deep beneath this critical attitude is an uneven base upon which her whole life is founded. Cerra would like to believe that her purpose in life is to enlighten the ignorant. In reality, she has simply been swept along by her spouse's ambition. Dazzled by the adventure of discovery she shuns a deep seated dichotomy from when she separated from her true self to follow her love. Hidden instincts have recently begun to gnaw away the essence of her self-perception. Doubts ascend within moments of retrospective emptiness and cast judgement on her life. Years ago she saved a runaway foal from drowning. Not much younger then herself he had tried foolishly to cross a rotten bridge during a storm and had fallen into the churning river. Hiding as she was nearby, Cerra had run downstream after him, choosing her moment to dive in and pull his head above water. With concerted effort the two had struggled against the current until, exhausted by the fight, she had dragged the unicorn foal up the muddy river bank. As the rain beat down around them, the two had sheltered together beneath a fallen tree to wait out the worst of the storm. Adrenalin fading Cerra found herself berating the young colt for such a reckless disregard for his life. Shaking with fatigue, her fury was tinted with concern almost as though she cared deeply for a pony whom she had only just met. Both too tired to move from their dugout, the argument went on for some time above the din of the rain and crashes of thunder. It ended in tears but with the agreement that she would help him get back to his family. Despite attempts to turn back at the last minute, Cerra returned Matisma to his worried parents and agreed to stay the night. Reflecting on the adventure, how it had felt to protect and nurture someone who needed her, the Triskelion had appeared on her flank. A symble of balance, it represented her valour, empathy and wisdom she had shown in saving the boy's life and guiding him home. Deep down she felt a pang of needing, of having somepony to love and protect. Sadly the young filly misinterpreted this as a sign that her destiny was to help Mat' in all his endeavours and so she had followed him. Friends of fortune soon became inseparable. But silently a disquiet has grown within the mare's mind. Now Cerra sleeps restlessly, her dreams invaded by flood waters sweeping Matisma from her side, leaving nothing but white meaninglessness. Has she sacrificed too much to follow in her love's shadow? And in the still darkness of the night a question begs; what is she without him?
  17. *Lack Luster Used Nyan Cat on CherryRie* *It's Super Effective!* Ohmygo****ssocuuuuuuuute! *CherryRei Has fainted from cute overdose*
  18. Awww *Hugs Locutus of borg*
  19. Squee Pointers! Thanks for that, cat! We are doing more life drawing at collage atm so it's nice to know I'm on the right path. Given summer is coming soon I wonder if I should find a night class somewhere to keep up. Oh and out of curiosity, (sorry for all these questions but oh-my-gosh) how long have you been doodling for?
  20. YAY! I'm really glad you like him Blossom! I'm affraid I don't have much else on DA except what you see here though Hopefully that will change soon enough once I get the doodles into gear though Thats useful to hear ginger, I was afraid he looked lop-sided when I first uploaded the pic XD I'm not sure what FFT is but I'll Ramza if he knows ^_^ Oh, and; Or option three, Both
  21. You know what, I give up. I've tried and tried to encapsulate everything I feel about this amazing work, but nothing I write down even comes close. Cat, as an artist you are everything I aspire to become. Everything from the way you capture the character's individuality though posture and form, to your portrayal of emotion and cartoony stylisation. Everything about your work feels loose, free, natural and above all entertaining The one thing I would ask is; if you were to give advice to a beginner looking to emulate a similar style, what would it be? Especially if they were struggling with expressive characters and can't get their head around morphing a face around an emotion >.>
  22. I just love these doodles you have The colour ones especially. The hair looks particularly effective, though could do with lifting and highlighting just a little more to really make it pop out of the picture (still way better then what I can do XD ) You seem to have gotten a good grasp of something I'm still working on; the morphing of the features around an expression, rather than just the head shape with a 'generi-spression' tacked on. Out of interest how long does and average doodle series take you? I keep finding that a what should be a ten minuet sketch turns into an hour long slog, usually after picking at it and finding that removal of the one feature I didn't like results in the whole image unravelling >.<
  23. Well having looked around I have to admit I'm a little nervous about posting this up here. You have some wonderfully talented artists in your herd, I'm already looking to several threads for inspiration and pose refrences. But one cannot grow without guidance. So I'm gona be posting up most of the doodles I have here in the hope that I can learn a thing or two ^_^ If its not too much trouble I would really appreciate honest critical opinions, not just 'that's nice' comments. Okay that sounded wrong, because short 'ohmygosh cute' responses give me the warm fuzzies. But at the same time don't be afraid to speak your mind; say what you really think, where you would change things and how you would like to see doodles improved I really want to learn and expand, and the best way of doing that is to have feedback! And now for something compleatly difrent; Ponys! Sqeeeeee! To save space I'll be using links to the images rather then posting whole pics ^^ Marshmallow chicken ; Kairus is new to this whole 'magic unicorn' thing, and he's getting a little frustrated. The only trick that he can do is to turn loose screws (and only clockwise) and whenever he tries anything else it ends up conjuring a marshmallow chicken. At least its delicious ^_^ Spanner in the server ; Inspired by chat with a friend called Toby underwood, whom was having issues with his servers at work Cherry ; scraps linework of an anthro vertion of my pony charcter, Cherry! Poor Kairus ; Random follow-on pick from Marshmallow chicken. More consentration equals more chickens. Pluss other ponies from the group mission! Leraku ; Another Rp chracter from the group mission, this time Leraku! The plot hole Lemur. In the World of Equestria he is part dragon, part Lemur, all adorable Rainy Ramza ; Ramza is an earth pony... and he can do magic!! Perhaps he just dosn't know any better? Oh well, at least he's enjoying his little raincloud ^_^ Ummm I think thats it for stuff I've actualy uploaded so far. I'll have more soon no doubt. As I said any comments or sugestions are AWSOME and twenty percent cooler :mrgreen:
  24. I think I remember it from an old tape I used to watch repeatedly at my gran's house. I mentioned it to mother dearest and got the desired reaction of 'oh gosh don't start that again, yes you drove us insane by singing constantly it for two months strait'.
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