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Posts posted by FermataTheBasse

  1. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"With a hat as lovely and fancy as yours, other ponies would steal it without a second thought." -quote by Twilight Shine[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]The two mares, one old, one young, seemed to be on the common of ground of having similarly happy and excited dispositions; it was odd perhaps that Swan found it easier to converse with ponies far her juniors because she was in many ways more like them then like her adult counterparts. She matched Twilight's happiness and sweetness with her own equal dosage of sugar, a great eager grin plastered onto Swan's face as she spoke:[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Twilight Shine, such a cute name!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She looked up at Ellie, her hat proud in it's place on her head, resplendent, noble, perhaps even a bit fly- to use more vulgar vernacular- what with it's design. She was glad it was appreciated, her love of Ellie was well known in Canterlot for all the attention, good or otherwise, it drew. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oh, don't go on Twilight! You will make me blush. But you do have an excellent eye for style, which makes me wonder if you are perhaps a foal interested in fashion?" [/colour][colour=#000000]That could make a story, an apprentice in the art of the dress.[/colour]

  2. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"One thing that having information in text does is prevent us from gaining that information from others."[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Oh, wonderful, wonderful. I am not a mare with any historical awareness, and while I am not looking to remedy that, I am looking to give my readers some insight..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive giggled slightly when she realized that she was being a bit overbearing with her enthusiasm, as she was prompted to realize by the good doctor's glance. Swan returned herself to all four of her hooves, freed Spin Tale from her crushing grasp. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"So sorry. I can be a bit excitable at times." [/colour][colour=#000000]An understatement for historical record, to be sure. But Swan didn't really back off, she was still close to him, smiling right into his face.[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"So you run this charming place? I should tell you my name, I am Swan Dive, I run Young Mare's Tail, if you've heard of it...?" [/colour]

  3. An adolescent dragon made her way up the street that led into the circle she was to meet her fellow novices in. Not because she had been instructed to do so by those watching the participants yesterday, but because she had received the instructions to do so. A circle upon the ground, in the brilliant light of the disc that she took to recognize the sun, a solitary point of shade in the center of a burning bright landscape with no features but endless illumination. For Pupil, a circle represented the shadow of something, she realized from the vein of her previous dreams that the intent of her visions was guiding her to the idea of the dragon taking flight, casting it's shadow upon the ground. Dragons had taken flight yesterday, accepted into the legendary Scaleheart order, their wings to be tested in service of Equestria for the first time... It would be for many a strange logical thought process, for Pupil it was par for the course.

    Her footfalls were light, elegant in their own way, her dull eyes looked ahead, speaking of no emotion. She was only partially in the moment at the moment, her thoughts already spawning all manner of strange abstractions that she felt it was important to puzzle out. More important than watching her way, it seemed. She was an elephant, running roughshod over hooves and tails on her path toward the main square of Canterlot. Only the curtest of apologies were made, if at all, when she hurt others.

  4. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"A reader once asked- in jest I think- if a barrel roll was the best move for a dancer to know. I replied by saying that we are not all pegasi, and that dancers normally do not have barrel-like objects in their routines."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]As a hobbyist dancer, Swan Dive had a well trained eye when it came to understanding the grace and execution of other's dance moves. Now, what Flying Brick had done was not in the strictest sense dancing. But it was impressive, it was graceful, it was perfectly executed all the same. She was among the first to gasp when Flying flew off the fire escape, was amazed by the impeccable timing of her catch and prompt bar routine on the crane, was amazed by her speed, was amazed by her little barrel run.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Swan was also the first to start clapping her hooves into the ground, appreciative of the show, and she was the first and probably only to actually approach. She was so quick that Flying wouldn't even have had time to finish her bow before Swan was upon her, all smiles and eager bouncing on her hooves.[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Oh my, that was simply amazing! A work of street art that deserves to be chronicled. I am Swan Dive, darling, I write for a publication in Canterlot. Would you care to give me a few words?" [/colour][colour=#000000]That all came out in a rushed jumble, so eager was Swan Dive for a talk with Flying that she rushed her words. They still came out with impeccable diction and a slightly aristocratic accent, of course. She was not one to lose that so easily. [/colour]

  5. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"Hook your reader with an amazing story and they will grant you what you desire. Their attention."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Creatures. How could she have forgotten that word, of all words she could have forgotten. Swan Dive blushed, resisted the urge to hide her face into her favored hat. She was still smiling sheepishly, shyly, when she turned to Spin Tale. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oh, thank you so much. I have trouble with my reading sometimes..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Oh, now hold on a moment. Had he just said that he was the curator of this museum? And the president of the society that employed the curator of this museum? Wait, how did that chain of command even work? [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Swan Dive ignored her own logical conclusions, suddenly eager, a child-like gleam in her eyes as she examined the good Doctor from head to hoof. He was modestly dressed, in contrast to the usual elaborateness of ponies dressed in their finest on the streets of Canterlot. One of his hooves was extended, Swan grabbed onto it with both her forehooves and shook it eagerly, inadvertently showing off her dance training by balancing in such an odd position on solely her rear hooves. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oh Dr Spin Tale, I have much I must ask you!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She was still shaking his hoof even through her question, still shaking it up to now, excitedly. [/colour]

  6. Ooh, I love thought exercises. But I'll stick with the mane six elements because they are the ones that are well defined already.

    Penumbra - I almost wanted to go to one of the sub elements here. But sticking to the mane six, I'd have to go with Generosity. She tries so hard, physically hurts herself with sleep deprivation, for the purpose of being a good friend by sticking to their schedules over her own weird one. I think self sacrifice for the sake of others is definitely Generosity (I think a case could be made here for Loyalty as well).

    Wordplay - Honesty, because this girl always tells it as it is, never lets herself be stopped by other's feelings or customs from telling what she knows to be the truth.

    Swan Dive - It's somewhere between Laughter because of her childish nature and Generosity since she loves other ponies and puts their stories above her own at all times. In the end I thought that her Generosity defined her more, however.

    And who cares about my other two characters? They don't appear anywhere!

  7. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"My hats off to those with excellent hats."[/colour]

    Swan Dive was enough of a ditz at times to completely make a foal of herself, now was one of those times. She at first didn't notice Twilight Shine, so worried she was about having lost her precious 'Ellie' that she was doing virtual pirouettes in place, her hair whipping about. It was as if she were dancing, the dance dedicated to her lost hat, her pride and joy- besides ponies that was- her... Oh wait, somepony was talking to her. Swan Dive sounded upset now, having worked it into her head that her hat was gone forever. He bottom lip was even trembling slightly, her eyes moist.

    [colour=#ffd700]"Oh little one, it is the worst thing...!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive had been prepared to lament the loss of 'Ellie' to this very blue red and pink little foal before her. Then her eyes finally registered that her hat was there, safe, in the hoof of the little mare. Not even remotely scuffed or damaged. Swan squealed in delight, [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"You've saved Ellie, little one! Oh, how can I ever thank you for this kindness?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan's horn glowed, her magic was not fast enough for her to return her beloved hat to her head. She smiled down at Twilight benevolently, Twilight's kindness having won her heart. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oh, but where are my manners? I'm Swan Dive, little one. I run a publication in Canterlot. Who are you, I might ask?"[/colour]

  8. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"Beauty is born of style, it is born of body, it is born of soul."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]A simply gorgeous mare was in Swan's path right now, her coat preened, her hair done, her makeup made up all to near perfection. She wore no clothes, as clothing for non formal occasions was trend nearly exclusive to Canterlot and the wealthier sections of Manehattan, but Rarity's beauty stood out all the same. Stood out... in a vaguely familiar way, almost. Swan Dive was sure she'd seen this mare somewhere before, but she was so excited by the fact that she was being called out at all that she failed to come to the obvious conclusion, that this was the mare she sought. [/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Oh, hello there!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan's accent was cultured, elegant, but it had a twinge of childish eagerness to it, a bright and spontaneous note atop the formal diction and careful wording that was typical to all mares of Canterlot. Swan didn't trot so much as she half skipped half galloped her way over to Rarity, clearly enthused by the chance to talk with somepony she- so far as she remembered- had never met before. Her clothes were whipped up by her speedy gait, her hat found it's way off her head and floated down to rest lightly upon the ground. Her mane beneath her hat was straightened, parted onto both sides of her hairline. It was simple because she wasn't used to not wearing her hat.[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"I have travelled here before, but it is so rare for me to do so! I'm so glad that you've taken the time to greet me, Miss..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive's eager eyes rocketed from Rarity to Aloe as she approached. Ooh, there was another mare she didn't know- actually the case this time- and she seemed to be so nice as well! But Aloe reminded Swan of her hat, which she realized was no longer in it's proper place on her head. As she levitated it back, her horn glowering a dull pink, she addressed Aloe. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Thank you, it was custom designed for me by the cutest little boutique in Canterlot! So many ponies say it is an odd piece, but I do agree that it suits my ensemble..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan turned her eyes over, back to Rarity, answered her last question:[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"As a matter of fact, I am looking for a pony. She is a designer of impeccable skill, briefly a member of Canterlot society. I lost her once before, I simply cannot again!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled broadly at both mares before her, hoping they'd know anything of the mare she sought. She was still failing to put two and two, Rarity and Aloe's words together, to realize that Rarity was the mare she sought. [/colour]

  9. Wordplay was a bit surprised. [colour=#40e0d0]"Lock picking? Theft? You three have hardly been here one morning and you're already making trouble for yourselves." [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay supposed that many people assumed that she was a delinquent, a troublemaker because she was a rapper. But she was quite the respectful young mare, she'd engage her teachers in snappy banter but that was about the extent of it. If anything, she was the innocent girl of the four gathered in this room. And she was the one who'd been here for four years. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"I can tell that this is going to be an interesting year." [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay supposed that there was always good time for a change to be made, even if it was essentially for the worse.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Wordplay began nodding her head, tilted slightly to one side, to the beat of Beat's hoof. It was as subconscious a response for her to want to rap to a beat as it was for ponies to breathe. She restrained herself with some difficulty, but she took good mental notes on the wit that her head was currently tossing around, most of it sarcastic jibes at Psmith. [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]"You do realize I was kidding about the radio adverts, Psmith? I could do it, in theory, but it would not be a good idea. One, our 'revolution' is localized to this school, not all of Manehattan. And two, I do have a rep to maintain." [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay followed after the others, the last filly out, still trotting along to Beat's beat versus her own cadence.[/colour]

    [colour=#40e0d0]"First period for me is open. Normally I'd spend this time trolling around in the band room, but if you guys have other ideas..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Wordplay levitated the chalk away the moment Psmith was done with it, moved it back to the door to write her own little message under his name.[/colour] 'The Lord of all he Talks In The General Direction of'. It needed to be put onto two lines of writing, so long it was and so big- though neat- Wordplay's writing was. [colour=#40e0d0]"To cement your ego." [/colour][colour=#000000]She explained with a smirk.[/colour]


    'Penumbra' Dewdrop




    Pegasus Mare



    A nocturnal mare with sleep deprivation issues that make her sometimes hard to work with.



    Participation Ended In:





    [colour=#808080]A mare opens a new store in Canterlot...[/colour]





    [colour=#808080]Our mare returns to her home city of Cloudsdale...[/colour]





    [colour=#808080]Our mare visits a pub run by a local mare...[/colour]





    [colour=#808080]Our mare meets a blind mare in need of aid...[/colour]





    [colour=#808080]Our mare serves as staff for a major music convention...[/colour]





    [colour=#808080]Our mare writes her idol, Princess Luna, a letter...[/colour]





    [colour=#808080]Our mare enjoys her favorite night of the year...[/colour]



    [colour=#808080]-[/colour][colour=#000000]Nightmare Night 2012!-[/colour]







    [colour=#696969]Our mare goes about getting some tricks, some treats...[/colour]




    ... In the Middle of the Night-[/colour] [DEAD]



    [colour=#808080]Our mare goes clubbing one night...[/colour]








    Unicorn Filly



    [colour=#000000]An as of yet amateur rapper with great wit and easy going nature.[/colour]



    Participation Ended In:





    [colour=#40E0D0]Our filly goes to a local bakery recommended by friends...[/colour]





    [colour=#40E0D0]Our filly attracts other's attention with her rap skills...[/colour]




    Manehattan Musical Expo- [PARTICIPATION ENDED, DEAD]



    [colour=#40E0D0]Our filly attends one of Equestria's great music expositions...[/colour]





    [colour=#40E0D0]Our filly entertains new ponies to her school...[/colour]





    [colour=#40E0D0]Our filly is on a train with some of her musical heros...[/colour]





    [colour=#40E0D0]Our filly writes a letter to Princess Cadence...[/colour]





    [colour=#40e0d0]Our filly is invited into a strange little game...[/colour]








    [colour=#000000]Earth Pony Mare[/colour]



    [colour=#000000]A pious mare who wants to begin common worship of the Princesses in earnest.[/colour]



    [colour=#000000]Participation Ended In:[/colour]




    A Simple Sermon[/colour]- [DEAD ON ARRIVAL]



    [colour=#8B4513]Our mare makes a speech about the Princesses...[/colour]








    Pegasus Filly



    A cheerful filly with weight and self-image issues.



    [colour=#008080]Swan Dive[/colour]

    Unicorn Mare

    A childish but eager and well meaning mare who loves other's stories.

    Participation Ended In:

    [colour=#ffd700]Our mare interviews the owner of a military museum in Canterlot...[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]Our mare interviews a Stalliongrad acrobat...[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]Our mare interviews a young filly yet to find her cutie mark...[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]Our mare interviews Ponyville's premiere fashionista...[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]Our mare interviews a sweets maker in Ponyville...[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]Our mare as she is at work...[/colour]

  11. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"We do respect those who protect and serve. But do we respect those who protect our protectors?"[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Oooh..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive was struggling with one of the exhibit plaques in the Canterlot Army Historical Society museum. She was a brilliant writer, but less than a brilliant reader, and words she could spit out onto paper easily were trouble for her when she had to read them elsewhere. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Manticores are... are... renowned? Renowned for their ferocity and difficulty in controlling, and the soldiers of Canterlot are often called upon to..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She continued to read aloud to herself, with quite some vocal strength, not caring that other ponies in the opening hall of the CAHS Museum were shooting her looks. She was famous in Canterlot already for her lovably eccentric ways, and she didn't act any differently just because she was in a museum. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]To be honest, Swan Dive wasn't a big fan of history. It was because the past was literally dead to her, full of dead ponies she couldn't get to know in the way she could get to know other ponies who were still alive and kicking and fun in their own special ways. She couldn't doubt that the ponies of the past had been fun in their time, but they weren't here and fun now. And that was no good for Swan Dive. There already existed interviews and stories enough of the ponies of the past. The ponies who needed the stories were right here, right now, and so Swan Dive focused on them and not on learning about the past. But her friends had insisted that she pay a visit to this 'quaint little place tucked into a corner of Canterlot, forgotten, and run by the strangest stallion with the strangest tastes...'. Their words exactly. [/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"And the uh... uh... Manticores are often driven away by the Royal Guard and the..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive tried to mouth it. She couldn't come up with anything, her mind and lips were drawing blanks. [/colour]

    • Like 1
  12. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"Sometimes the sidewalk is all the dance studio you need."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Stalliongrad, the city full of cold weather and unpronounceable names. Swan Dive had been recommended to the city several times by friends, and they had all given her ample warning as to how cold she would find the climes. She had thus come prepared, with thermal under clothing, so as to not mar in any respect her very immaculately constant chosen guise. She was thus nice and warm in spite of the harsh biting winds that cut through the city. Swan wasn't aware of the history, the local hotspots, the... anything, really. This was her first time to the city, her maiden voyage, and she wasn't even sure what she was supposed to expect from the locals. For the most part, they seemed content to shoot her hat strange looks and move on. She sighed. It wouldn't be easy to get an interview, between her own phobia of strangers and the stranger's coldness. Perhaps cold bred cold.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]The thick noise of industry, cramped streets, and smoke choked air of the Kuz-something District was what Swan bore witness to at this moment. She wasn't really sure why she had gravitated to a district where she could very well have been throttled by the exhaust fogging up the air, but her childlike curiosity demanded she explore. She had to find a pony to talk to. She had to find awesome looking machines to awe over. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Oh, well that had been fast. Some kind of rooted claw like apparatus was moving large rocks around, literally moving them from one side of the street to the other. It was choking off the traffic through the street, inconveniently placed right in the middle of the street as it was. Now, coming from a city where machines were rare and where claw-like machines were especially rare, Swan was entranced by this glorified crane. She looked around for an operator, but she couldn't find any pony standing in obvious control over the thing. It was too bad, she would have loved an interview...[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Mmm... who could I find to interview around here?"[/colour]

  13. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"It is those who do not know what they want who shine brightest when they finally find it."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Fillydelphia was a strange city for Swan Dive, and it showed in the looks she shot around herself, as if suspicious that the sidewalk would erupt up and try to mug her. She didn't think badly of the city at all, but for her it occupied a very strange place in her definition of cities as they were. Not large enough to be a metropolis like the monster that was Manehattan, not wealthy and exclusive like her native Canterlot, not rustic and down-to-earth like Ponyville. Of the cities she had yet visited in her lifetime, Fillydelphia was the one that she couldn't really classify, and that affected her perception of the people. They were a varied bunch, like a box of chocolates, she wouldn't have a clue of what she'd get until one started speaking to her. As a mare with very strong 'stranger danger' senses, she had to feel a bit demure.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Swan Dive passed through a wide thoroughfare, where a carriage or two were lazily being trotted down toward some unknown part of the city. Well, lazy was the wrong adjective to use, really. One of those carriages swept right by her, with an oath from the passenger and a shouted apology from the driver. She squeaked, stepped back in instinct, her hat was swept right off by the air pushed out by the force of the carriage's speedy passage. Swan Dive was dazed, had to recover for a moment, eye spinning slightly in place.[/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"That's alright!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan waved after them, as if they had been her friends all along and she were seeing them off from her home. She was at first smiling from the chance encounter, always happy to share a moment with other ponies even under such circumstances. Then a hoof went up to her naked head, and she realized she had lost her signature hat. [/colour][colour=#ffd700]"Oh dear, where's Ellie gone off to now?" [/colour][colour=#000000]She asked herself of her affectionately named hat. Swan Dive looked about, confused, unsure as to where her hat had been swept to. It had settled onto a nearby shrubbery lining the side of the road, but Swan was so distraught that she failed to notice it despite her eyes scanning right over it several times in rapid succession. [/colour]

  14. swan_dive_mlp_by_karyobinga-d4th8sw.png

    [colour=#008080]"One could say I have a passion for mares of fashion. In a fashion."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Swan Dive wasn't nearly as well recognized in Ponyville as she was in Canterlot, and it was a bit strange for her to be without her usual pseudo-entourage slash pseudo-posse following her around. Well, there were equal amounts of following on both sides of the fence. Swan Dive was a mare who was easily scared in unfamiliar places. Okay, perhaps that was exaggerating it slightly. But she still took her father's words very seriously, those that had warned her about the mystical and omnipresent threat of the dreaded 'strangers'. So when ponies shot her strange looks, probably because of her incredibly strange hat, she just smiled shyly at them and moved on. One or two perhaps made a motion as if to speak to her, then stopped halfway through and smoothly trotted away as if they had never seen her.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]It was a bit disappointing, since Swan was on the hunt for ponies to interview. She found that Canterlot was beginning to run out of ponies to make stories of, as wonderful as they each were and as much as she loved them, she was developing a certain need to expand her horizon. Find new ponies whose stories would become part of her increasingly large vault of ponies she cherished as friends. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]She recalled a long time ago, in Canterlot, it seemed like it had been ages... The rise of a certain mare to prominence, in a mere night, to the head of Canterlot society. That mare had promptly vanished again, before Swan Dive could so much as have asked her for an interview for her magazine. Swan Dive had been genuinely depressed, she had invited that girl out to a dinner party, had been entertained by her grace and charm, and had lost her just as rapidly as she had come. Up to now she still remembered that mare's impeccable poise and style. It was her job to remember. And it was her job to find her again. She had received some advice from her social circle, that the mare she sought lived somewhere here, in Ponyville. [/colour]

    [colour=#ffd700]"Oh, she simply must be here somewhere..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Swan Dive was the sort of mare who didn't really care if others caught her speaking to herself. She trotted along, humming the odd note here and there, looking between the many quiet homes of Ponyville for something that would give away her quarry...[/colour]

  15. Rarity's as good as anything for me if that's what you want. She loves doing interviews. ;)

    And if that goes well, I'll request a second interview with somepony else. :)

    Edit: oh, and I'm fine with it being public. ;)

    Alright. I'll open it and PM you the link when I'm done.

    It can be public; I'm fine with that. :D

    Read the above. Really, that is all I have to say.

    Got a question: what does a Private RP actually entail if it's not conducted through PM?

    It means nobody ever enters... or even reads it, for that matter. It is solely between the two of you.

    Alright, I'll take out Flying Brick for my interview; she's not in anything right now and I think she'd make for a good story.

    As for type, I'm fine with it being public. She's a street acrobat, so it'd most likely start off with Swan Dive watching her practice/perform, and asking for an interview afterwards.

    Refer to first post. Sorry for the dry responses, my personality is slowly being drained over the course of this evening.

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