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Everything posted by hyperbrony88

  1. From the album: my artistic mind

    i gotten into an "titanic obssesion" so here is a pic of trotanic a mixture with mlp i even made an rp about it check out in my profile
  2. "it all seems quiet um is there away to celestia?" the doctor asked
  3. applezoom walked each deck to meet the new passengers then he ran into Morningdawn "Hello sir" applezoom said with a smile "have you been through checking?"
  4. yeah speaking of hammers agian hammer of dawn just aim point THEN BLAAAAAAM! a radar is detected in space wich where the real thing happens it drops a giganitc laser pretty much destroy's everything
  5. man it's been a while the crew walks all the way to twilights tree house "hello? helllooooo? he saids as he walks in" then he turned at big macintosh "are you sure this is it"
  6. From the album: my artistic mind

    idk i just get really bored
  7. more of requests and ask thread like people can see how i do my art and they can put requests down they are questions too ya know
  8. From the album: my artistic mind

    haha this is applezoom my oc for RP i think he's awesome
  9. Hey guys uhh hehe im sorta new to this trand ha any way if you want request's i'll post some of my art here but most will be in the gallery so yeah. dont be afraid to ask normal questions
  10. applezoom is lost key #3 applezoom has been walking around forever and he still couldnt find his way back to ponyville his antern lighted his way but he could only see a few feet he wasn't scared of the night bu when he heard strange noises he was worried. he kept walking and walking but still no luck
  11. "I can't believe it" applezoom said to him self "i been put in charge by princess celestia herself to control this gigantic vessel" he watched as passengers got on board
  12. Hey there ladies and gentle colts to the brand new exibit of white star line THE EMS TROTANIC! COME JOIN THE CREW ON THIS LUXURIOUS SHIP! AS IT SAILS FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN! Hey guys this is an rp based off of titanic except its called trotanic (EMS stand for Equestrian mail ship) any way you can be a crew member or a passenger and join in it depends on your choice if the ship sinks or stays afloat (but it will hit the ice berg well lets stop talking about it ALL ABOARD!
  13. (im sorry i know im not suppose to do this but umm it sorta annoys me when people just do that instead of bouncing in interacting with others so if you can do that i appreciate it)
  14. i feel like doing one of these but i don't want people to think im a copy cat. what should i do?
  15. fry was once a bpring delivery bpy till one day he got frozen in ice now he lives in the future with a drunker robot ,a one eyed captain, a lobster, and a old man (plus a jamacin)
  16. the doctor then got relly confused "wh-what?" he said in confusedtone
  17. (lolololololol alot of people joining the rp)\ as the tardis vwoomed through the vortex the doctor sparked up a question to the stallion "any way HELLO im the doctor" he said sticking his hoof towards the stallion
  18. the doctor looked up at the stallion "what?" he said the doctor started to stutter "wha- what? how did you? what?"
  19. ( why is nobody doin anything ima little bit confused as well)
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