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Posts posted by CrescentBlaze

  1. There was a clear sky over Manehatten as Crescent Blaze ripped over the horizon from Cloudsdale. He loved long flights where he could really just let cut loose in the open air, and this was no exception. The purple pegasus swooped upwards bursting through a cloud as the signature AeroBlades serrated silver trail followed him. Gaining altitude he looked around the city for the building called the photo loft. After a few quick moments his keen eyes spotted the structure, and Crescent went into a dive so steep only a professional aught to have done. Luckily being Captain of a flight team required an exceptionable amount of skill and he deftly spread his wings at the appropriate time coming to a stop before the entrance to the building. He raised his goggle to his head as he gazed up at the front facade.

    "Huh not bad."

    He pushed open the double doors and stepped into the lobby waiting to be greeted by whoever it was who would be interviewing his team. He cheered inwardly at the thought. Finally his team would get some coverage, some fame! Hopefully after this everypony would know their names, and "The AeroBlades" would become a household phrase.

  2. TwiLuna


    Octavia Vinyl


    I'll be honest despite the inherent similarities between the two and how fitting it feels, I dont think SpitDash could never happen. They both just seem to have such competitive attitudes that I feel as though they would clash and butt heads on everything. Plus Im pretty sure Spitfire is a good bit older then RD. When I think of the two I always imagine an Obi-Wan - Anakin style adversarial, teacher and rebellious student, relationship.

  3. ((Hmmm...the wolves attacking manehatten is fine...the killing of innocents I dont like but I assume that's point. I figure wolves would be more vicious than the ponies but maybe they can understand not killing the colts, fillies, and foals (as well as their parents unless they're soldiers)? I mean they arent monsters so they must understand basic sympathy right? I can understand high and intentional innocent casualties but slaughtering an entire city of innocents who probably oppose the crown themselves [not everypony has what it takes to be a rebel] isnt going to fly. The Rebels have standards and ponies are already distrusting of wolves; any alliance with wolves would already be strenuous without the knowledge that they are blatant murderers.

    EDIT: Also keep distances in mind when deciding how long travelling will take. Fillydelphia is almost 150 miles from Manehatten and while wolves are unarguably going to be faster than ponies it will still take time to cover that distance))

  4. Honestly I will say beetles and spiders aside, except jumping spiders, I'm totally ok with bugs I actually think ants are kinda cute. der jus so teeny tiny itsy bitsy!

    and den jumping spiders are just so adawable cuz dey got the tiny wittle legs and the big fuzzy face and they're super itty bitty too :kissy:

  5. I cant believe they kept the Derp'd eyes! maybe there *is* something vaguely like a heart in that bloated corporate machine...

    Same here! I had to actually take a second of closer examination to be sure they were really in two different directions before I celebrated.

  6. My favorite is Twidash they just seem to balance each other so perfectly! You got the super scheduler helping to organize the lazy weather pony and then then dash's awesome factor would help pull Twi out of her shell.

  7. Nah, although goliath spiders do employ silk when on a look out for food. You see, when hunting they will lay out single strands of silk in the area which act like little trip wires. If suitable prey passes by, they will be alerted and pounce with great strength and inch long fangs.

    On a personal note, I really, really, like these guys. I often find myself wishing I had a giant dog sized version that I could cuddle with whenever I take a nap.

    AH TOO MANY LEGS!!! ew ew ew ew ew ewe wadkfhjbef!

    normal size? yeah really cool!

    dog size spider cuddling me with all 8 of those furry legs? no want! NO WANT! DX

    I'll settle for my little schnauzer, Buster. Four legs and two eyes is enough for me to cuddle :blush:

  8. Crescent remained at the ready as the soldiers began to take formation behind him. His thoughts never wavering from the task before him. He broke concentration for but a moment to address Admirals Redwing and Diamond Eyes as they took position at the front lines next to Crescent.

    "What are you talking about Diamond Eyes? We need to stay as close to the mountain slopes as possible to avoid detection until we are upon them. A frontal assault in suicide, if we hit them from below we may have a chance."

    "I think you are overestimatin our opposition Redwing. If we hit them hard and fast enough we can break their ranks."

    "Both of you be quiet! Redwing's plan is more sound and I agree it is the best plan of action. you've been outvoted Diamond eyes. Now if you two dont mind why dont you go find your places at the rear of the pack where you can give orders and stay alive, and most importantly leave me to focus.

    They both took off for the center of the formation, one looking smug the other most sour. Crescent looked about one last time before fully devoting himself to his purpose once more. Where was Dunder at? He had said he would be joining him on the front but Crescent couldnt see him...He tried his best to not let it bother him.

  9. Under 3 pages (hopefully around 1000 words)

    Romantic, but in a tender, fluffy way

    Not hopelessly depressing

    Not evil (This is also a big problem. Often when I'm writing I'll get this crazy grin (yes, I really do), then something really bad/awkward will happen to the characters. My friends say that I'm scary when I'm like that.)

    If someone could just give me some advice on how to do that, I'd be really grateful.

    Yeah Im with parker something like a successful first date to show true feelings just starting to blossom keeps it short and light. Oh and pinkie pie never fails to make a situation bright so she makes a great fail-safe in case the situation starts going down hill in your head :D

  10. Remember that kid from teens react to MLP that you just wanted to punch hug until he was unconscious? He said all bronies were trolls, he would never be caught dead watching the show etc etc... well guess what


    yup what else could it mean but that he's a brony? unless they forced him to wear that shirt as a joke which I find unlikely but still. mark one down for the herd!

    • Like 2
  11. I'm happy to RP anytime. Though what, may I ask, are the Aeroblades?

    lemme first say that the aeroblades are a professional pegasus flight team I started made up of various player OCs, we have lots of fun and make lots-o-awesomeness :20:

    second i too have an adorable little pegasus filly in need of some rp fun. :D

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