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Posts posted by CrescentBlaze

  1. I'm tired.

    I'm a little bit sick.

    I'm a little surprised that I said that it retrospect.

    I think we're all just so used to the brony community. the vast majority of us are very tolerant, as per the mantra, and when we interact with those who dont think like that its a bit of a surprise and slightly disconcerting. I for one have over time under no true effort of my own become estranged to any friends who arent fans of the show. Not only from the teases and jibes, I can handle that with a good natured come back, but because we dont share the same morals and values on the same level anymore. This fandom HAS changed me, I cuss less, I think about others feeling more before I speak, and I even perform random acts of kindness more often. But when I see a lack of these and similar characteristics in the ones I am close to it makes me think now. Anyway sorry to interrupt just thought I'd get that out there.

  2. Monsters Inc. sequel? I can't say I'm surprised.

    Oh Pixar...

    By the way, how was Brave? Anypony seen it yet? Not a snowball's chance in hades I'm going to bother with trying to see it on opening night!

    it was fantastic! though the story was easily figured out before it even really got going (easily figuring out kids movies is a terrible side effect of getting older :-( )

    it didnt make it any less compelling. However the entertaining parts were the interactions between merita and her mother and then of course the action was to die for especially for a kids movie. On the whole though the message of the movie was wonderfully poetic, though strangely undercut by a small glowing blue magical entity, but it felt like in keeping it short for a kids movie they didnt get to flesh out as many things as they would have liked to and it was noticeable for an adult. However children do have short attention spans and this movie was made for them (and teenagers I think) so its quite understandable. The character's were however VERY entertaining and merita is more than relatable to adolescents, and young adults who still interact with their parents regularly, when you take her rebelliousness into account as well as her relationship with her mother. Everyone else was mainly support but play their roles well. I give it 3.5/4 hooves up (4/5 if you're pinkie pie :smirk:)

  3. stoney I have to thank you! seriously so before this thread I was all "I will never touch a tarantula to big for me dude, or millipedes or any of those crazy critters people keep as pets" well since this thread Ive kinda gotten over that fear and It landed me a job at a pet store :D the guys asked if there were any animals I didnt feel comfortable working with and I said no. He asked "not even spiders and junk?" I replied no again and he said "Well that settles it. If you can handle insects you got the job. No one else here wants to do it" It was fantastic. Thanks again grand bugmaster stonetribe. <3

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  4. Hey so a good friend of mine is writing a full book on Alchemy that is to be published and everything (I even get to record for the audiobook! :D ) Im really excited for her so I was hoping you guys might check out the pages she has set up for it. She'll be releasing previews for the chapters and preliminary cover art plus all sorts of fun things about this book. From the parts she has shown me Its really good. So if you would take a second to check It out she and I would very much appreciate it :)





  5. I always interpreted the the kingdom being ruled by the celestial sisters to be a basic form of celtic paganism. In that form of paganism the God and the Goddess are represented by the sun and moon respectively and I always thought that mlp did a wonderful job of ponifying it :D plus celic paganism is matriarcal so it makes sense the kingdom would be run by females

  6. I just answered your challenge. Your move.

    Warning: It's a little off at some points because of the fact that I didn't edit this at all. And you'll notice I go by Deep Bass for a reason. ;-)


    Hey that was good for no editing! :) And yeah I can tell you're a little out of your comfort zone with the range on that one. Hey I have trouble with lower octaves a lot of the time (Unless I just woke up in which case my voice is SUPER deep for some reason :lol: )

    why dont we let someone a couple people pick their favorite songs and we both do a recording of them. That way we can be on even footing :D

  7. A mary sue (or gary stew for males) are characters that are absolutely overpowered and perfect. The writer will often change them to suit any situation and it is often irritating especially in rps.

    ie. "oh no! this door is locked and its too big to break through and there is an unbreakable magical spell protecting it cast by celestia herself!"

    "no problem my unicorn's magic is the best ever, I'll just use this super spell and bust it open"

    "I thought your pony's special talent was cooking with magic"

    "It can be demolition too! *BLAM* the door is open now"

  8. Rosie I do believe it was already specified as an *ahem* EPIC MUFFIN WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *ahem* yes quite spectacular indeed. also hey call me creepy but I have narrowed your location to 5 small states >:3. can you guess how?

  9. this is not about epic storytelling and weaving a massive web of confusion for a plot. This place is meant for fun and silliness, which is something I had not seen till now. I am going to find a way to merge Pip 1.0 and Pip 2.0 into a single character, much less seriously than I had been taking it, and hopefully things will be better all 'round :)

    I dont know. Have you SEEN what ive done with no lands end? Its pretty monstrous and complex now. Ive already got it planned out two rp chapters in advance! :blush:

    So I dont know about you but there's some serious awesomeness (however noncanon) going on in that thread. So I mean it doesn have to be canon for it to be fun ya know? you can play those same character in free for all and crossovers and have your long misbegotten story lines (just not canon :) )

  10. Also I'm pretty sure he's seen that flash.

    Wouldnt surprise me :/ He probly thinks its hilarious though. I mean I hated it at first and then after being forced to watch it a few times I started to laugh. He seems like the kinda guy that can find humor in anything and his already ridiculously upbeat song about killing and dying added to that video does give it a silliness factor.

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