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Status Updates posted by ThunderBrony

  1. So whos doing movember? we should do a final day movember thread where everyone can post their staches!

  2. I'm stuck between being big boss or Psy for halloween.

  3. Why do I watch these Romantic animes? I love the feeling they give me, yet....

  4. I might start Role Playing again. Anyone up for any sort of roleplay?

  5. And the online website where all 17000 students access notes is down.

  6. Well finally got my account to work again after so long.

  7. “I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.”


  9. I am always such a failure at everything...

  10. banana berry blast whey protein with orange juice :3

  11. Yet again I prove I am a jerk.

  12. Life enjoys throwing my head first into the ground whenever I see any form of happiness.

  13. Too many injuries to my legs over the years. My athleticism is almost gone.

  14. I guess nagging injuries are catching up on me slowly. Just gotta push through it I guess

  15. Running with a sore right knee isn't fun. #Workingthoughit

  16. Ran today in 24 C weather with 70% humidity. #ENDURANCE

  17. So frustrated with myself of recent late.

  18. Went for a run already today and theres nothing else to do.

  19. She has a voice to make the angels jealous.

  20. By far the most depressing anime I've ever finished. I can't seem to sleep now.

  21. It is a very blah day today. Maybe I should just go to sleep early.

  22. Well. I'm in awe. No idea how I could ever be so lucky?

  23. Dreams and hopes should never be fantasized into reality.

    1. Tenkan


      Say what now? That's crazy talk.

  24. Well today is a wonderful day~

  25. Looking for some new anime. If you have any suggestions can you post it here? http://www.canterlot.com/topic/9995-looking-for-some-new-anime-or-some-such-to-watch/

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