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Posts posted by tyler008bon

  1. Amy nearly fell back when Red blew smoke in her face, but that wasn't what was on her mind. So Red is in on of those moods, she thought, knowing how difficult it would be to get out of this situation without anyone getting hurt. "Mr. Black, I have an idea, but I need help!" She yelled over the clattering of equipment, "Red may not see the armor, but if we make him try it on, he has to feel it!" She went as quickly as possible to Red's left side, which was not very fast when considering the armor.

  2. So you're one of THOSE people, huh Tyler?

    *nod, nod*

    I gotcha. I gotcha.

    We've got A LOT of those kinda ponies 'round here.

    Angie and I have a name for your kind.

    Ain't a very nice name, but it speaks da truth.



    LAZY? I was entertaining little kids by walking upside down while their parents set up for a surprise party (This later became going to the party, cleaning up after the party, a short time shooting a target, and reading A Dance with Dragons).


    What's wrong?
  3. "Red! Red! I have a present for you!" Amy walked back inside the shop, stuggling under the weight of the dragon (youngling) sized armor.

    She slammed it down next to him, oblivious to the smoke and incresed temperature.

    "Outside? No way! Red needs to try on his gift!" She said to the armed pony.

  4. Yeah... I hardly ever leave home anymore. It cuts down on the disappointment of my plans getting screwed up all the time. It's easier on me

    As far as I know, I'm the only Pegasister in my town. My friends show no interest in the show, but they accept me for who I am and choose not to make fun of me for it. But I am one on my own. If there are any meetups I most likely won't be able to go to them. My family can't drive and meetups usually happen in cities, not small town's like mine. Your not alone...

    Trust me, unless the populations of your towns are <100, then there are most likely more bronys, I thought my english teacher and I were alone, then I found twelve people by the end of the week. The (Thirty person) group now fills a classroom during meetings.

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