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Everything posted by Cathalos

  1. opens one eye. smiles. closes eye. plays dead.
  2. i...like...piggy back rides.... passes out and falls to ground
  3. uses angies break to regain some strength and gets a tighter grip.
  4. oooooooowwwww!!!!!!! hangs on with one arm left. crying, tired, and overwhelmed with pain, among the torturous howls i get out "more.......faster.....goooo...."
  5. ........ can you please watch your language.................................. will you eat me???
  6. what happens if somebody complains about your language usage?
  7. oh ok. thank you. cathalos is happy angie helped out cathalos. cathalos lets go of all victims of hug. jumps on angie's back and wraps legs around angie. PIGGY BACK RIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now run in circles! you cant get out of that either. i do that to people too. VERY rarely, but i do. they never can shake me off.
  8. what about if that made the users angry and all the angry fifth graders overran Europe?
  9. what would YOU do if club penguin launched a military conquest of latin america?
  10. I D O N ' T K N O W T H A T ' S T H E Q U E S T I O N , I S N ' T I T?
  11. yes, but i still classified that in the noon range. you said it would be faster in afternoon too, didnt you?
  12. well, dont worry. because i am an honorable Roman, you remain safe another day. do you play SSBB with classic controller, GC controller, Wii remote, or Wii remote w/ nunchuck?
  13. you also said more in te afternoon. if now isnt afternoon, what is now? and i just understood what that was... i feel so stupid...
  14. so did you ignore the smart thing to do or did you tell an untruthfulness? or did you find out that you shouldnt have done that after you did that? or someting else?
  15. this is really slooow... is it always thiiiiss sllooooow?
  16. are you aware that you shouldnt give your age to people on the internet who already suggested that they are selling your information to people? if its not clear, im NOT doing that, but one can never be too safe.
  17. if you are 13, why are you not as annoying as all the 13 year olds i know?
  18. do you make food in exchange for money that you use to provide for yourself? does that make more sense?
  19. when making a peanut butter and honey sandwich, what is the level of suggestion on acutally spreading the honey, 1 being dont spread OR ELSE to 100 being SPREAD OR BE DESTROYED!!!
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