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Everything posted by Cathalos

  1. refrains from answering other peoples questions for the sake of villefort's happiness (hugs)
  2. how can i generate this massive amount of heat?
  3. ok... would you rather own a firetruck or a paper plate of invincibility?
  4. wow. i wonder what its like having a friend. hmmmmmm... does it hurt?
  5. what do you think would have happened (to the rebellion) if the big important people just let katniss and peeta die in the end of book 1?
  6. so it is possible? if so: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!! if not:......................
  7. why that particular number. forbidden answers: anything along the lines of "I dont know"; anything along the lines of "why not?"
  8. at what heat does mercury turn into flying ninjas?
  9. wait... i just realized... i ate one earlier today by accident... what if someday i might actually be Angie's friend someday and the magical connection we share before we meet is that we both fail at not eating staples? yaaay! i might have a friend!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...thats not too impossible, is it?
  10. if you had to change that number to something else for a legitimate yet undefined reason, what would you change it to?
  11. HQ will look over this thread to carefully examine and obtain more specific information. if you receive a knock at your door at approximately 3:00 AM tomorrow morning, as a nice person, i say hide. as i do my job, i say please answer it. do not call for help. do not notify anyone. which suggestion will you follow, off the top of your head?
  12. hmm.. when reading a series, would you prefer a short series of long books or long series of short books?
  13. did that question make you self conscious of the information you gave me? info i can think of without reviewing thread: 1. likely likes fluttershy best, being that there was no objection to this statement in answer 2. likes video games, watches ponies 3.seems relatively-very respectful 4.uses similar username on mulitiple sites, should tracking be necessary 5. somewhat comedic, sometimes in a sarcastic type of way. -of this, how accurate was i? i need to send a brief report to HQ and they want it now...
  14. first thought: Choclate Coated Staples!! second thought:...still probably not a good idea...
  15. in your opinion,what is better, international football, or american football?
  16. who wants to ask a group of people something you could ask in here somewhere else?
  17. oh, on the topic of not knowing people, can somepony please explain 1.Bob Marley 2.John Lennon story time: now i know who these people are, but i got very suprised responses when i used to ask them, and everypony thought i was kidding so i never got an answer.
  18. ok. next one. did it ever occur to you that i am a government agent collecting information to 1. get information to sell to private companies. 2. collect information to A. recruit you into a secret group; B. "silence" you?
  19. oh discord. that loser? dont hurt me, it was a happy, playful joke.
  20. first voluntary, thought out, logical thought in response to the event?
  21. i just finished page 1000! (fawkes, how do you live with yourself?)
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