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Everything posted by Cathalos

  1. they're good for trolling. its fun to troll on club penguin. partially cuz its a challenge, since people move so much, and all the little kids think its funny. just sit in the chair in the plaza i believe and say hi to all of them. its fun. will you try it?
  2. what? anikan/VADER turns evil! Luke is the good one from episodes 4-6 ... what is this world turning into that people dont know star wars and lord of the rings? and whats wrong with midgets? personally, i think you deserve to be thought of as awesome by all if you can walk a ring that most races cant even hold for five minutes without being corrupted across 1. the shire/bree 2.moria 3.Amon Hen 4.A mountain (barefoot) 4.5 (afterthought) the dead marshes 5.Shelob's lair 6.Mordor as well as getting stabbed in the heart area along the way with a morgul blade. anyway... what would you do if club penguin was a real island off of antartica and they were planning a military conquest of all of Latin America?
  3. ...is that a yes? it is, isnt it? im so sorry......
  4. does people not come cuz im here? im sorry...
  5. ...but it wasnt late last night... it was partially busy for like an hour or two... why dont people say things all day if there are peoples from all over the place?
  6. would you rather be best friends with Calvin(calvin and hobbes), Frodo(LotR). Abraham Lincoln (the nineteenth century), or luke Skywalker (if you dont know this im leaving)
  7. well why does all of the persons sleep at once? i lonely not that talking here changes that, but it can help sometimes...
  8. why are there looooong silences and sometimes where there are seven notifications in a minute and a half?
  9. based on that yay, i will ask: are you happy?
  10. is there any way to become prepared more quickly?
  11. theres a difference between being proud and boasting. you should have learned that in an episode of MLP:FiM. do you watch that show?
  12. when somepony gets the reference, ill stop saying congratulations. until then, you are annoyed by repetition of a bad joke. congratulations. and accepted into the community? didn't i just say i never get accepted into any community?
  13. could your master plan involve 3ds remakes of RSE? now? please?
  14. you know the people who make the game? whose idea was it to make BW2? can i kick them? please? that was the stupidest idea since...THAT WAS THE STUPIDEST IDEA EVER! pleeease can i kick de person?
  15. you like to walk around aimlessly? 1.congratulations 2.you should play the original zelda, if you havnt. you would LOVE IT 3.Fawkes is a GIRL! eewww, girls are icky no wait nevermind, im not supposed to say that. (hides)
  16. really though, are you saying that im "Really annoying"...
  17. now its a bit more accurate. yes. yes i do.
  18. you must be pretty awesome. do you destroy like Kyogre, troll like a blissey and tank like a tyranitar? if so, you may be entitled to the rank "sub-Norris" or more.
  19. oh, thats a lot of posts. i dont want to, i dont really feel comfortable joining an established conversation. if i wasnt reading this and began asking for partial silence, i woulnt even be here. in fact, i almost did join almost immediatley after i joined Canterlot, but i was too afraid...
  20. when trying to become officialized and awesome like all of you are, is there a bonus to reading the whole thing? will there be a test?
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