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Everything posted by Black

  1. "The militia allows those that lived Equestia for a good while. There are a vast amount of creatures that are in it, fighting side by side." He told him.
  2. "Why not? They allowed me to join." He chuckled a bit.
  3. "You could join the militia. They are always looking for Volunteers." He smiled. "I believe I didn't catch your name."
  4. "I am guessing you are part of the army as well." He pointed out.
  5. "Ms. Leaf, there is no rush." He said to her with a smile as he noticed Invicta asleep. "He is a strange one."
  6. "It is a small place near mountain part of the city. It is one of the best places to get sliver ore." He smiled then turned to Dunder. "As part of the Night Guard Militia, I can handle myself if I am threatened."
  7. "Just report to my metalworks in a few days in Canterlot." He said to her.
  8. He raised his eyebrow. "I am threatening when I need to be. I just don't want to walk around with such a mentality."
  9. "Indeed but there is no rush." He said as he looked at the others. "I am sorry if I made you all afraid with my quick judgements."
  10. "Sounds like a deal then." He put up his hoof to shake hers.
  11. "Are you sure?" He looked at her, checking her body to see if she could handle the work. "It is hard work and I will not go easy because you are a mare."
  12. He rolled his eyes. "Well...I am always looking for ponies to work at my metalworks...."
  13. "And I don't mean to be ungrateful but you don't owe me anything." He said as he picked up his knife and headed back to this cart.
  14. He took a look that the Changling's head and understood. "I see. You injured your head, making you far more docile. I get it now." He looked at Vegan Leaf. "You don't owe me anything...but make sure to keep an eye on the changeling if your choose to look after him."
  15. "Sorry about the quick judgement." He said to Vegan Leaf. "I was only looking out for everyone's safety. Changelings are usually dangerous...but this one seems docile for some weird reason..."
  16. "....I do find it strange that he is without a swarm....Hmm...." He put the knife in the ground. "You can come out. I will not harm you unless you try to harm these ponies."
  17. "Reminds me of when I was young. I am fro-..." His smile faded as he noticed that a changeling was right behind them. "A changeling!" He quickly went into his cart and put a tribal knife in his teeth. "Please stand back. They are dangerous." He said as he moved pass them to the changeling.
  18. He raised an eyebrow at the jumping. "You seem to be full of energy..."
  19. "Well...Seeing that I don't have much metalwork today, I think I can spare a few moments." He told her as he went to check his ore on the cart. "It has been awhile since I have talked to someone anyway....or should I say somepony in your cases?"
  20. "Well met. I have no qualms with that, young mare...but I must return to my work." He said to the group as he got off the bench. His height and body slightly dwarfing the ponies as he stood tall.
  21. "I can see that. I am Giza Upanga...or Black Sword in the tongue of you ponyfolk." He said proudly as he put out his hoof.
  22. "Hmm...I guess you lot must be talking about me." He said as he gave a friendly nod to the group.
  23. A black Zebra came passing by the bench, pulling a small cart of iron ore on his way from a mine. He was covered in dust from the hard work he put in that day as he disconnected the cart and took a seat on the bench where he saw a white pegasus reading a book. He nodded at him before looking into the sky. "Whew. Such a warm day." He said in his gruff Zebra accented voice as he looked at the ponies fighting in the meadow. "Never a dull moment..." He smirked as he watched on, taking a break from his work.
  24. So far I am enjoying my stay. Thank you.
  25. Ah. I see. I added a bit more to his motivation to clear that up. As for Canterlot, I thought it would be more fitting for him to there because he wants to be a royal blacksmith. It seems that it would make more sense for him to be close by to that job...also it would seem a city like that would also have various artisans and craftsman to maintain upkeep so he would have an vast amount of work. Seems like an excellent place for someone like him. Switching to Final.
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