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Everything posted by Harv0kz

  1. Zzz waiting for moderator approval of char

    1. Gears9333


      You and me both lol.

  2. *Initiated teleportation sequence successful, no anatomical parts missing* Win.
  3. So yeah. I uploaded some images onto dA (Because Imgur was derping) So here ye go, gallery link because too lazy to do separately post: http://harv0kz.deviantart.com/gallery/ And yes, Only five pics, I have more I won't post because their only doodles/rapid sketches/undetailed/yada yada Final Note, the gallery will be mixed with Ponies, assorted arms and armour, and assorted arms and armour for Ponies. Critique, comments, that stuff, are welcome.
  4. ((My mind finally decided to give me inspiration, though albeit small)) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item #: ESCP-003 Object Type: Safe Special Containment Procedures: ESCP-003 is to be contained within a chamber of 1mx1mx1m size, with two(2) guards with regular shifts posted to prevent unauthorized access. The chamber itself is to have no physical viewing ports, nor is remote viewing authorized. Any breach will result in the effected personnel being terminated immediately post-breach. Hence, personnel authorized to directly interact or handle ESCP-003 are D Class personnel, and to be terminated on basis. Description: ESCP-003 is a filly's doll which appears to be weathered, but finely made. It consist of a grey body, with buttons as eyes, suggesting the creator hand made it. Following an incident including ESCP-003 at [DATA EXPUNGED], the original owner did [DATA EXPUNGED] to it, giving it powers akin to [DATA EXPUNGED], bringing the entire population of [DATA EXPUNGED] into chaos, with lusting for the doll. ESCP Mobile Task Forces were deployed to secure the object, while a exalted member of Royalty with magical abilities assisted in neutralizing the effects of ESCP-003 Temporarily. Class A amnesiatics were administered to witnesses, and the original replaced with a identical looking and feeling fake. ESCP-003 has the ability to induce the lust for the doll itself, turning the exposed victim into nothing less than "a babbling child taking care of its dolly". As no cure for the effect aside for heavily using Class A amnesiatics has been established, termination of the exposed seems to be more viable and economical for us at the current time. Methods into destruction of object are also being looked into. A side effect of [DATA EXPUNGED] rendered it impossible to destroy via conventional means. It's power, however, does not scale according to the amount of victims it has gained, hence the necessity for the object to listed as active is no longer necessary, and hence the majority of information and file on ESCP-003 will be archived (See addendum 003A). Addendum 003: Due to the inaccessible nature of the object, and the indestructibility of the object as thus far, the documentation surrounding it will be archived, and the object put into permanent storage pending a possible method of destruction.
  5. Circuits? Electricity!? My favourite! Though I'm a bit dull because some idiot planning the courses decided to shove it into the semester before my finals
  6. It's Harv0kz. And please. Enlighten me. I require more savage processes to keep me sated. My dull imagination has left me with only 50 ways to kill. Expanding is quite difficult.
  7. Believe me. I'm no stranger to the perils of "that". But alas, I am at a tactical disadvantage. Only fools reckles enough to throw their lives away would fight against two. Hence, I struggle to prevent myself from retaliating.
  8. As the very imbodiment of chaos, death and anarchy. I don't think so.
  9. Please, enlighten us. The greater ponymind requires that you input your thoughts into the Last Poster's consensus
  10. My Forum Post carry counters your win, therefore I win.
  11. Without going home, and being able to choose pony type? Pegasus yes please. I don't mind if there was an option to return to our world, but I'd be staying in Equestria more. Just being able to fly is enough for me, thanks. So is getting away from world's complexity. In the extreme side, if this was a scenario like on of those cliche kids tv shows (has power that no one else does or can't reveal under any circumstances, but gets to use it), then the mental outtake on the situation will be crazy, but I'd totally abuse the power.
  12. The bags are pretty okay in terms of durability, butnI haven't tested them for real, just felt the material. I have no idea what a bag that size would be useful for. At all.
  13. Funfact: despite havig a total of 11 articles of clothing, I dont have a 20% cooler shirt, or a "I learned nothing today"
  14. Chain ALL the codes here! I wonder how many codes you could use at one time.
  15. Dumb post office fail delivered my second batch of pony clothes, now I have to ask for redlievery on Tuesday because Monday is a goddamned holiday where I am. Anyways, welovefine shirts are very good, very resilient prints for what I do. Also, not sure if someone posted this yet, but this is a list of all the possible discount codes for welovefine: http://www.retailmenot.com/view/welovefine.com
  16. Fluttershy. How can thy resist the dawwmenece of her aura
  17. Item #:ESCP-002 Object type: Safe Keter Special Containment procedures: ESCP-002 is to be kept under constant survelliance in a concrete reinforced Bunker, located a[DATA EXPUNGED]. This is hence designated as Site-12. A WMD is to be always kept on site and checked for tampering every week. In the event of a Containment breach that can not be halted, the WMD will be detonated. All personnel tending to site-12 must understand this and make no attempt to disarm it upon acitvation. Personnel who disobey these orders will be terminated without delay. ESCP-002 is to not be approched within ten(10) meters by any personnel unless authorized by three(3) O5 overseers, and under heavy escort detail. As of recent events (See Addendum 002-A), all experiments are to cease, pending object termination, as authorized by O5-█, O5-█and O5-█. As of current date however, no known technique has been able to at least scratch ESCP-002, and its abilities seem to intensify after being struct, suggesting sentience. Advise extreme caution when continuing attempts to destroy ESCP-002. Any personnel entering and exiting the facility will be psychologically evaluated extensively, and those unfit for entering Site-12 will be denied and prevented from attempting to enter again. Upon exiting, if any abnormal behavior (See Addendum 002-B) is detected, immediate termination is authorized, with exception to Level 4 researchers or Level 5 overseer overriding those commands, the victim will be kept under [DATA EXPUNGED] at [DATA EXPUNGED], pending further [DATA EXPUNGED] As of the object termination, only D Class are allowed within the [DATA EXPUNGED] zone, with the sole purpose of destruction of ESCP-002. Any behavioural alternation from the D Class inside the area are to lead to termination immediately. Description: ESCP-002 is a solid granite statue of a creature consisting of multipe parts of other creatures, such as a tail of a dragon, and the head of a goat. In historical texts, and as refered to by the civilians that visit the statue, it is a [DATA EXPUNGED]. Ultrasonic testing has proven the statue to be composed of solid granite, with no abnormalities. The statue seems to be sized for a monument or a large garden statue, but granite testing has shown no origin of granite, suggesting external forces were involved. ESCP-002 has a psychological effect on various subjects within a certain radius. This effect includes, but is not limited to inciting: - Excessive violence, even if victim is not, by nature, aggressive - Endless arguements and intolerent behavior of opinion - Psychotic instability and insanity - Brutal and negative disposition, with strong aversion and hostility to [DATA EXPUNGED] - Heightened desire of greed for a object, will become hostile if object is approached. - A tendency to exercise "free will", causing mass anarchy wherever subject goes As more of the above manifest in the said subjects, ESCP-002 seems gain more power, and thus the effects are increased in intensity. An approximation of ten(10) minutes is required for intensity of the said event to increase. After an hour, it is considered irreversable (See Addendum 002-C). At this point, as iterated before, subjects are to either be terminated or [DATA EXPUNGED] pending further notice. On very rare occasions, ESCP-002 materializes into a fleshy form, fully sentient (hence now referred to as ESCP-002A) , and as the historical texts suggest, opposed to anything with order. It will attempt to inflict a massive amount of anarchy on its surroundings, causing the above mentioned effects. At the height of it's power, ESCP-002A is then capable of altering a subject's behaviour into its opposite, and much more chaotic form, the process begins with either direct contact or manipulation of subject's base ideals. This process then manifests in three stages. - Stage 1 - Unnoticeble changes occur, as the subject is exposed to, what will hence be refered to as [DATA EXPUNGED].Personality changes are automatically assumed to be a negative disposition. - Stage 2 - Much more visible changes to personality and general behavior. At this point, the effects of [DATA EXPUNGED] are irreversable.Experiment subjects reaching this stage are to be immediately terminated, unless said otherwise by O5 or Level 4 Researchers. Discoloration of subject's coat also begins to occur. - Stage 3 - The final stage, what will be refered to as [DATA EXPUNGED]. the effects of [DATA EXPUNGED] will have eliminated the original personality of the subject. Subjects at this stage are either terminated, or [DATA EXPUNGED] pending further notice. ESCP-002 was found in the Royal Gardens following the [DATA EXPUNGED] events, where designated group "Harmony" did [DATA EXPUNGED] and defeated ESCP-002B, believing to have defeated it, but shocked to discover that it had reverted to ESCP-002. Foundation agents at the scene quickly administered Class A Amnesatics, and implanted a false memory to make them believe that ESCP-002 is truly defeated. ESCP-002 was later transported to site-12, where the necessary protection was made over time. Addendum 002A - Reclassification to Keter granted by O5-██, O5-██ and O5-██. Improved containment also granted. Addendum 002B - As of time of writing, all documents and Addendums not pertaining to the containments and destruction of ESCP-002 are to be kept separately under archival database [DATA EXPUNGED]
  18. Item #: ESCP-001 Object Class: Elucid Safe Keter (See Addendum 001-B) Special Containment Procedure: As proper containment of subject is impossible due to her exclusive nature, ESCP-001 is to be actively and closely monitored at all times by no less than five(5) Field agents, but no more than seven(7) agents. Agents unauthorized to interact with ESCP-001 will be terminated upon return, with the exception of those that do not. Agents volunteering for monitoring activities are to undergo vigorous psychiatric tests, a minimum of three(3) of these tests must be performed, more if the examiner requires a full psychological profile. Agents are then forced to read a one-hundred(100) page document, hence known as Document 001-A. A detailed examination will then be conducted to ensure that agents have understood the said document. Only those scoring higher than ninety percent (90%) are cleared for duty. Upon the end of a six month shift, agents are further tested for psychological disorder or manipulation. Those that show an differentiation from original qualities are then terminated. Those who have finished without being effected are then assigned to different duties, never to return ESCP-001. Due to the living space of ESCP-001, a discrete presence is required by all agents. Any onlookers are to be administered Class A Amnesiatics. There is to be no termination of any civilians in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Direct interaction with civilians is only to maintain enviromental and social cover. There is to be no neutralization of ESCP-001, under any circumstance. Description: ESCP-001 is a Earth Pony with a pink coat at approximately the age of middle-aged mare going by the name of [DATA EXPUNGED] Official records of the town population have her name down as [DATA EXPUNGED]. By all appearances, ESCP-001 seems to be a cheery and "happy-go-lucky" pony as described by researchers. However, the danger comes from that ESCP-001 is capable of exhibiting strange behaviour that seems to be capable of predicting events ahead of when they are occuring. Subject does this by excessively shaking various body parts, which in turn correspond to various events. The below are some signs that are have been observed, but are not limited to. Twitching tail - Object of unknown origin, size, composition will fall from a high height, and hit the victim. Flopping ears - Unknown substance, normally mud due to geographic positioning, is to cover the victim from any direction possible. Shoulder achy - A sign of her pet, an alligator of unknown species hence named ESCP-001B, classified Safe until further information can be gathered, "being in a bathtub". In edition, these can come in "combos" as ESCP-001 describes. These can include, but are not limited to. Ear flop, Eye flutter, knee twitch - A door or object of similar function will open, normally striking the victim. Ear flop, knee twitch, then eye flutter - A splitting of the light spectrum to view multiple colours similar to the prism effect is observed in the sky. A "Rainbow". Note that combos are order specific. Analysis of unknown combos are under way, as well as documentation of new types of warnings. When [DATA EXPUNGED] event occurs, it is generally between someone close to the ESCP-001. This has occurred once already before ESCP was able to establish monitoring capability within [DATA EXPUNGED]. A Pegaus mare by the name of [DATA EXPUNGED] was enticed by an offer to [DATA EXPUNGED], which lead to her disappearing. This however, has as of yet, not provoked response from locals, and they have been administered Class A Amnesiatics, all record of her existence was removed, along with her house at [DATA EXPUNGED]. Addendum 001-A: Classification of ESCP-001 from Elucid to Safe approved by majority vote triggered by O5-█. Backed up by constant reports from Field Agents in the area, detailing how ESCP-001 just goes about her life without causing any abnormal interactions, except for rapid quantum tunnelling. Addendum 001-B: Classfication of ESCP-001 from Safe to Keter immediately approved by O5 council. This is due to a loss of four(4) field agent, who, as reported by the surviving agents, were each separately asked to follow ESCP-001 to "try some cupcakes" at [DATA EXPUNGED]. They never came out again. Addendum 001-C: The area where ESCP-001 seems to have taken our agents to seems to be the subject's home. In any case, until we can establish a full reconnisance report of that specific area, it will be designated as ESCP-001A, and under Elucid classification until further information. Addendum 001-D: Loss of three(3) more field agents to the same circumstances as indicated in Addendum 001-B. Dr ██████ has requested that interaction with the said subject cease, and a deep cover group be installed to monitor the subject. Denied by O5-█, and Dr ██████ has been reprimanded. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Afternote: I am not typing up Document 001-A. I will also post updates here. If this gains enough popularity, I may do more. Addendum 001-B is a direct reference to "you know what"
  19. The ESCP Foundation is a dedicated organization with the purpose of containing a variety of anomalies, defects, paranormal, abnormal and extra-dimensional entities. These situations may manifest within simple everyday objects, locations and even ponies. The ESCP detects these threats, before they can become a threat to Equestrian society, and attempts to contain and observe them, and if possible, utilize them to advance our current level of understanding. The ESCP is also ready to take the necessary measures to secure and contain these threats. How the foundation operates is none of your concern. What you need to know is the work we do is necessaries to keep Equestria from plunging into disorder. The governing powers of Equestria have pledged their support, and dependence on the ESCP to contain threats that the government are unable to react to, or are incapable of reacting to, due to the nature of the threat. The foundation serves is purpose behind the spotlight, working to prevent the normal lives of everyday ponies from being effected by the said threats. By reading this documentation, you agree to the terms that all of these files are "eye only" classification, and that breaking the protocol set in place for such information will result in your immediate termination and the administration of Class A Amnesiatics to witnesses., which wipe of large portions of memory. Object Classification All subjects are given a classification that helps to categorize, prioritize, and delegate tasks to the numerous researchers here. They are as follows: Safe - The nature of the object is understood, however, the object can still have hazardous ramifications to pony physical and mental health, as well as effecting the surrounding environment drastically. It can be successfully contained and in some cases, controlled. Elucid - Objects that have not been fully understood or are undergoing research are classified Elucid. An object classified as such does not necessarily need to be dangerous, but is assumed as such until the object can be proven otherwise. These objects perform unpredictable functions, and may unexpectedly react to stimuli, thus requiring greater caution. Keter - The highest classification of an object, Keter class means that the object is natural and dangerously offensive to any lifeform, pony included. They can be difficult to exterminate and destroy, as their hostility prevents proper research to be conducted. Containment is to be closely monitored, and preventing during the case of containment breach. Keter objects are either classified for being strategicly important, destructive in nature, or disposable by natural means. Only Class D Personnel are granted access to direct interaction with a Keter class object, due to their nature. Researchers are not allowed access near a Keter unless the appropriate authorization is obtained. Security Clearance Level Level 1 - Allowed interaction with Safe class objects for maintenance and research assistance purposes. Not allowed access to Elucid or Keter objects. Level 2 - Allowed to oversee the research of Safe class objects, as well as command Level 1 personnel. Not allowed access to Elucid or Keter objects. Level 3 - Allowed clearance for Elucid objects, as well as inheriting Level 1 and Level 2 security clearance conditions. Not allowed access to Keter Level 4 - Allowed clearance for all objects, and the inherited benefits of security classes 1-3. In addition, allowed access to Keter class Objects. Level 5 - Also known as overseer level, given full clearance to all ESCP object files, but not allowed direct interaction with any objects due to sensitive position. D Class - Inmate ponies taken from all over the dungeons of Equestria upon the enactment of protocol 12, and cooperation of Equestrian governing body. Under no circumstances are D Class allowed to interact closely with Level 1 - Level 5 personnel, and they are to be terminated, a new batch recruited, and ready for use. D Class personnel are used specifically to maintain, observe, and be used as a test subject for interacting with Elucid and Keter class objects. ESCP File formating In order to efficiently and quickly interpret the file, as well as create new entries, a detailed template has been provided. Item # - Normally "ESCP-xxx" The name of the object hence forth, and way it will be referred throughout the file. Object Classification - Self Explanatory. Either Safe, Elucid, or Keter only. Special containment procedures - Only if necessary, a detailed record and instruction set on the measures to be taken to contain, secure and control the object. If not yet added, inconclusive, or not required, state as necessary. Description - The details of the said object itself. May reference special containment procedure content, but is to primarily be based on the object itself, such as history, physical (if any) appearence, behaviour, previous experiments before documentation, etc. Addendum (If applicable) - Only necessary is needed, these are notes made post-documentation, adding on to the main documentation with extra details, modifications, and opinions. Document (If applicable) - Only necessary if document is has clearance to be released to reading, along with if the document can assist in supplementing current file information ((I will not type out documents unless overwhelming majority requests. I will also not do absurdly long ones. Feel free to type some, however, and PM it so I check over it.)) Beyond this opening documentation is the ESCP object files. These are to be treated very seriously, and some sections of the files have been censored due to various reasons that are undisclosed.
  20. Alright, 18 font for out of context typing, or anything not a in context blog post. The Equestria - Secure, Protect, Contain Foundation is a ponified version of the real Secure, Protect, Contain Foundation, commonly known as the SCP (Link:http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/main) The main purpose of this blog is to replicate the functions of the SCP foundation in the Equestrian context, substituting humans for ponies. However, this will not be a direct crossover, rather, it will attempt to simulate the function of the SCP foundation in Equestria. Meaning that almost all SCP entries (Hence referred to as ESCP entries) will be made from scratch, with the exception of requests. Following this introductory post will be "official" ESCP documentation and profiling. After that, I will post the ESCP subject files. Note that this is not a ask blog, or a fancy copy, past, paraphrase rip of an idea. This is to prevent me from spamming writing discussion when I make up new entries, and to provide a place for people to comment and critique without doing the said spamming. I will still keep the created forum thread for posting highlights of the ESCP program, and to post important announcements (Here also, so pretty much everywhere). So without further adieu, I lay down my first post below.
  21. ((New ESCP, this one's easy to guess also. Will need to edit later due to formatting issue)) Item #:ESCP-002 Object type: Safe Keter Special Containment procedures: ESCP-002 is to be kept under constant survelliance in a concrete reinforced Bunker, located a[DATA EXPUNGED]. This is hence designated as Site-12. A WMD is to be always kept on site and checked for tampering every week. In the event of a Containment breach that can not be halted, the WMD will be detonated. All personnel tending to site-12 must understand this and make no attempt to disarm it upon acitvation. Personnel who disobey these orders will be terminated. ESCP-002 is to not be approched within ten(10) meters by any personnel unless authorized by three(3) O5 overseers, and under heavy escort detail. As of recent events (See Addendum 002-A), all experiments are to cease, pending object termination, as authorized by O5-[], O5-[] and O5-[]. Any personnel entering and exiting the facility will be psychologically evaluated extensively, and those unfit for entering Site-12 will be denied and prevented from attempting to enter again. Upon exiting, if any abnormal behavior (See Addendum 002-B) is detected, immediate termination is authorized Description: ESCP-002 is a solid granite statue of a creature consisting of multipe parts of other creatures, such as a tail of a dragon, and the head of a goat. In historical texts, and as refered to by the civilians that visit the statue, it is a "Draconneques". Ultrasonic testing has proven the statue to be composed of solid granite, with no abnormalities. ESCP-002 has a memetic effect on various subjects within a certain radius. This effect includes, but is not limited to: - Excessive violence, even if victim is not, by nature, aggressive - Endless arguements and intolerent behavior of opinion - Psychotic instability and insanity As more of the above manifest in the said subjects, ESCP-002 seems gain more power, and thus the effects are increased in intensity. An approximation of ten(10) minutes is required for intensity of the said event to increase. After an hour, it is considered irreversable (See Addendum 002-C). On very rare occasions, ESCP-002 materializes into a fleshy form, fully sentient, and as the historical texts suggest, opposed to anything with order. It will attempt to inflict a massive amount of anarchy on its surroundings, causing the above mentioned effects. At the height of it's power, ESCP-002 is then capable of altering a subject's behaviour into its opposite, and much more chaotic form, the process begins with either direct contact or manipulation of subject's base ideals. This process then manifests in three stages. - Stage 1 - Unnoticeble changes occur, as the subject is exposed to, what will hence be refered to as "Chaos".Personality changes are automatically assumed to be a negative disposition. - Stage 2 - Much more visible changes to personality and general behavior. At this point, the effects of "Chaos" are irreversable.Experiment subjects reaching this stage are to be immediately terminated, unless said otherwise by O5 or Level 4 Researchers. Discoloration of subject's coat also begins to occur - Stage 3 - The final stage, what will be refered to as "Corruption". the effects of "Chaos" will have eliminated the original personality of the subject. Subjects at this stage are either terminated, or cyrogenically frozen for autopsy.
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