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Everything posted by FierceTheGriffon

  1. " hey insanity, have you ever been in canterlot before" Fierce asked
  2. Fierce followed Nova and Insanity. he wasn't used to big crowds.
  3. Fierce was walking down the crowded streets of Manehatten. he was usually in a good mood today, but unfortunately he was pissed. not at the world,but at his family. with his temper raising, he bardge throw the crowd of ponies. he bumped into Newsworthy. he looked back at the pegasus. his rainbow tipped feathers cover his right eye. " watch where youre going punk" he said mad
  4. Fierce looked around him. he has no idea where to go. he felt outcast. in nervousiness he twiddle his feathers on his head
  5. Fierce woke up from the train stopping. he suffered from the regualar cases of anxiety. he looked out the window. " why has the train stop?! Why has the trina Stop?! " he said with his voice growning loud " Oh man Oh man Oh man, something bad is about to happen i know it" he said. he was now suffering a panick attack.
  6. Fierce was laying on the grass relaxing, enjoying the day. he wore his favorite pair of shades, and listen to the quiteness of nature.
  7. Fierce looked at the mare. she was very shy. she reminded him of someone who was like that at one time. he sat beside the mare. he thought that he can get to know her. maybe become friends. he laid his head against the wall of the train and drifted into sleep as well.
  8. Fierce, a griffon who was walking around just minding his own business. he stop for a second. he blew his feathers out from his face. on each tip of his three large feathers were dyed in various colors to make a rainbow pattern. Fierce boarded the train he sat down near the entrance. he looked around. everyone else was in the train chart crowded close to him. except from a mare, insanity,in the corner. Fierce got up and went to the mare. " hey are you okay" he asked
  9. princebluemoon1 darn right. and thank you for your welcome thank you PH
  10. About Myself: Im a Big Fan of the Show. i was skeptic like everyone else. but my "special somepony" princebluemoon1 showed me an episode. i fell in love with it like PBM1 did. i hope to feel happy and welcomed here. How I found Canterlot.com: my " special somepony showed me the site. How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: my " special somepony showed me it. My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity Im a Big Fan of the Show. i was skeptic like everyone else. but my "special somepony" princebluemoon1 showed me an episode. i fell in love with it like PBM1 did. i hope to feel happy and welcomed here.
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