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Everything posted by Stonetribe

  1. Coolio, now all we need is the thread. I hope we can expect it to be up sometime later today.
  2. Hope all you Americans had a fun and fireworks filled happy 4th of July. God bless our country of firearms and automobiles. And for all you non-Americans, well, umm, go treat yourself to some ice-cream for me!
  3. That's bugmaster Stonetribe to you pal! Joking aside, I feel no remorse. Giant spider socialization is, tricky at best.
  4. That's the fun part. Ok the let's see.Name: Nien Gender: Female Species: Giant black widow spider Description: A rather sophisticated black widow spider with refined taste. Nien is kind and thoughtful to others and with much practice, she has developed patience for others not used to being around giant spiders. She will happily let mistakes about the topic in conversation slide, but will become furious at ponies who mock the fact openly. Lord help you if you incite Niens wrath.
  5. Have some itty bitty mantis hatchlings. Aren't they adorable?
  6. All species welcome ehh? Can I be a giant talking spider? Not godzilla giant or anything, only giant by spider standards, being the size of an average pony. And if so, is a picture manditory? It's very difficult to create a spider in the pony creator.
  7. Hello rainbowlight, welcome to canterlot. The ponys around here like to call me the "bugmaster" because of my love for all things arthopod. If you like to learn and need to kill some time, come on down to my bug thread. I'm always talking about all sorts of interesting insects and spiders.
  8. Hey there bud, welcome to canterlot. The people here like to call me the "bugmaster" because of my affinity for insects, spiders, and anything else that has six or more legs. If you like to learn and need to kill some time, come on down to my bug thread. I'm always doing little highlights on all sorts of interesting arthopods.
  9. Hey there buddy, welcome to canterlot. The folks around here like to call me the "bugmaster" because of my love for pretty much anything with six legs or more. If you like to learn and find yourself in need of killing some time, come on over to my bug thread. I'm always doing little spotlights on all sorts of interesting insects and spiders.
  10. Hey there Leona, welcome to canterlot. The ponies around here like to call me the "bugmaster" because of my affinity for insects, spiders, and anything else that has six legs or more. If you like to learn and find yourself in need of killing some time, come on over to my bug thread. I'm always talking about all sorts of interesting arthropods.
  11. Hey there bud, welcome to canterlot. The ponies around here like to call me the "bugmaster" because of my love for all things arthropod. If you like to learn and find yourself in need of killing some time, come on over to my bug thread. I'm always doing little spotlights on all sorts of interesting insects and spiders.
  12. I'm pitching the idea of having an option to choose which banner you wan't to have as a personal setting, check it out if your interested. http://www.canterlot...ay/#entry230515
  13. I'm not posting this because the band is named praying mantis, I swear! Anyways, I think this song does an excellent job of portraying a world where humans could not stop their destructive and violent ways. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kpq652SsTK8
  14. Your very welcome Rose. I'm glad you liked it. Actually, I forgot to mention something in the highlight regaurding on earwigs impact on agriculture. On on hand, Earwigs commonly prey on plant harming pests like aphids and what not, But they also tend to eat the plants themselves. Because of this, whether earwigs are harmful or benificial to crops is up for debate.
  15. If you don't mind me asking, why is it that the Canterlot U Year 2 roleplay is located in the 18+ section? There are already rules to keep roleplayers to refrain from posting anything graphic. Am I missing something here?
  16. Stonetribe


    Awww, isn't that cute?
  17. We certianly are getting an awful lot of wonderful banners to grace our eyes at the top of the forums. What if we had an option to choose which ones we could display? It could be in a manner like how we are already are able to choose which color the backround is by clicking the little paint brush. This way, we could enjoy old and new banners alike any time we want. What do you guys think?
  18. Stonetribe is very fluent in giant spider, also have some earwigs. Earwigs can be found on almost every continent bar artic regions and can be identified by a dark coloration and their trademark forceps pincers. Their not the biggest insects, only growing as big as an inch or two. Although they posses wings, they hardly make use of them. Earwigs are nocturnal feeders and during the day, they prefer to hide in dark, damp and cool crevices. Most Earwigs are scavangers, feeding on decaying organic matter, but some do exhibit predatory behaviors. Earwigs are also commonly epizoic, meaning that they live on other animals, most usualy a mammal, and feed on various body secretions like sweat or skin/scalp scalp flakes. If threatened, earwigs will produce a foul smelling liquid in conjuction to flashing thier rear pincers and attempt to pince if it is continued to be disturbed. As grusomely appearing as they are, earwigs pose no threat humans. They do not transmit any diseases and even the bigger species pincers can produce no more than a harmless clamp on you fingers. Even through all it's frieghtening features, female Earwigs are on of the few insects, bar eurosocial kinds like ants and termites, to display maternal care for there young. She will pay close attention to her eggs and keep them warm and well cleaned. She will also viciously defend them againts any potential predators. When the time comes for the eggs to hatch, she will assist any nymphs that have trouble getting out of their caseing. The nymphs will stay under the watchful eyes of their mother till their second molt. Untill then, the mother Earwig will feed her young regurgitated food. The Earwig got it's name from an urban myth stateing that Earwigs had the tendency to crawl inside peoples ear and burrow into their brain. However, this is untrue as there is not a single report of an earwig doing this. An Earwig may rarely crawl inside a humans ear, but will not go far and will soon exit the "cave" as it realizes ears make a poor place to hide during the day.
  19. Hey there bud, welcome to canterlot. The people here like to call me the "bugmaster" because of my love of insects and spiders. If you like to learn and find yourself bored, come on over to my bug thread. I'm always talking about all sorts of interesting arthropods.
  20. (OCC; Oh joy, I am a useful thread reviver) Squishy turned his head to the pony who called for him. 'Oh boy, pony social interaction!' he thought to himself. He walked over to the 2 ponys. "Hello, my name is Squishy. I am a praying mantis and..." Squisy tried to think of something else to say. "And I'm green!" he said cheerfully. 'Nailed it' He thought to himself.
  21. Squishy was very excited to begin his new life in the big pony city of manehatten. He has been yearning to be a part of equine sociaty for quite some time now. Being a giant praying mantis, a lot of ponys would consider him to be a monster, even though he was capable of speech. It's not like he was godzilla sized, only about twice the height of an average pony. He didn't seem to care though, or more accurately, was oblivous to it, as he was yet to learn what was "the norm" for ponys. He had only been living in manehatten for 3 days now, and didn't have a home nor a job. But this wasn't a problem since he had been living outside his entire life and knew of an abandoned dragon cave that had plenty of gold bits and jewels. As he was walking through the streets and passing by the usual stares of ponys and the occasional fainting mare when he spoted a building with multicolored flashing lights and faint music coming from it. "A dance club? I know that ponys love to dance, so what better way to learn about pony culture than to engage in one of its oldest past times!" As he made his way inside the establishment he only saw a few ponys inside who were conversing with each other. "Hmmm, there's not as many ponys here as I thought there would be. The banner outside did say grand opening, so I guess that's not too much of a surpise" He pondered this for a second. "Wait, this means I can become one of the regulars here!" He exclaimed just a tad too loudly.
  22. Oh hey, I know you. Your the person who draws the cute pictures of her pony OC. Glad to have ya here
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