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Posts posted by Stonetribe

  1. Squishy was too busy trying to fathom how to work the pony invention, the cup, to immediately respond to Thunder. After looking at it from a few angles he diped his head into it. He triangular head proved to be a snug fit however, so when he lifted his head back up to talk, the cup remained attached to his mouth, cider and all. He tried to talk to thunder but only produced a series of comical bubbles and gurgles.

  2. Congratulations! If you have had the fortune of recieving this letter, then you have been invited to an entire day of my favorite past time, golf with me, Silver Profit as your honored host. In addition to the sport, a wide variaty of food and refreshments will be provided. The festivites will take place in Manehatten at the Maxwell public park next Saterday. Enclosed is 150 bits incase you need assistence to get from wherever you are to here. I do hope you accept my offer and join me in the greatest game in Equestria history!

    Yours truly, Silver Profit

    Silver Profit has sent out five of these invitations to random recipients about a week ago and has been eagerly awaiting this day like a young colt for his birthday. "The Guests should be ariving soon master Profit" said one of Silver's many servents. "Very good, be sure to keep shooting my fireworks into the air untill then" Silver replied as he sat in his overly sized office desk chair. "Yes sir" said the servent as he walked away. As they spoke, a steady stream of fireworks shot into the air each spelling out "Golfers Here!" as they expoded.

  3. This sounds very appealing. Silver Putter, a traditionalist golfer with an impressive record of wins throughout the Equestria Circuit, would be very interested in this. Silver Putter the Third is a stunning silver unicorn who typically wears a gaudy tartan golfing outfit, and never leaves home without a set of clubs. He comes from a long lineage of talented golfers, and is usually seen with his ponyservant and caddy, Four Iron, who comes from an equally long lineage of caddies who all swear service to the Silver family. Does that sound okay with you?

    Sure, I just hope he's ready to throw out everything he knows about regular golf for a day :shifty:
  4. Rich ponies golf is like regular golf, exept your playing with a rich pony who can and will afford for all the property damage you want, and that there are no rules.

    Silver Profit, an incredibly rich and moderately crazy individual has sent a number of invitations to random recipetants to join him in his favorite pastime of golf. They probably aren't familier with the his type of golf however, and won't be expecting that playing with him almost always ensures that explosions, high speed chases, and all out insanity is a shoo in.

    Who are the lucky recipitants of his invitations?

    That's me asking who wants to join the rp incase you didn't know

  5. Hmmm, four blocks to the north is a bit of a walk, and If all the holes are going to be relatively the same distance apart then I may get tired of walking. Any golf carts? Can I use that dog sled team over there? Dog sleds are always more fun. And the fairway is a great substitute for snow.

    Also, I do not wish to golf alone. Anyone want to come with me? I'll let you keep the scoring pad :3 I always seem to loose count anyway. xD

    Ha ha, shortly after posting this thread, the idea of a role play in free for all occurred involving a extremely wealthy and crazy pony host sending invites to random ponies to play rich ponies' golf with him in manehatten. I'll do an interest check in ooc tomorrow. Check back if your interested.
  6. Is there any way to remove a cluster of doodle bugs/roly polies, roaches, and centipedes from an office without killing them all?

    While I appreciate the will to not harm them if possible, I can't fathom any practical method of removal in that they end up alive and well. Out of those three however, the cockroach is the only thing that can cause any harm, and almost all of that can be prevented by properly sealing food and using waste cans with lids. Pillbugs are harmless, and centipedes will eat other creatures that actually are harmful to you.
  7. Seems good to me - I can't think of anything that might be overly gamebreaking in this application, so I'mma stamp it and give it the green light!



    Hey, thanks a bundle! Overpowered isn't the first thing that comes to mind when someone says "amputee" does it?
  8. Hi Stonetribe!

    Read your app and I'll admit, it's very inspiring!

    Well written, well thought out, I really like this!

    Equestria is a world of love and equality, Dusty seems to embody this quite well.

    The only issue I had was with the name, but after some research, there is no pony out there with the singular name of "Dusty". Many with Dusty as their first name, but nopony on record with the simple one word name "Dusty"

    It would be nice if you had a pic of Dusty to highlight this app, but that's not really necessary.

    Great job! I am recommending this app to Senior staff to move it along in the approval process!


    Thank you very much! Unfortunatly, there is no amputee option in the pony creator, but I know a guy who just might be able to make a decent sketch that can get the point across. Thanks again for the feedback!
  9. (OOC: I would be really disapointed if this thread were to die. I've been lookiing forward to roleplaying as a mantis for some time now.)

    As he heard the doors open, Squishy turned his head 180 degrees to see that two more ponies have entered. 'Oh! This is an easy one' He thought. He turned himself around raised a single forearm, and slowly swayed it side to side. 'Just like a regular pony' He thought.

  10. Roleplay Type: Worlds of Equestria.

    Name: Dusty.

    Sex: Male.

    Age: Young Stallion.

    Species: Pegasus.

    Eye Color: Black.

    Coat Color: Brown.

    Mane/Tail/ Markings Color & Style:Shaggy mane and straight tail of a darker shade of brown.

    Physique: Visable strength in his wings and back.

    Cutie Mark: A single wing

    Origin/Residence: Manehattan.

    Occupation: Cashier at Sugar, Sweets, and Treats, candy and confection store.

    Motivation: Keeping life around him slow and relaxed.

    Likes: Relaxing, sleeping, joking around

    Dislikes: Comotion, upward slopes, green foods (not the taste, just the color)

    Character Summary:Dusty has been a laid back and easy going pegasus ever since he was a young colt. Dusty is a bit slow most of the time, but he is very friendly and casual to other ponies making him very likable. It's because of this is why he is especially good with children. Dusty's life is a humble one, living in his messy one pony apartment with his pet centipede Sasha whom he occasionally keeps in his shaggy hair.

    The first thing ponies notice about Dusty isn't his friendly personality however. The initial thought that goes through their head is 'Woah, that pony has no legs!' That's right, Dusty is an amputee. He's been that way for as long as he can remember because, well, he was born that way. Even with such a simple back story to his predicament, he almost always refuses to disclose how or why he has no legs when asked by somepony. Insteed of legs, Dusty has a four wheel harness not unlike a skateboard attached to his underside. To move around, in addition to flying, he uses both wings to push himself across the ground. His wings have grown to be very strong and muscular as a result of doing this his entire life. Dusty himself doesn't at all mind his significant and abnormal handicap and has actually grown acustomed to it over time claiming that it gives him, "An original individuality that cannont be stolen"

    Dusty's cutie mark story however, isn't as simple as his state of mind. It happened during his first big festival. Him and his friends had all been saving up their allowences for the upcoming games and rides. Although Dusty's parrents and friends were a little skeptical about him being able to properly enjoy the festivities due to his condition, he insisted that he go, positive that he would have a blast. As Dusty and his friends browsed the different booths, they decided to try out the clasic ball and bottle game. After a couple of his friends tried with no success, Dusty decided to step up to the challenge. The pony behind the booth couldn't possible fathom as to how he could throw the ball without any hooves and certainly wasn't going to take money from him. Instead he offered Dusty a few free games by mentioning his totally not made up on the spot "if two of your five friends try the game and miss and if you happen to be brown, you get 2 free games" special deal. Deciding that he couldn't pass up such a convenient opportunity, Dusty started thinking how he would go about doing this. As he was scratching his head with his wing, he stoped as he had an idea. He looked at his wing, then at the ball, then back to his wing. He he tried picking up the ball by curling the tip of his wing around it, and was able to firmly hold it in place. He looked back up to the stacked bottles, took aim, and throw the ball dead center, knocking down every single bottle. Everyone was ammazed, from his friends, the booth pony, to Dusty himself. Dusty and his friends were ecstatic and raced off to see what other games he could try that would normally need hooves, completly forgeting the hat he won. They played everything. He hit all the targets with the water gun shooting gallery. He could hit the the bell with the strength tester by weilding the hammer with his wings. He could even suceed in the delicate goldfish scooping game. It wasn't untill they were in the fun house in the wacky mirror section that Dusty noticed the warped cutie mark in his reflection. As his friends gathered around to admire it, he realized that his special tallent must be being able to utilize his wings in ways nopony has ever done before.

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