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Status Updates posted by Blueblood

  1. Out of town for the weekend, replies will wait until Sunday!

  2. Sorry if folks have been waiting on me for stuff, My laptop is still in the shop and won't be back until Friday or Monday. 

  3. What better way to celebrate Hearts and Hooves day than a Royal Wedding?  Mini event linked below!  https://www.canterlot.com/topic/24849-hearts-and-hooves-day-a-royal-wedding-open-mini-event/


  4. Traveling home for Thanksgiving, likely to be back Saturday!

  5. Guess who a possible Covid exposure sent home early and back into isolation?  *sigh*


  6. Come Celebrate the Summer, and enroll new students in the School of Friendship!


  7. Changed up my forum signature to something that actually reflects who I am on this site!

  8. Looks like I'm not gonna be able to get any posts out before I get home. Sorry, guys

  9. Leaving for the week to VA.  Might get a reply out to the Gift Exchange thread, but will mostly be with family.

  10. Heads up to all, I will be out of town from Wednesday to Sunday.  Not much in the way of posting is gonna be happening.


  11. Will be away for the weekend at my cousin's wedding.  See all you beautiful people on Monday!

  12. No posts from me today; I'm a bit mentally exhausted right now.

  13.  With holiday retail work + precious time carved out for the family, I'll be out mostly until the 27th

  14. Is anyone waiting for me in any threads?

  15. Gonna be offline tomorrow. See you all on Sunday!

  16. New?  Nervous about RP'ing?  Not confident in your writing skills?  Don't worry, we're here to help!  http://www.canterlot.com/forums/topic/22658-canterlot-rp-mentoring/


  17. Semester is over and I'm back, baby!

  18.  Tomorrow Spring is here, but tonight, we celebrate!

  19. Posting Skype logs, in case any were curious about the blitz of new topics.

  20. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! See you on Friday.

  21. Posts have been caught up with!

  22. *Homework load increases* So... may not be able to visit my sister tomorrow after all.

  23. Going down to visit my sister tomorrow. I won't be posting while there; just relaxing (hopefully)

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