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Everything posted by Snowy

  1. Snowy


    Thank you!
  2. Snowy visibly relaxed a bit when Thunder stood in front of her, creating a distance between her and the giant praying mantis. She curiously peeked over Thunder to see if it was doing anything.
  3. Snowy


    From the album: Random

    "Ooooooooo~" I think this came out nicely. ^-^ Not that great, but meh. I know..I failed at the wings Edit: Fixed it
  4. As soon as the count down began, she got in her starting position. Her wings began to flap when the light hit green, and as soon as it turned green, she took off as fast as her hooves and wings would allow.
  5. Okay, I'll take that part out
  6. Woot! Classes are done! Time to get drawing!

  7. And I think it's pretty clear who truly won that broadcast
  8. Snpwy smiled a bit when Thunder mentioned her brother, she nodded. "Yeah..he really is.." She responded in a soft, quiet voice. She then turned her head too look behind her when she noticed his expression, her eyes widened in terror when she saw the giant praying mantis enter through the door.
  9. Buenos días, Ohayō Gozaimasu, Guten Morgen, Bonjour, Buongiorno, and Gooood morning!
  10. Snowy took a deep breath when she heard that the race was starting soon. She was pretty fast on her hooves, although she was even faster with her wings. She closed her eyes as she mentally prepares herself for the event ahead. She was very nervous and was pretty sure that she wouldn't even come close to winning, but she would try her best, and make her brothers proud.
  11. Benenena! Nenena!

  12. I don't really hate her per se..I just don't like her antics..
  13. Yeah..I'm not a fan on the pairing..not a huge fan of Rarity either...
  14. Is that a new mean to spell diabetes as 'diabetus'..? I never got that ...And the new theme and updates are soooo sweet! Though I don't like the fact that it sounds like Facebook...
  15. Yes...many cupcakes will be made indeed...cupcakes of the..-...I mean, for the Politicians!
  16. ..And I just can't speak in front of crowds...
  17. Good idea. We need a good speaker..
  18. Technically I do have two right hooves...there's plenty of room for every pony
  19. Hmm..that may be up for debate. Cloud may want that position, but I can have a right and a left hoof pony.
  20. We shall manipulate the masses with our innate cuteness, and take over the government. And then...the world! Muhehehehehehe!
  21. Cult? I prefer...secretive organization of secret things that society would not approve of.
  22. None could know because the secret pudding reserve has the secret flavor of pudding!
  23. Well, that would be true if Thyme obviously wasn't an animatronic bear escaped from the amusement park that was programmed by robot space invaders that want to steal our secret reserve if pudding.
  24. Nope. All other arguments are invalid. I shall claim my victory! *does happy dance* whoops, double post
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