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Everything posted by WhiteSlash

  1. Now that Rabble Rouser is ready for rp I have no idea what to do O_o

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WhiteSlash


      Thats the makings of a very nice person! :D

    3. shyshy


      aww thank ya kindly sir!

    4. WhiteSlash
  2. Welcome to canterlot good to see more faces from the UK!
  3. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP Name: Vivre Vrai. Her friends often refer to her as Vee Vee. Sex: Female. Age: Young mare. Species: Pegasus. Coat Color: Her coat is a very light yet vibrant blue, teal infact. Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Her mane is completely naturally blonde. Styling up into a pony tail with a black maneband. Fringe swept over her right eye. Three white freckles on her cheek. Eye Color: Lavender. Cutie Mark: A microphone with the cable traveling behind it in a spiral motion. A not so intresting story for hers. She simply got it whilst singing to the night. One of the few nights her grand parents didnt stop her. Physique: Slim build and average height. Origin: Born in Cloudsdale she led an abnormal life as one of the few pegasus whom struggled to fly. When she was ready and able to leave home she moved to Manehattan. She moved in with her grand parents. Too old to fly they to had took to life on the ground. Though they were very old fashioned. It didnt matter to them that they could no longer fly, but having a family member who could never fly was just something they couldnt accept. Occupation: Currently jobless she hoped to pursue a musical career. Her grand parents could not stomach her inability to fly, they pushed her through a strict training regime. She is the former lead singer for Filly Force Five. Motivation: As a young filly in Cloudsdale she strived to finally be able to fly. Though as she matured this dream sunk in to her mind and was replaced by her love for music and naturally talented voice. Likes: Romance novels and literature. Classical music alongside more modern genres. Secretly likes Rabble (ALOT) Sports that dont involve her wings. Openminded ponies with intresting views. Being swept off her hooves. Crowds. The holiday season. Dislikes: Narrowminded ponies. Songs without meanings. Her grand parents. Being pushed to fly when she doesnt want to. Magic. Conflict when its not needed. Dress Sense: A fine example of smart/casual. Whilst she has grown accustomed to the her regular prim and proper attire, she now tends to mix it with a casual touch. Such as dress shirts with band brand buttons and pins attached. Personality: Veevee has a personality very fitting to her names meaning. Live true. She is extremely honest about almost anything. The main exception being her feelings towards Rabble, she is very embarrassed about the whole ordeal. Veevee cares an incredible amount about her friends, whilst her family show her little care she decides to show everypony alot of care. Whilst having an odd sense of humour she makes up for it by being on of those ponies you just couldnt hate. Always equipped with a smile she is ready and raring to take the world on! Character Summary: Whilst living with her grand parents in Manehattan she was forced through and a tough training regime. Though her flying skills never really improved. They couldn't accept and thus they tried to force her to learn, though she didnt want to learn. Her dream was to sing. Sing to her city, sing to the world, sing to Equestria. Her grand parents were furious, she was basically placed on lockdown she was unable to leave the house unless it was for training. As the sessions of training grew further and further apart so did her relationship with the outside world. With music as her only outlet she spent her time quietly singing to herself in her room awaiting her chance to leave. If her grand parents heard her, she was in trouble. Though one fateful day she met Rabble Rouser, the pony who would change her life. A favour she would return another day. Rabble had a crush on Vee Vee and she saw fit to liberate her from her cell. Together they ran off with the other members of the Filly Force Five. Vivre Vrai had her wish, she was out of her house and singing. Even more she was with her best friends, something she never had before. Whilst the band sadly disbanded her and Rabble stayed together the longest. Sadly their lifestyles required them to take different paths. Since then she spends her time reminiscing about her glory days. She has her eyes on moving to Appleoosa for a simpler life. After she has had the time she needs and the life experiences she hopes for, she then plans to seek out her old band mates and reunite them once and for all. Below is an excerpt from my Filly Force Five fanfic. It shows Rabble and VeeVees meeting. To set the seen, it is roughly after all the other four band members failed their auditions in Manehattan. Plan B who is skilled in making potions had made something with much the same side effects as alchohol. Due to this they end up having a massive night out in the streets of Manehattan which leads to a chase from the Police. Rabble gets seperated from the others and ends up hiding under her balcony. As Rabble overhears her singing Rabble feels a hearty connection to her. She sings a song she hopes Vee Vee recognized and from that they develop a deep bond . Young mare Vee Vee:
  4. Woohoo last year of school and im crashing music :D Lets hope I can sing!

  5. Cutie mark has been added and details have been polished
  6. Cleaned up my App and hopefully it has reached Its full potential Thanks to those who offered assistance
  7. Upon seeing the latest Halo 4 trailers, I may have just been disintegrated by sheer awesome!

  8. I know lots of people with brain thingies Why not know more! So i shall say yes
  9. Hmmm, I would still agree with the professional
  10. Welcome to Canterlot Your in for an awesome time here!
  11. Welcome to Canterlot! Hope you have fun here!
  12. Im no medical professional, so I would agree with the doctor
  13. Welcome to Canterlot your gonna have tons of fun here! XD
  14. Then the answer would probally be no...he wont learn
  15. I like nintendo and the games on it and I own a Wii, N64, Gamecube etc But I recently fell away from the fandom
  16. Yes. As for nintendo, I dont know. Whilst I like nintendo Im sure all that will happen is a handheld device, some Wii stuff and a new mario and sonic
  17. No im watching E3 coverage umm probally most of the time! I think so O_o maybe you should ask winter! and i would define that as something Lyra wants
  18. It was originally going to be my OC Rabbe Rouser's name
  19. Maybe in a creepy way...maybe in a nice way? Perhaps
  20. not unless you were to quote each answer So no, no notifications
  21. Id rather not get notifications at all! Yes its not constant. I just prefer to use my content to notice this has been updated
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